What's a canceled tv show you wish they'd bring back, even if it was just re-runs?


Feb 26, 2013
MXC? "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge"? IIRC, this was on Spike, and was a Japanese obstacle course type of contest, but overdubbed in English. A little bit adolescent, but still funny. :) I've wondered if the original Japanese version was as funny or not.

I think the orginal show was called takeshi castle and it was filmed as like a movie like instead of a game show. i read about it somewhere. i know the new show wipeout imitates it, but MXC blows it out of the water. i can't even stand to watch wipeout. true it was adolescent at times with it's sexual humor, but it was funny to watch when you're having a bad day!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
"Space 1999"


"Creature Feature"

"Elvira Mistress of the Dark"

"Mystery Theater 3000"


Dam I getting old!
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Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
I'd like to see Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe come back. There are some movies that never made it to D.V.D. that I'd really like to see come back. One of them was Josh and S.A.M. and the other was Alone in the Woods (the comedy, not the horror movie). Josh and S.A.M. was about two brothers that didn't get along. Josh tricks Sam into thinking he's a cyborg that will be sent off to fight a war in Africa if he doesn't escape to Canada. Alone in the Woods is like Home Alone but in the wilderness. Both shows are hilarious.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2010
Vermont, USA
You can watch full episodes of many older TV shows and feature films for free (with commercials) on Crackle.com. Crackle is especially nice for viewing on the iPad and other tablets.

Some examples:

All in the Family


Married With Children

The Shield

Sanford & Son

The Prisoner

Steve K

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2002
Peoria, IL
"Mystery Theater 3000"

for those doing a web search, that's "Mystery Science Theater 3000", or just MST3K.
I loved that show!! ....although I only saw the second generation of it..
How is this not being shown on the Sci Fi channel, or Comedy Central, or FX or something?


Jun 2, 2009
Re: What's a canceled tv show you

I don't want reruns but I wish Fringe were still on the air. Would have loved to watch continuing adventures of Walter in the future. Of course you'd have to get Olivia there too!

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Jun 2, 2009
Re: What's a st re-runs?

Mission Impossible (from Peter Graves years)
Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Deadwood (HBO series)

+1 for Deadwood. I don't understand why a show that good ever gets cancelled.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2


Aug 27, 2006
... Buffy the Vampire Slayer

In a similar "vein," Angel.

A fantastic series that ended in a way that should have been better. (Hell, I wrote the next episode myself. Including the premise for the next season. Obviously not officially though. Just as a fan. But it definitely takes into account that suicidal ending and resolves it in a non-chessy way.)

Also, the old Mission: Impossible series. Though thankfully I'm able to enjoy it in re-runs on the MeTV channel at 2am M-F. Leonard Nimoy was far better as Paris than he ever was as Spock on that other show. (Yeah, I said it.:D)

Also, Shewolf of London. It ended with the two main characters being accidentally turned into bunnies! :rant:

I knew it was going to get cancelled when the bikers in the biker bar turned out to also be international spies. That was when I knew ...

Turn them back into humans, move them back to London, ditch the B.S. comedy element (reason why the fans abandoned the show in droves), bring back the more serious Gothic Horror that the show started out with, along with the very creative and never-before-seen-never-since-since story lines, and put the actress back into the original werewolf costume instead of that pathetic rented Halloween monstrosity! That was the winning forumla. For some bizarre reason, the idiot producers ditched the supporting cast entirely, moved the two main characters to L.A., and turned into a freaking comedy!


Aug 27, 2006
I've seen all the Firefly episodes and the movie more than once and like many I loved them. I think Joss Whedon's secret recipe for success in all his endeavors has always been his ability to create particularly endearing characters who perfectly populate the scripts he works with. This was perhaps especially true of Firefly.

Whedon's problem is that he has forgotten how to put in a well-balanced cast of characters. Yeah, Firefly was great. But you're just not going to appeal to a wide audience when all of the main cast members are basically Han Solo. You can only have one.

It's also why Dollhouse failed too. You've got an entire cast of individuals who fall into one of two categories. Victims who get their personalities erased and are sometimes rented out to high-paying clients as actual mindless sex slaves. Or ... Those who work at the dollhouse, know what's going on, don't do anything to put an end to it, and are basically immoral jerks that the audience couldn't care less about. When the rumors started that Alpha was going to launch an attack on the dollhouse in an upcoming episode, I cheered! Most of the fans probably did. Finally, someone capable of taking down the dollhouse and freeing the "slaves." And then it turned out that Alpha was a psychopath who was infused with multiple personalities all at once. Except for his own, which he deleted forever. Nice ... Give the fans one character that they can actually get behind, and then pull the rug out from under us by making him a deranged lunatic with incredible combat skills who likes to slash the "dolls" (both male and female) across the face multiple times. So basically, just another jerk. Then it turns out that the last character the fans could get behind, the detective, decided to sell out completely to save one of the "dolls." He barely even tried to put a stop to the dollhouse.

Ironically, Whedon is probably still wondering why Dollhouse got cancelled. Well, when every single character with free will turns out to be an absolute jerk or just easily quits, and then you toss out an episode where you make it blatantly clear that the dolls have no escape whatsoever ... Yeah, no one's going to care about your show. Buffy had a balanced cast, so did Angel. They both had successful runs.