what LED lights have the nicest beams ?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2008
Alabama, USA
I have heard that the Eagle Tac T10L has a perfect beam, with no Cree rings and good spill. What else is out there?

If you are looking for something smaller, the P3D's beam is great. The PD30, which replaced the P3D, isn't as nice. Fenix went for more throw, but the beam is a bit ringy.

And, yes, the EagleTac T10's have a near perfect beam.
LF3XT & LF2XT have perfect beam profiles due to their unique reflectors.
Novatac and RA-lights. Then Liteflux. And my Lumapower "Encore" has also a very nice beam.

A few of my faves...

  • Mr. Bulk Dragonheart
  • Ra 85Tr (white beam)
  • Fenix TK10
  • McGizmo HD45 (Lux V)
  • Surefire E2DL
I have heard that the Eagle Tac T10L has a perfect beam, with no Cree rings and good spill. What else is out there?


Depends on your definition of a perfect beam. On a white wall my Nautilus was nice, but at 75 yards no good. My Optic E2DL is not so nice on a white wall but at 20 to 75 yards I think its beam is perfect.

My black TLS Q5 LED head that I bought from OpticsHQ has a very nice beam. Round, plenty of sidespill, good hotspot. Excellent combination of throw and flood.

It's attached to a black E2E body w/ E2D tailcap.

It's my main EDC.
Novatac and RA-lights. Then Liteflux.

I beg to differ with your Ra comment. Their beams are too hyped up and do not deliver that perfect beam they claim. I own 2 (Ra Twisty 85-TR, and a custom 140 Ra clicky), and I can detect rings in both of them.

The two lights whose beams I can say are phenomenal are the Quark (for a more concentrated beam), and definitely my LiteFlux LF2XT has a perfect beam (excellent flood as well). All my other lights are good lights, but for beam quality, those 2 trump all in my collection.
The wide beam Ra lights like my 100TW have excellent beam if you like a wide beam with a hotspot the fades into a nice wide spill.

My favorite beam of all my lights.
The Quark has a very nice looking beam. Several of the P60 dropins can achieve a similar beam with fairly wide spot and no rings if they use the orange peel reflector, and you back the pill out a little(less intense spot, but smoother overall beam profile).
They all look good with a diffuser:thumbsup:
Well, as mentioned above, it depends on what you mean by "perfect" or "nicest". But if you simply mean the beam with the least artifacts, rings, dark spots, and the best transition from hotspot to spill to outside the beam, then as far as I've seen, there is only one: the Malkoff M60/M30 module with the flood optic (M60F, M60LF, etc.). These modules give you a reasonably intense and throwy (for a flood beam) hotspot, VERY wide spill, all of it being PERFECTLY smooth, with NO discernible line where spot turns to spill and where spill fades out to where the beam doesn't shine. Sure you're bound to get pretty smooth beams with OP reflectors and all that, but they'll ALWAYS have that harsh transition from spill to no spill, and in my opinion, even inside the beam it would be hard to find something as smooth as a Malkoff flood module.
I went through a drawer full of my old pre-CPF lights a couple days ago and noticed one of my old beaters produces a beautiful beam on a white wall. No artifacts and a perfect transition between spot and spill. Its a Dorcy Metal Gear 3xAAA. My GF bought it on clearance for me for around $5.

Cheap lens, all the downsides of the battery format, reverse clicky...but I won the beam lottery on this one. Plus it has some sentimental value since its the first light my soon to be wife bought for me so it will enjoy something better than "dinosaur drawer" status once we move into our new house next month.

I also have an L2D CE that has a beam pretty much free of artifacts.
Quark, especially in neutral tint, pefect combination of throw and spill. I'm sure just about any light with an OP reflector and an XP-E or a similar sized emitter will also have a great beam. Pentagon MOLLE, also has some sort of tiny Nichia and an OP reflector, it has a very wide, artifact free beam. Last but not least is the Princeton Tec EOS with the Rebel and frosted optic, big smooth hotspot and great tint.
I don't have as big a collection of lights as many ppl here, but I think my fenix e20 has a very nice beam.