The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Fox TV series

flashy bazook

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
I liked the 3rd episode the most, actually. Of course, I am very biased because I like and play chess and follow developments also in computer chess. So the references to the Kramnik-Fritz match (and the actual poster from that) and the Kasparov-Deep Blue match were grist to my mill!

Although I wouldn't necessarily agree with all the judgments about these matches (that Fritz would obliterate Deep Blue the "same way" Kramnik "obliterated" Kasparov--these are very controversial statements, although they have been voiced at least partially among the chess community).

I also liked the references to the German physicists and the moral dilemma of possibly murdering Heisenberg. In fact there was an interesting play (theater play) on this theme staged not long ago (I watched it). It also referred to some history suggesting that Heisenberg meddled with the formulas to make sure the German N-bomb effort would fail. So in the end morality won, and no assassination was required. (and in our very own timeline!). And the scientists do think through what they are getting into (e.g., Oppenheimer as well).

The episode also allowed the SC portraying actress to showcase more of her acting ability as she pondered over the moral dilemmas while cutting herself in the bathtub, a kind of foreshadowing of the Terminator growing flesh inside its own, much bloodier (20 units of blood, to be exact) bathtub.

On the minus side, I think they need to do something about John Connor, who is becoming a kind of screeching annoying git, always wanting to do the wrong thing and get himself into trouble. That was in fact one big problem with several Dr. Who episodes, where often the companion's main job seemed to be to get in various kinds of trouble from which the Doctor would then need to save her (usually the companion was female, of course).

The only difference is that now the females (mom and, if we can describe a machine as female, the helpful terminator) are now saving the male from trouble.

Another slightly annoying theme being developed was the various police investigations. Very time wasting, and personally I very much hope we don't go in the direction of yet another police drama (or getting a lot of elements from that type of show). There is little logic anyway, as in the Terminator universe whole police presincts can be annihilated by a single Terminator in the blink of an electronic eye, so what's the point of building these characters up when the only reason they are kept alive is to eat several hours over a shortened episode season (remember, only 9 of them this season).

Still, watched episode 3 twice already, and haven't yet deleted it!


Nov 5, 2005
I loved the 3rd episode. I think there are true Sci-Fi fans like me who have a wide tolerance for time shifting, alternate realities, alternate dimensions, etc. When I read people's issues with this and other Sci-Fi shows I love, I'm like....what show are they talking about--this is great! LOL!

flashy bazook

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
I liked the 3rd episode the most, actually. Of course, I am very biased because I like and play chess and follow developments also in computer chess. So the references to the Kramnik-Fritz match (and the actual poster from that) and the Kasparov-Deep Blue match were grist to my mill!​

Although I wouldn't necessarily agree with all the judgments about these matches (that Fritz would obliterate Deep Blue the "same way" Kramnik "obliterated" Kasparov--these are very controversial statements, although they have been voiced at least partially among the chess community).​

I also liked the references to the German physicists and the moral dilemma of possibly murdering Heisenberg. In fact there was an interesting play (theater play) on this theme staged not long ago (I watched it). It also referred to some history suggesting that Heisenberg meddled with the formulas to make sure the German N-bomb effort would fail. So in the end morality won, and no assassination was required. (and in our very own timeline!). And the scientists do think through what they are getting into (e.g., Oppenheimer as well).​

The episode also allowed the SC portraying actress to showcase more of her acting ability as she pondered over the moral dilemmas while cutting herself in the bathtub, a kind of foreshadowing of the Terminator growing flesh inside its own, much bloodier (20 units of blood, to be exact) bathtub.​

On the minus side, I think they need to do something about John Connor, who is becoming a kind of screeching annoying git, always wanting to do the wrong thing and get himself into trouble. That was in fact one big problem with several Dr. Who episodes, where often the companion's main job seemed to be to get in various kinds of trouble from which the Doctor would then need to save her (usually the companion was female, of course).​

The only difference is that now the females (mom and, if we can describe a machine as female, the helpful terminator) are now saving the male from trouble.​

Another slightly annoying theme being developed was the various police investigations. Very time wasting, and personally I very much hope we don't go in the direction of yet another police drama (or getting a lot of elements from that type of show). There is little logic anyway, as in the Terminator universe whole police presincts can be annihilated by a single Terminator in the blink of an electronic eye, so what's the point of building these characters up when the only reason they are kept alive is to eat several hours over a shortened episode season (remember, only 9 of them this season).​

Still, watched episode 3 twice already, and haven't yet deleted it!​

Note - posted this last night and my ID was listed as having made the post but the post itself didn't show up. Lucky I got the text backup! Let's try to post it again.

OK, now that I've just posted this it shows as a double post. Sometimes you can't win. Apologies for the double post.​


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
flashy bazook,

Which post of yours was from the future????:poke:

Thats the furthest apart timestamped double-post I ever seen!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Thanks for the posts, guys!

Lux, I know just what you mean. It's really a matter of priorities and preferences. Neither group (or person) is right or wrong, it's just that one group is wanting one type of show, and the other group is wanting another. In this case, both groups mights still claim they were sci-fi enthusiasts, but as I said earlier, there really are two recognizable sci-fi camps. One group places emphasis on versimilitude and plausible future reality. And there's something to be said for paying attention to these elements and crafting them, no matter which group you're in. But the other group has a lot more tolerance for things which don't fly with the first group--not because we don't see what they are talking about, but because our priorities are different.

