Woman gives birth to octuplets in SoCal hospital


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
This is crap plain and simple. She should be jailed, the clinic that did the IVF should be seized by the government and NO money should be taken from ta payers dollars to pay for this.

I hope people won't praise this and will bring it into a public disgrace.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2001
It keeps getting "better." According to news reports (IIRC), the mother paid for the IVF (in vitro fertilization) from funds she received in a "legal settlement" for a workplace injury. The same sperm donor was used for all 14 children. The mother supposedly was licensed as a psychiatrist's assistant at one time, but most recently was unemployed and going to school.

Reports are that she has hired an agent, and is shopping her story around, looking to develop a career as a child care expert on television and/or other media.

If all the information coming out is true, then it seems to me that the mother was doing all of this with a goal/priority that was not about the children.

Whatever the foregoing "facts" may be, the fertility clinic that implanted the eight embryos should be held to account. Supposedly, two to three embryos are the maximum usually implanted at any one time. To almost triple that amount is the height of irresponsibility.

What is shocking to me, is the fact that fertility clinics apparently are not regulated. How can this be?!? If nothing else, I hope this case/story will bring about regulation of fertility clinics...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
I just don't want to see this blatantly irresponsible and stupidly expensive situation be praised and reworded. From the sounds of it she's almost got the cat in the bag with Oprah.

tiktok 22

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 8, 2002
All in all I don't support, IVF, but have some friends who have had fertility problems and I understand the desire for children. Implanting 8 fertile eggs, with the plan of killing the developing human life, that was deemed unwanted, wouldn't be an option for my family. I hope that things work out for this woman and her family.

I went through the artificial insemination and almost went through the IVF route but didn't due to cost and uncertainty. For most, the reason for implanting a large number of fertile eggs is the chance that at least one will take. In most cases the sperm and/or the egg have multiple issues and the more there are, the more likely one will take. The goal is not to have multiple births but a chance at one birth(at least at our doctor). The biggest cost for use was making my wife produce eggs($14,000). The rest doesn't matter if she cannot produce eggs...period(other than a doner). If we spent the money and she hadn't produced any eggs or produced over or under mature eggs, the money would have been completely lost. SO the goal is to use as many eggs as possible if they are not "perfect" in hopes one will take. However, this woman is clearly assuming more responsibility than she can handle for profit at the cost to these children.

P.S. We adopted our son almost three years ago and are very glad we didn't go through IVF. The best money I ever spent...


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
More advance data from the local radio station's agent:

- One of the children from the original six is autistic.

- Guiterrez is not the name of the donor, but is the name of the mother's ex-husband, from 1997-2000.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
San Jose, CA
"Reports are that she has hired an agent, and is shopping her story around, looking to develop a career as a child care expert on television and/or other media."

I think she'll find that her story is of interest, but not for the reasons she expects.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
San Jose, CA
This is crap plain and simple. She should be jailed, the clinic that did the IVF should be seized by the government and NO money should be taken from ta payers dollars to pay for this.

I hope people won't praise this and will bring it into a public disgrace.
The mother is working out a deal with Oprah and others to pay for raising her new round of dependents. Ok, I don't see any reason to make eight innocent babies suffer because of a their mother's inability to provide for them, but the thought of her appearing on television as some sort of child care expert is about as appalling as it gets.:green: I'm inclined to write to whatever network carries Oprah and say I'm interested in watching the show if they drop the baloney child care expert angle and instead ask why an unemployed mother of six had eight embryos implanted, and how she managed to find a clinic to do it. Also on the show I'd like to see a doctor explain the ethical concerns of implanting so many embryos and the risks of carrying every one to full term. Interviewing someone from planned parenthood would also be a plus.

How about rather than paying the mother directly for her appearance, put the proceeds into a trust fund that can only be used to cover the expenses incurred in the birth and continued care of the octuplets. Such a trust fund could have an independent agent hired to oversee proper distribution.

Who am I kidding? This is California. She'll be billed as a child care expert, get two million will no strings attached, and probably run for Governor in the next election.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
A medical billing specialist e-mailed the aforementioned radio station to resolve the money issue:

- In the state of California, Medi-Cal, the state health care service, is mandated by law to cover the medical expenses of an uninsured single mother for the first year of the infant's/s' life.

