want to build a MAG100...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
I have read some threads about the mag100 but I have some doubts...:(
I think that I need:

-mag 3D
-modamag 3D>12AA adapter (at the moment out of stock?help! where to buy?:confused:)
-12AAs nimh (I was thinking about energizer 2500mah)
-osram 100W:D bulbs (which?help)
-bulb soket??? is FM bi-pin soket OK ?? HERE ?:candle:
-metal reflector by FM (hole opening????? help)
-borolens from FM

thanks in advance for your help...I know that you'll help me!!!;):grin2:
I'll try to help as much as I can.

If you want to use a 3D and 11 (I'm guessing) cells, you might need to bore the tube to use all but the thinnest cells. If you don't mind going with 4D, you won't have to worry about it, as you can just go with three cells across. As for the adapters, it is possible to solder a NiMH pack together yourself. You won't be able to pop out the cells and use them elsewhere like you could with a FM/Modamag adapter, but it works. If you go that route, you should probably get a pack charger like this one.

For the cells, you'll need to pick a bulb first, so you know how much current your cells will need to push. You could use CBP or Titanium high-discharge AAs, which can handle most hotwire bulbs. Eneloops may be good, as Silverfox tested them and found they worked well at up to 8A, and the benefit is that you can charge it up and put it away, and it'll still be fresh when you pick it up in a few months. However, the flip side is that resting the cells to decrease the starting voltage won't do any good.

As for the bulb, you could try the USL bulb, which is the Osram 62138 HLX (12V, 8-9A). I got a few from www.bulbconnection.com. This bulb, as well as others with the G6.35 base, have the pins spaced about a mm wider than FM's G5.3 sockets, but it may work if you squeeze the pins a little (carefully!).

FM's reflectors have openings of 8.38 or 10.5mm, but the 62138 (and probably most other similar bulbs) are around 11.5mm wide, so you'll have to do a little reaming on the reflector.

Borofloat sounds good.

Well, I hope some of that was useful.
I have one 12AA pack (3 rows of 4 cells) that I welded into a pack with end caps. It is possible to also have 4 AA x 4 rows which works best in a quad bored maglite. You need high current cells like Titanium 1800 or CBP 1650mAh or new Elite 1700mAh AA cells.

Should use a KIU socket with all the low resistance fixes (not FM's), glass lens, metal reflector.
I have one 12AA pack (3 rows of 4 cells) that I welded into a pack with end caps. It is possible to also have 4 AA x 4 rows which works best in a quad bored maglite. You need high current cells like Titanium 1800 or CBP 1650mAh or new Elite 1700mAh AA cells.

Should use a KIU socket with all the low resistance fixes (not FM's), glass lens, metal reflector.

where can I find titanium 1800?

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ok...I have 12 batteries. can I put them in series with a modamag adapter? I prefer to use a batteries adapter-if possible-in a mag 4D (the size isn't a problem!)
mag 4D
12 titanium 1800 here ----> 22,20$ (do you know if they ship in italy with insurance?)
KIU soket here-------- ---> 17,00$ (with international shipping and delivery confirmation)
2xUSL bulb here----------> 10,50$ (do you know if the ship in italy with insurance?)
1xFM VLOP reflector & borolens--> no problem......I already have them.
2x modamag 2D to 6AA adaptors:?


I tried to order a few batteries and the shipping cost was about $50 (i.e. more than the items I was ordering) as they would only ship UPS or major courier rather than USPS that most people use?

USPS do offer tracking on some services - so it should not have cost that much! :mecry:
Currently, CheapBatteryPacks.com does not have any AA size batteries that are high current types you need. See my other post about a new Elite model they are getting in later this month.
So anywhere other than Cheapbatterypacks (no stock) and Amondotech (excessively expensive International shipping)?
I tried to order a few batteries and the shipping cost was about $50 (i.e. more than the items I was ordering) as they would only ship UPS or major courier rather than USPS that most people use?

USPS do offer tracking on some services - so it should not have cost that much! :mecry:

Shipping to the UK was under $30 when I ordered a load of batteries two weeks ago. Where are you having them sent too, have you tried to contact them for a cheaper shipping quote?
Another option if you cannot find any with decent shipping, and you don't get a reply to a seller about more affordable shipping is to see if someone can buy and ship them for you.
Unforgiven has a small package forwarding service (for a fee). With the recent reorg, I don't know where the thread is.
Another option if you cannot find any with decent shipping, and you don't get a reply to a seller about more affordable shipping is to see if someone can buy and ship them for you.

yes you're right, this may be the only way, so I'll phone my friends in USA
I have read some threads about the mag100 but I have some doubts...:(
I think that I need:

-mag 3D
-modamag 3D>12AA adapter (at the moment out of stock?help! where to buy?:confused:)
-12AAs nimh (I was thinking about energizer 2500mah)
-osram 100W:D bulbs (which?help)
-bulb soket??? is FM bi-pin soket OK ?? HERE ?:candle:
-metal reflector by FM (hole opening????? help)
-borolens from FM

thanks in advance for your help...I know that you'll help me!!!;):grin2:


I'm not an expert but I'll weigh in with what I think I know...

