Flashlight Enthusiast
The M6-R is a drop-in, regulated, rechargeable NiMH battery pack specifically designed to work with the SureFire M6 running the MN21 and MN16 HOLA's. The battery pack fits in exactly the same space that the MB20 battery holder occupies, and does not require the springs to take up any extra length, nor does it require any modifications or additions to the M6 body, head, or switch.
The regulation voltage of the M6-R pack is set at precisely the right voltage to drive both the MN21 and MN16 at their brightest and whitest and most efficient, without pushing them too near to their melting points. The pack stays in regulation over the entire 19 minute (MN21) or 40 minute (MN16) run, which means that there is absolutely no dimming over the runtime; the light output stays at peak whiteness and brightness the entire time. When the pack is within about 20 to 30 seconds of the end of cycle, the regulator gives warning flashes by causing the light output to dim momentarily about once every second.
In addition, the regulator has a soft-start feature which limits the start-up current and prolongs the life of the filament. The soft-start feature is only in effect for the first 50 mili-seconds, and thereafter the light is at full brightness.
A complete M6-R system requires a SureFire M6 (not provided), an M6-R rechargeable pack, a charging cable, and some kind of stand alone charging system. Originally, I was going to be offering dedicated custom built chargers with the rechargeable packs, but I ran into difficulties along the way, and discovered that I could offer the Hitec CG-340 with a 12V 5A universal switching power supply for the same price as my custom charger. This is obviously the better choice: the Hitec CG-340 can charge any 4-16 cell NiCd or NiMH pack at up to 1.5 amps (NiMH) or even higher for NiCd, and is a proven and recommended entry level charger.
However, there are many stand alone chargers which will work nicely to charge the M6-R pack. As long as it is a smart charger (aka "peak" charger) and can charge 9 series NiMH cells, it should work fine. Please note that a charger meant only for NiCd's is not acceptable. Nor is a consumer AA, AAA, C or D type charger. Feel free to PM or email me with questions. The point is that no one should feel that he or she must buy the charging setup which I am offering. I am only offering it to simplify things for those who want a TK package.
Also, specifically, either of the charging setups offered with bwaites's USL will work perfectly to charge the M6-R. Even the charging cable is the same, so if you are getting a USL and charger, all you need from me is an M6-R pack, and possibly an auto adaptor cable if you wish to charge your M6-R in your automobile via the cigarette lighter socket.
Below is a picture of a complete M6-R setup:
So, bottom right is the M6-R rechargeable pack. Notice the hole in the shrink wrap and the black Molex micro-fit connector protruding from it. Attached to the pack and charger is the charging cable. It has a mating Molex micro-fit connector at the pack end, and banana plugs at the charger end. I will also offer this with bare wires at the charger end for those whose chargers use a different, non-banana plug connection scheme.
Out of the charger (lower left) comes the chargers power cord, which ends in the white Molex connector. This in turn mates with the molex connector from either the power supply output cord (shown attached in the picture) or the auto adaptor cable which is just to the right of the power supply at the upper left (its bent in a "U" shape, partly on top of the lamp base). That is to say that one could unplug the charger from the power supply, go to an automobile, plug the auto adaptor cable into a cigarette lighter socket, then plug the charger into the other end of the auto adaptor cable, and be ready to charge the M6-R pack in an automobile. Also shown is the power cord of the power supply which runs off the table towards the top of the photo and which plugs into a wall outlet.
The power supply which I am offering is a Twinfly 12VDC 5A universal switching power supply, which will function on any of the AC mains voltages found around the world, including Japan! I am offering this powersupply with or without a power cord attached. For those of you who are not in the USA or Canada, and who feel comfortable and able to attach your own power cord to the screw lugs, the power supply without the power cord attached is $3 less. For those that do not feel comfortable doing this, you can buy the power supply with attached power cord, and then simply buy your own adaptor plug. Be sure to get the "WA-" series of grounded adaptor plugs. (There are also other places to buy these adaptor plugs, BTW). If enough people are interested, I could buy these for people and pack them with their M6-R orders.
The MN20 M6 LOLA which comes standard with the SureFire M6 will also serve as an M6-R LOLA, but the MN16, which is designed to be the HOLA for the M3T, is a better choice for an M6-R LOLA. Again, if enough people are interested I can buy MN16's and pack them with the orders.
