Who wears their light as necklace in true EDC style?


Oct 17, 2007
I am curious who here hangs their light on their necklace every moment of the day like me?
Personally, I wear a Wee NS. Chose it because of its good output and small size, waterproof too so I can even wear during bath. Here is a picture of my light, battered but still good.
Hope you guys can state why you choose your light and post a link or photo of it :)

Somehow I couldnt attach a photo in here. So this link:
I attached a lobster claw to it and clipped it to my sports necklace for easy removal whenever i need it.

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I sometimes wear my Wee Ti around my neck using the strap from a USB thumbdrive attached with a McGizmo Ti clip, but it's only a show off piece since I always have a P1dQ5 on me asa main EDC and a L0dCE as a backup on the keyring :whistle:
Guilty :wave:

Sure do miss it when it can't be there.
ruriimasu;2452872Duh.. can some guide me how to attach my photo of it to show? [/quote said:
Your need to put it on a website, then use the url to the picture.

PS: I do not wear any "necklight".:D
After getting a neckchain caught in an machine one time I formed the habit of never, ever, wearing anything on my neck that could be caught anywhere on anything. If I can help i of course, occasionally I am forced to wear a tie...
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"Pardon me, while I whip this out............."

The flashlight is a Cree'd titanium Draco. Everything else is Ti also except the split rings.
The entire rig is worn at nearly all times. It's the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I take off as I climb into bed at night.
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"Pardon me, while I whip this out............."

The flashlight is a Cree'd titanium Draco. Everything else is Ti also except the split rings.
The entire rig is worn at nearly all times. It's the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I take off as I climb into bed at night.
Holy s##t :eek:
Is the first on the left a tritium vial?
What's the item in the middle Don?
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I never take mine off unless I need it in hand for some reason. My necklace I have worn for yrs is gold filled which is much stronger than solid gold which is to soft. I had a ring and large gold lobster claw installed permanent on my TiN Draco and then a ring on my necklace to attach claw to so it hangs correctly. Also very easy for me to take off and reattach but has never come off otherwise.

It gets a shower daily and ensures I'm never caught in the shower in the dark for whatever reason.. :tinfoil:

It also seems like I have to get under desk and the like alot and use the Draco a lot in these circumstances. And then there is always someone that says "what's that, a little bottle of drugs?" and I get so much enjoyment out of showing them the business end of my Draco. hehe:cool:

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What's the item in the middle Don?
That's a custom Ti capsule from MattW over on EDCF. It's sized to fit three rolled up bills for emergency cash. But the tab on the top has been self-modified. Matt's original work was much nicer and exactly to my original design. But once I was actually using it I decided I wanted a larger hole and more rounded on the ends so I did it myself rather than be without it for a while to have Matt do the job right.
Thats insane. It looks like it'll clank alot.
Nope, it hardly makes a sound. An occasional slight "tink" if the Ti items hit each other. And even that is so quiet that I think I'm the only one that can hear it, you would have to be right next to me to hear it. I've never even had anybody notice I'm wearing it unless I pull it out for use. It used to be much louder due to the kydex sheath on the MSOPT that I used to carry. But the kydex on the gasbaby is much tighter and is very quiet.
..... It is always important to be able to find your chest in the dark:grin2:!
Actually, it's more of a leftover from my last job working nights at a water plant. It was in case I dropped the necklace in the dark as I was pulling something out to use or if the necklace broke. Now that I work days and am not in the dark so much, I would probably replace it with something else if I found another Ti goody I decided to carry. Besides, I just got a small trit dot from Bart's last group buy and I have added that to the center hole in the back of the Draco. So the large trit vial is redundant, but a whole lot brighter!
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I wear mine(L1D Q5) on my neck MOST of the time, under my shirt.
Its got a quick disconnect so I can disconnect it.
When the power goes out I used to hang a chem light around my 90 year old dads neck. I hand him a flashlight also but with the chem light he always had enough light to navigate by and I could always find him in the dark. When he headed to bed it became his nightlight. I have an old unused ARC AAA which has since replaced the chemlights in this duty and I have a Fenix EO1 on order to replace the ARC AAA. I just hang the ARC AAA on him and tell him to just leave it on. Try it, you will like it.
I wear during the dark hours an Ultrafire C3 single mode with lithium 3.6V 14500 like this one:
cell on a lanyard and I keep the cloth case on it to protect it, with the head up and just keep the case in place when it is on. Sho' is handy. Best part about the 14500 power supply, if it dies and I do not have the back up with me, any AA will power it up. Can't do that wih 123a size lights.
Keychain light, 5mm LED, from DAE on my key rings always with me.
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