-I think the Mag 3D/12AA setup is a good choice for a 100 watt build. Not sure if the Modamag adaptor fits in an unbored Mag. Fivemega says his does not.

-Not sure where to get the 3D/12AA adaptor. Fivemega was hinting that he might make more, but the thread hasn't been bumped for a while so who knows if/when it will happen.
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=114510 (see in particular pages 5 and 6)

-I agree with other posters that you need high current NiMH AAs. I plan on getting the Titanium 1800s from Amondotech, but I'm in the USA so shipping isn't the challenge for me that it is for you. I have not read about anyone using Eneloops in a 100 watt build. Like TigerhawkT3 said, they seem to be good up to about 8 amps load, but the 100 watt bulbs will draw in the neighborhood of 10 amps.

-Bulb: The USL bulb (Osram 62138) is best with 11 cells (I think it will flash with 12 cells), so you'd use a dummy cell in a 12AA adaptor. The bulb I'm planning to try out with 12 cells is the Osram 64623. Consensus seems to be that if you want a nice beam with a very white color, the 62138 is the way to go. If you want brute power and more lumens, but a less white, more artifacty beam, use the 64623.

-I'm going with Kiu for my socket. For this high-power application it seems like it's a better option than the FM bipin adaptor.

-You'll need a reflector with a bulb hole diameter over 0.5 inch. Not sure where you'll find one of those though.

-Definitely a borofloat lens. They are available from several sources (Fivemega, flashlightlens.com, Lighthound). I would try to add it to an order for something else to save shipping (in other words, if you buy a reflector from Fivemega, get the lens from him too).

I asked a similar question a while back and got some good advice back.

I haven't built the light yet, but I'm planning to soon (I've been distracted by the AW Mag C incan driver). When I do I'll let you know how it goes.

Shipping to the UK was under $30 when I ordered a load of batteries two weeks ago. Where are you having them sent too, have you tried to contact them for a cheaper shipping quote?

It should cost no more than $13 to send up to 4 pounds to the uk via global priority mail (including the envelope) 9inch by 13 inch!!!
I am sick to death of rip off post charges...

batterystation charge $14 to send upto 40-50? (Must be four pounds?)cr123's to the uk. If they can why cant other dealers?

Rant over..

sorry filippo for going off track with this one.
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I'm not an expert but I'll weigh in with what I think I know...

-I think the Mag 3D/12AA setup is a good choice for a 100 watt build. Not sure if the Modamag adaptor fits in an unbored Mag. Fivemega says his does not.

-Not sure where to get the 3D/12AA adaptor. Fivemega was hinting that he might make more, but the thread hasn't been bumped for a while so who knows if/when it will happen.
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=114510 (see in particular pages 5 and 6)

-I agree with other posters that you need high current NiMH AAs. I plan on getting the Titanium 1800s from Amondotech, but I'm in the USA so shipping isn't the challenge for me that it is for you. I have not read about anyone using Eneloops in a 100 watt build. Like TigerhawkT3 said, they seem to be good up to about 8 amps load, but the 100 watt bulbs will draw in the neighborhood of 10 amps.

-Bulb: The USL bulb (Osram 62138) is best with 11 cells (I think it will flash with 12 cells), so you'd use a dummy cell in a 12AA adaptor. The bulb I'm planning to try out with 12 cells is the Osram 64623. Consensus seems to be that if you want a nice beam with a very white color, the 62138 is the way to go. If you want brute power and more lumens, but a less white, more artifacty beam, use the 64623.

-I'm going with Kiu for my socket. For this high-power application it seems like it's a better option than the FM bipin adaptor.

-You'll need a reflector with a bulb hole diameter over 0.5 inch. Not sure where you'll find one of those though.

-Definitely a borofloat lens. They are available from several sources (Fivemega, flashlightlens.com, Lighthound). I would try to add it to an order for something else to save shipping (in other words, if you buy a reflector from Fivemega, get the lens from him too).

I asked a similar question a while back and got some good advice back.

I haven't built the light yet, but I'm planning to soon (I've been distracted by the AW Mag C incan driver). When I do I'll let you know how it goes.


I have definitely decided for a mag 4D with 11cell (titanium 1800) battery pack (I'll put them in series on my own...:poof::grin2:), USL bulb, mag D incan smart driver by AW:)D), VLOP and MOP reflector (camless) by FM with mod opening( I think that with a dremel I can do this...), borolens.

thanks for your help!