Were to Buy a Maxabeam??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Can someone help me in were to buy a Maxabeam from AUS over the net?

I'm looking for a GenIII 7.5peak cp maxabeam. with lithuim batt, not Nicad.

I've seen only one place that sells it online, buts its the onlder version with 6m cp.

any help would be nice.

Prevoiusly I had tried contactig them for while. But I never got a reply, email or phone. But today I just got a reply :)

See how I go in gettin one.
Peakbeam told me that If I wanted a maxabeam with a lithuim batt, that id have to wait untl later in the year to get one. Should I just get the NiCad? Or is the weight advantage really worth it with lithuim? (EDIT: the lithuim ion weighs only 2lbs while the nicad is 5.5lbs.

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Much less weight plus significantly less self-discharge and probably (not sure) a much quicker charge time. No question for me, I'd wait.
They told me q3 for lithuim ion batts, but I thought you could already get a maxabeam with a lithuim ion batt. Seems like a long time to wait.:mecry:
I suspect it is related to the TSA and other negative experiences with Li-Ions. They may be trying to move to Emoli/A123 cells....and they might have even had a Li-Ion pack problem. I'm not surprised.

Unless you are going to do a lot of walking around for long times, I don't find the NiCad overwhelming to carry for a 30-40 excursion. With the newer charger, you can always add just a Lithium pack when they come in stock.

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