Surefire Trip


Jul 28, 2007
I'm headed to Long Beach for the National FOP conference. I have arranged a tour of Surefire. Anyone have any questions I can try to have answered?
See if theyre producing any damn UB3's yet :ohgeez: But in all seriousness your a lucky guy! I hope to tour the Surefire facility one day.
Please ask about the Arc HID lights...are they really going to build them anytime soon? Most importantly, ballpark prices!?!

lol I won't count on any "firm dates" but I will try to get the year of release nailed down. I'll see what I can find out, I'm meeting with several executives early next week. I will whine just a little about the vaporware in the catalogs. From what I know, the idea's get into the catalog faster than the technology can be developed to Surefire's standards. The R&D guys build a pretty flamethrower and the nuts and bolts guy try to make it bulletproof, doesn't always work out well. Hopefully I can take and post some pic's I'll keep you guys posted.
can you ask hows PK doing and whether he would be happy to know that a certain fan of him is imitating his haircut from the catalogs :kiss:
I had a chance to visit Beretta and FN factories once. They're in the same building and that was pretty cool. It is nice to see guns built by Americans with QC not likely found in many other brands built else where. Unfortunately, Lorcin, Jennings, and Cobra don't share the same built in U.S.A tough mentality. Neither have Ford, GM, and Chrysler.
..something small and covert if they give you any of that "no pictures" malarkey. :devil:
See if theyre producing any damn UB3's yet :ohgeez: But in all seriousness your a lucky guy! I hope to tour the Surefire facility one day.


They release stuff that isn't in the catalog but not the stuff that is in the catalog. :drunk: