The Smoothy


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2008
I call it the smoothy.
Garage modded short body.
3 Cree Q5 on a PES-D flat top Heatsink.
McR20 reflectors.
Direct drive at the moment.
I measured 2.2Amps on a 80% charged cell.
I'm using the stock Mag lens at the moment , that will be going.

The eagle eyed will notice something missing - yep , no switch. I'll have to make a tailcap switch. At the moment it's a twisty :)

The P7 I compared it to has is direct drive on a D LIOn drawing about 3.3Amps so it's a bit brighter than these shots indicate.









Nice job, I like it! :thumbsup:

I like how you did the glow powder.
Garage modded short body

Garage modded? How did you rethread it? Do you have a lathe in your garage?

I'd like to see your ideas for making a garage modded tail switch!
I shouldn't really admit this..but..the body was shortened using the HSJB method - Hacksaw and JB weld. It was an old damaged body , so why not.
I just cut the back off a mag switch body to use as battery contact/stopper.

I've already made some bits for the tailcap switch , just waiting on the actual switch.

Reflector for the P7 is a sputtered Mag reflector.
HSJB method - Hacksaw and JB weld:confused:
Still not quite get it, so I guess the head and the tube are welded together permanently and can't take apart, am I right ?
The Mag looks really cute when shortened, Mag Instrument should seriously thinking about releasing a shortened version and sell 3 or 2 aa converters as accessory at a premium. :shrug:
I couldn't wait for my judco switches to arrive so I installed a momentary switch I had laying around. I'll just change the switch itself so no wasted effort.
I just used a blank piece of circuit board , copper side is making contact with the cup in the tailcap. It's a press fit, nice an tight. I checked it's not rotating when I fit the cap to the light, may have to drill a tiny hole and use a pin to make sure it does not rotate. Good 'ol JB weld again holding the spring in place.

