Surefire L5 current production?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 21, 2007
Texas, Out yonder Way.
With the Release date for the Optimus and Invictus being pushed back, I Have been looking at L5 Digital Lumamax. I guess I'm really confused as to the current production configuration. I see on Surefire's site the Bezel looks like it's from the original issue but I have seen a picture on this forum of a light with narrower head different machining of the flats on the bezel and this light supposedly emits 120 Lumen. I also, see Vendors on eBay saying they have current production but when I look at their picture it shows original issue head. Are their any good reads that can allow me to see how the L5 has evolved so I can know what questions to ask vendors on how to distinguish between original issue, 2007 update I believe, and the latest production.
This light looks like it could even have a future as a host when the time is right.
Afaik the updated L5 is not different from the old L5 with the exception that it has KL5A written on the head while the old head has KL5 written on it. That´s the way to determine the updated L5 from the old.

As mentioned,
SureFire re-introduced the L5 with a new bezel - the KL5A (updating it from the KL5).
Many KL5 bezels featured a blended style where the bezel meets the body.
The KL5A bezel features a truncated sharp right-angled style.

The model number is clearly laser etched onto the bezel so it should be easy to determine which model it is (KL5) or (KL5A).

To find out more information on the current version of the L5, I suggest you seek out threads about the KL5A.
One significant difference between the KL5 and the newer KL5A is runtime. Surefire advertises the current KL5A/L5 with 100 lumens and 5hrs runtime. The previous KL5/L5 was also 100 lumen but significantly less runtime (I don't remember for sure, but approx. 2 or 2.5hr ??).

If you look at the L5 in the SF 2007 catalog (L5 does not appear in 2008 catalog), it is advertised with a "new" LED with specs of 120 lumen/4.5 hr. That proposed "new" L5 was never made. Instead, they eventually updated to the KL5A (still 100 lumen, but longer 5hr runtime).
Thanks, all for the info. I decided the safest thing to do was just order from Battery Junction, Jeff was good enough to look at the inventory to let me know if they had 1 in stock and they do. guess I'll see My New Surefire L5 LumaMax® Tactical Flashlight L5-HA-WH SSC Cree Version! L5A in about a week or so. I know this light is pretty much low tech compared to the newer lights out right now. But, it's just something about surefire build and engineering/attention to detail. They seem to have a good ideas. I would have been fine with the older series I like the Machining lines on the bezel better than the new, But I just couldn't pass up the extended run time making this light very usable.
One significant difference between the KL5 and the newer KL5A is runtime. Surefire advertises the current KL5A/L5 with 100 lumens and 5hrs runtime. The previous KL5/L5 was also 100 lumen but significantly less runtime (I don't remember for sure, but approx. 2 or 2.5hr ??).

If you look at the L5 in the SF 2007 catalog (L5 does not appear in 2008 catalog), it is advertised with a "new" LED with specs of 120 lumen/4.5 hr. That proposed "new" L5 was never made. Instead, they eventually updated to the KL5A (still 100 lumen, but longer 5hr runtime).

From what I've seen, the beamshots of the KL5A with SSC (or whatever they're using) do also look brighter than the old Luxeon V version.
Texbaz, let us know what you think of your L5 when you get it. I have been pondering the same light.

Thanks, all for the info. I decided the safest thing to do was just order from Battery Junction, Jeff was good enough to look at the inventory to let me know if they had 1 in stock and they do. guess I'll see My New Surefire L5 LumaMax® Tactical Flashlight L5-HA-WH SSC Cree Version! L5A in about a week or so. I know this light is pretty much low tech compared to the newer lights out right now. But, it's just something about surefire build and engineering/attention to detail. They seem to have a good ideas. I would have been fine with the older series I like the Machining lines on the bezel better than the new, But I just couldn't pass up the extended run time making this light very usable.
The KL5A is pretty similar to the U2A ... the beam is roughly as bright as the LuxV beam was, maybe a tinly little bit brighter, but the beamshape is somewhat different.

The spot is hotter and the corona a little dimmer while the diameter of the beam stays the same. The new versions thus throw a little further but have a little less are coverage.

I prefer the beam of the LuxV versions, but can't negate the runtime gains. So I use the new ones.

Thanks, all for the info. I decided the safest thing to do was just order from Battery Junction, Jeff was good enough to look at the inventory to let me know if they had 1 in stock and they do. guess I'll see My New Surefire L5 LumaMax® Tactical Flashlight L5-HA-WH SSC Cree Version! L5A in about a week or so. I know this light is pretty much low tech compared to the newer lights out right now. But, it's just something about surefire build and engineering/attention to detail. They seem to have a good ideas. I would have been fine with the older series I like the Machining lines on the bezel better than the new, But I just couldn't pass up the extended run time making this light very usable.

Cree? Doubt it. It will be a Seoul U bin P4. The one I have looks to be an SXO tint. Very good light. You'll like it. I loaned mine to a friend. He likes it too. I haven't been able to get it back yet. :thinking:
No experience with the previous generation(s?) to compare but I really like the KL5A. Kind of big for two cells but plenty bright and a nice beam pattern. Very solid construction of course. There are probably brighter for the money but I.M.O. you should be happy with it T.B. Good choice.
I know this light is pretty much low tech compared to the newer lights out right now.
I wouldn´t consider it low tech at all. There are different applications for different lights. Surefire prefers the L5 to have long runtime rather than being much brighter and being easy to operate rather than having several output levels or modes. As leon2245 already said, it is also a very well and solid constructed light. I really like mine (LuxV) and consider it one of the best looking Surefires :grin2:

While at the local sporting goods store I just happened to pass the surefire display :naughty:. The L5 caught my eye and it was the KL5A version so I checked it out and could not put it down. Nice addition to my collection.

It definitively has the SSC LED and seems much brighter than 100 lumens compared to some other lights.

I wonder if SF will upgrade the remaining lights that have the Lux V LED like the L2 and L7.
From what all have said, I can't wait to get it and use it. "Low Tech" was probably not a good phrase to use. Actually I am really impressed with surefire's manufacturing processes. They obviously have a real QC dept or their products wouldn't be so consistent. I did notice that the description just says HA and not HAIII. Also, most people when I have asked what color the outside of the light was, they would say Grey, black. Even Jeff at BatteryJunction was kind of hesitant as to what color it was. He eventually just referred to it as standard MILSPEC color. Anyway, this should hold me over until the Invictus and Optimus are released.
I did notice that the description just says HA and not HAIII
There's no need for "HAIII" - HA is type III
So "HAIII" can also be expressed as IIIIII, or HAHA

HA in SureFire terminology is 'natural' HA [rather than Black HA]
And natural HA colour/shade/hue/tone varies for dark slate grey to brown to almost green hues. It's just 'natural' and no attempt has been made to colour it [consistently]

Both of mine are an olive green color. My EDC is an L5 (Seoul P4 and SOB 1000) that I bored for 18650 batteries and added an extension to that I got from Lighthound. I don't know how long the runtime is on two 18650's, but I've never run it down to empty yet.
HA in SureFire terminology is 'natural' HA [rather than Black HA]

The label on my new L5 reads "Gray HA" as seen below:


Here's the side view with KL5A laser etched in bezel:


Here's down the front, focus on the emitter:


Same picture cropped to highlight LED:

The label on my new L5 reads "Gray HA"
Nice photos btw.

Yep - the description reads 'Gray' for natural HA because that is the generic colour for type III Hard Anodisation by the process SureFire uses. The exact shade/hue/tone of gray tends to vary though. The process is a performance feature defined by the physical thickness of the anodisation growth etc. It is not a cosmetic feature defined by Pantone value. Components may well not be 'colour-matched'

Some models are black and Hard Anodised, yet still use "-BK" in the model code.
However, "-HA" will always indicate natural HA rather than a colour-dyed HA such as Black.
Very Informative about the color and HA process. Surefire's Web page indicates
"Rugged aerospace-grade aluminum body, Mil-Spec Type III hard anodized in olive drab "
Now that the HA process has been explained I understand why some other vendors were using Gray, and black, to describe the L5 color. I was getting confused. But this clears it up. I was very sceptical :poke:of sellers describing a Gray or Black L5's and even thought that maybe Surefire had released a new model, Which is why I created this thread Thanks great job.:twothumbs
CallMeDave, great pictures.:thumbsup:
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Received My L5 from BatteryJunction. This is my second SF light to own, the E2e I have is about 5-6 years old and I pretty much have not looked at Surefires do to the cost but,This light is very well made. All tolerances are incredible, all fits are perfect, and the beam is very nice. The beam is very white, and has a very blended spot, with tons of flood. I know most don't care one way or the other But this machined light has so much more character versus a MIM light. I seem to understand why SF has to charge more. It just cost more to make.