Surefire Titan T1A Pics & Info

Is it safe to say that the T1A is capable of running on rechargable RCR123a?

In my experience, no, it doesn't even light with a fully charged AW rechargeable. However, you might be able to use another chemistry with a lower voltage or partially discharged RCR's as other people have pointed out on the earlier T1A thread.

Anyone else care to 'smoke test' their T1A with a rechargeable?
Sean, thanks again - very good added info and photos. The beam shape is superb IMO. I think I can live with the rather blue-ish tint.

I think this thread belongs in the Reviews section, so if you don't mind I will move it there.
Also it looks totally smooth with no knurling at all, not such a good idea for such a small light.

The thin grooves on the TITAN are cleverly designed and offer all the grip you want. This was my concern, too, but grip was never a problem with my original TITAN, and I dare to guess it won't be with the new one either, once I get my hands on one. :)
Another 'thank you' for the great pics and review. We have all been waiting for a review like this and you have finally provided us all with a great idea of what this light looks like and how it performs.
Looking at those beamshots some more, if you wanted to carry two small 1X123A SureFire lights and wanted the best of both worlds for indoor and outdoor use, you would be pretty well covered with the flood and UI of the T1A and the spot beam and UI of the E1B.
:thanks: for the review :goodjob:

The beam sure makes the room looked bluish. But I'm sure in the hands of a modder, this might become an ideal EDC. :huh:
At the 01:35 mark the light begins to pulse, I would guess to notify you the battery can no longer maintain full power. If you dial back the brightness the light stops flickering and works normally. While I guess this could be annoying to some, I actually like the idea that it lets you know the light can't achieve full power. Hopefully this "feature" is on purpose.
This is a "feature" of the original Titan that I really like. It's indeed a good indicator of a low battery level, but you only have to dial it back slightly to get a constant beam, and you can continue the process as the battery drains further. Subsequently, the Titan has been great for depleting CR2s that will no longer power other lights.
Yes, nice work on getting pics up.

Love the look of the case. Not so crazy about the angry blue, but the smooth spill is very nice.
Nice review! Why does the color look different on the piece that divides the body and head?

A lot of times different pieces of a flashlight will have slight anodizing variations, especially with HA Type III. As you can see from the pics, it is more apparent from some angles and not so noticeable from other angles. Some companies are better than others at matching, and SureFire is actually one of the best. It's not a perfect science though.
Sean, great review man! You're pictures and beam comparisons are first class. :clap:

I think my favorite thing about the light is the smooth it is. I think my least favorite thing about the light is the blue it is. I'm really jaw dropped that this light came from SF. It's possibly one of the blu-est non-5mm LED's that I've seen in years. Besides that one fairly big concern I like everything else about it.

Thanks for taking the time to put together such a nice review. :)
Yeah, thanks Sean. :scowl: I had pretty much talked myself out of this light, but now it's back on my lights to get list. :devil:

Seriously, thanks. :wave:
Thanks for the writeup.

Blue beam
Mismatched anodization

I'll definitely pass on this one.
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Very Nice looking light. Thanks for the review. It does have a very diffused beam. Perfect for an emergency pocket light in my opinion. I may re-think this one.


Thanks for the writeup.

Blue beam
Mismatched anodization

I'll definitely pass on this one.

Mostly white beam - very nice flood - great task light - superior UI
Consistent finish in natural lighting
CPF discount or free batteries

Just placed my order.
Are we in the same thread?
Whats not to like....

I have ordered one.

Should be shipping tomorrow or tuesday from OpticsHQ :D