For those who wish to follow the developement of the M6-R from start to finish (well, at least as much as is documented on CPF), please see The SF M6-R: a regulated rechargeable SF M6 (HOLA) thread. There are links within it to part 2 and to the field testing thread and to brightnorm's review, and so on.
The regulation voltage of the M6-R pack is set at precisely the right voltage to drive both the MN21 and MN16 at their brightest and whitest and most efficient, without pushing them too near to their melting points. The pack stays in regulation over the entire 19 minute (MN21) or 40 minute (MN16) run, which means that there is absolutely no dimming over the runtime; the light output stays at peak whiteness and brightness the entire time. When the pack is within about 20 to 30 seconds of the end of cycle, the regulator gives warning flashes by causing the light output to dim momentarily about once every second.
In addition, the regulator has a soft-start feature which limits the start-up current and prolongs the life of the filament. The soft-start feature is only in effect for the first 50 mili-seconds, and thereafter the light is at full brightness.
A complete M6-R system requires a SureFire M6 (not provided), an M6-R rechargeable pack, a charging cable, and some kind of stand alone charging system. Originally, I was going to be offering dedicated custom built chargers with the rechargeable packs, but I ran into difficulties along the way, and discovered that I could offer the Hitec CG-340 with a 12V 5A universal switching power supply for the same price as my custom charger. This is obviously the better choice: the Hitec CG-340 can charge any 4-16 cell NiCd or NiMH pack at up to 1.5 amps (NiMH) or even higher for NiCd, and is a proven and recommended entry level charger.
However, there are many stand alone chargers which will work nicely to charge the M6-R pack. As long as it is a smart charger (aka "peak" charger) and can charge 9 series NiMH cells, it should work fine. Please note that a charger meant only for NiCd's is not acceptable. Nor is a consumer AA, AAA, C or D type charger. Feel free to PM or email me with questions. The point is that no one should feel that he or she must buy the charging setup which I am offering. I am only offering it to simplify things for those who want a TK package.
Also, specifically, either of the charging setups offered with bwaites's USL will work perfectly to charge the M6-R. Even the charging cable is the same, so if you are getting a USL and charger, all you need from me is an M6-R pack, and possibly an auto adaptor cable if you wish to charge your M6-R in your automobile via the cigarette lighter socket.
Below is a picture of a complete M6-R setup:

So, bottom right is the M6-R rechargeable pack. Notice the hole in the shrink wrap and the black Molex micro-fit connector protruding from it. Attached to the pack and charger is the charging cable. It has a mating Molex micro-fit connector at the pack end, and banana plugs at the charger end. I will also offer this with bare wires at the charger end for those whose chargers use a different, non-banana plug connection scheme.
Out of the charger (lower left) comes the chargers power cord, which ends in the white Molex connector. This in turn mates with the molex connector from either the power supply output cord (shown attached in the picture) or the auto adaptor cable which is just to the right of the power supply at the upper left (its bent in a "U" shape, partly on top of the lamp base). That is to say that one could unplug the charger from the power supply, go to an automobile, plug the auto adaptor cable into a cigarette lighter socket, then plug the charger into the other end of the auto adaptor cable, and be ready to charge the M6-R pack in an automobile. Also shown is the power cord of the power supply which runs off the table towards the top of the photo and which plugs into a wall outlet.
The power supply which I am offering is a Twinfly 12VDC 5A universal switching power supply, which will function on any of the AC mains voltages found around the world, including Japan! I am offering this powersupply with or without a power cord attached. For those of you who are not in the USA or Canada, and who feel comfortable and able to attach your own power cord to the screw lugs, the power supply without the power cord attached is $3 less. For those that do not feel comfortable doing this, you can buy the power supply with attached power cord, and then simply buy your own adaptor plug. Be sure to get the "WA-" series of grounded adaptor plugs. (There are also other places to buy these adaptor plugs, BTW). If enough people are interested, I could buy these for people and pack them with their M6-R orders.
The MN20 M6 LOLA which comes standard with the SureFire M6 will also serve as an M6-R LOLA, but the MN16, which is designed to be the HOLA for the M3T, is a better choice for an M6-R LOLA. Again, if enough people are interested I can buy MN16's and pack them with the orders.
For those who wish to follow the developement of the M6-R from start to finish (well, at least as much as is documented on CPF), please see The SF M6-R: a regulated rechargeable SF M6 (HOLA) thread. There are links within it to part 2 and to the field testing thread and to brightnorm's review, and so on.
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