John Connor. Yes. Indeed. Earlier (first 2 episodes) I was worried about him turing into a continual whiny snot. But, I actually think that in this episode he somewhat came into his own. At least a bit. I liked his objection about isn't he supposed to be a hero? And if he was just going to hide in a hole and let people die that they might as well just give the world to the machines right now. I liked that. Not whiny. Good point.

Plus, I don't think he got himself into trouble this episode, right? :thinking:


Apr 28, 2004
Desert Hlls,AZ
I saw the SCC link while sniffing around the 24 Site and didn't think a thing of it. Thanks for bringing my atttention to this show. I just finished watching all 3 episodes online. I think Fox has a winner here. It's good enough that it could stand alone if you had never seen a Terminator move. Let's hope they can keep it up.


Nov 5, 2005
If the writers don't all come back with some of the best material we have ever seen after their prolonged siesta, they should all be fired.


Sep 4, 2004
There should be more viewers now that the show was advertised adequately during the superbowl... hopefully this means better episodes


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Cool link, Lux! Thanks!

As for last nights episode, it was another winner in my opinion! I have been consistently impressed with the monologues. Last nights wasn't my favorite, but it was solid. Good stuff. Very much enjoyed the episode.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2006
Desert Southwest
Quite happy with last nights episode. I was worried that episode 3 might "fall on it's face" but I think it was very good.


Nov 5, 2005
There's so little TV left that interests me....I'm savoring SCC & Stargate Atlantis episodes on TiVo until that perfect moment to watch latest episodes. It's like I have to ration it.

Luckily, I pulled out my copies of Northern Exposure DVD's to hold me over.


Apr 6, 2007
Just watched the fifth episode, I liked the part where Cameron pulls out the chip from Chromartie's endoskull as seen in the extended edition of Terminator 2 :thumbsup:


Feb 21, 2003
Just watched the fifth episode, I liked the part where Cameron pulls out the chip from Chromartie's skull as seen in the extended edition of Terminator 2 :thumbsup:

Also when our friendly FBI agent finds his body with the exposed rods and cables. He is now probably putting some recent events together in a different light.



Apr 6, 2007
Also when our friendly FBI agent finds his body with the exposed rods and cables. He is now probably putting some recent events together in a different light.

Yeah, I can't wait to see what will he do once he'll discover the truth :cool:

Joe Talmadge

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2000
Silicon Valley, CA
This is one of those shows I really want to like. For me, so far it's not quite there. It's not just that the action parts aren't exciting enough. When I think about, say, Lost, I cared about the characters, what they were feeling, and the situations they found themselves in right away. I'm not drawn in yet. At the risk of revealing myself to be a total cretin, right now I'm continuing to watch the show because I dig the female robot. The bad news is, I'm digging her less and less each show, which means she's less of a draw for me. The writing either needs to tighten up, or they need to exploit their attractive female starlet for a few weeks until that happens. I'm good with an explanation of a "flirt" mode that she turns on when the mission requires it. If the robot discovers flirt mode, I'll give the writers at least another 6 episodes to get their act together
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 4, 2006
Montreal, Canada
I just watched all the episode so far, It's got pretty good start. I just hope it stay this way instead of going way of lost.

flashy bazook

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
Well, good episode #5, though I kind of liked the Andy character and was sad to see him go so quickly. I guess his time was coming when the cuter brother of father of John came into the picture! So no more love interest between Sarah and Andy, but future flirting possibilities (plus ex-husband entering back into the picture...).

The chess stuff was fun to see again, one thing I can tell you was unrealistic was the quiet during the computer chess tournament! This sounds strange, I know, but it is chess tournaments between HUMANS that have to be quiet! The computers can't hear, and the audience and even the operators will happily discuss the ongoing games since they can't disturb or help the "players".

Also, probably there wouldn't really be that many grandmasters watching computers play in person, most likely the highest ranked players would be IM's who are involved with the computer preparation teams.

Finally, it was fun to hear a reference to the Donald Byrne - Robert Fischer game from 1956, probably though the show was filmed before Bobby Fischer died (which happened very recently, when Bobby was just 64 years old). It is correct that the game featured a brilliant Queen sacrifice, too. Some at the time called it the "game of the century", which Bobby played when he was only 13 years old!

Here is the game, by the way, for anyone that likes to follow chess games every now and then - if you've never played over this one, you are in for a treat.

Also correct was the fact that "adaptive" programs in chess have generally been much weaker than "brute force" programs. Hence Andy's program SHOULD have been weaker at least as seen from the viewpoint of 2007. I suppose eventually, as machines take over, adaptive programming is supposed to become much superior to non-adaptive programming.

One final gripe, the show continues to have way too much "police show" type material, now even the terminator tracking Sarah having come with her from the past is masquerading as an FBI agent, as if spending several long tracks per show following the main LA police investigator, plus whatever that other agency is, plus assorted police is not already enough. Enough! We have plenty of cop shows on already!

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