This means even if the woman won the lottery, or was paid many millions for interviews, the health care for all 15 persons involved is paid for by the citizens of California until 2010.

As a side note, the State of California announced some time ago that it does not have enough money to issue state tax refund checks, and most individuals and businesses filing after January will receive an IOU from the state, to be paid at a later, unspecified time.


Nov 5, 2005
A medical billing specialist e-mailed the aforementioned radio station to resolve the money issue:

- In the state of California, Medi-Cal, the state health care service, is mandated by law to cover the medical expenses of an uninsured single mother for the first year of the infant's/s' life.

This means even if the woman won the lottery, or was paid many millions for interviews, the health care for all 15 persons involved is paid for by the citizens of California until 2010.

As a side note, the State of California announced some time ago that it does not have enough money to issue state tax refund checks, and most individuals and businesses filing after January will receive an IOU from the state, to be paid at a later, unspecified time.

LOL! (Have to LOL, otherwise I'd cry). The "system" is so irrevocably screwed up, it is really hopeless.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
More bits and pieces from the radio station:

- Mother was an only child

- It is alleged from several different sources that the mother paid for her in vitro procedure using student loans (there is no way legally to completely verify payment method)

- State workers comp records show the mother has been receiving monthly workers compensation payments since 1999, due to the aforementioned on-the-job incident (back injury). She also filed a second injury claim due to a car accident in 2002, the payments for which were bundled/added on to the first claim.

- The state sent a court order in 2008 demanding she see a doctor, as there was no update to her medical condition since 2002 (this is the timeframe in which she had the first six children, starting in 2002). The order was not fulfilled, indicating that the payments are still ongoing.

- Total amount of payments/benefits paid since 1999 is approx $200,000 tax-free. This figure does not include cost of processing and investigation.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Photo of mother Nadya Suleman, on left, being interviewed by NBC's Ann Curry:


The interview will air on NBC's Today show Monday morning.


Aug 27, 2006
Photo of mother Nadya Suleman....

Oh I can't wait to hear the B.S. that's going to come out of her mouth....

"So why did you decide to have more children despite already having six, that you can barely care for; as a single mother?"

(Anyone want to bet if Ann Curry is tough enough to ask that question)?


Sep 5, 2008
Inland Empire
Since the (infants') grandfather appears to be employed by the government, that means the daughter would be covered by federal health care. And guess who funds that.. :paypal:

A contractor's employee isn't covered by fed healthcare. That's one of the fiscal benefits of contracting work out.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Suleman's 332-page state worker's compensation/medical history file has been released to the press, and provides more detail and stark contrast when compared to her NBC interview:

- The mother points to a problematic childhood in her NBC interview, stating "reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. It was pretty -- pretty dysfunctional, and whose isn't?" However her own statements in her workers compensation documents state that she grew up in a "protected and sheltered" home, was a cheerleader who enjoyed reading and writing with "well above average" grades, and was/is outgoing with many friends.

- The mother had the first of three ectopic pregnancies (a fertilized/growing embryo stuck in a blocked Fallopian tube) in 1995 (age 18), all three failed.

- The mother sustained her back injury on September 18th 1999, when the patients at the psychiatric facility she was working at rioted, and a female patient flipped over a heavy wooden desk onto the mother's back.

- The mother blamed her 2000 separation from her husband on her depression, "I didn't want to keep bringing him down,I want him to move on with his life."

- The mother continued to experience mood swings and depression during and after the successful birth of her first child, "It was during that time I became depressed and I just wanted to die." She also states that she was terrified that the baby could be kidnapped, "My husband or my mother has to take me almost everywhere."

- After a traffic accident in 2001 (which was on the way home from a worker's comp doctor visit), she was unable to lift her 3-month-old infant.

- Doctors declared the mother to be resilient and strong, but questioned her "capacity for psychological insight."


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
The Suleman interview was this morning on the Today show, Ann Curry did a solid job of getting the weight and seriousness of the situation across without pushing or being abrasive. I believe NBC knew that most viewers were not going to be sympathetic (and that more details were missing/needed), which is why they held over the interview, hyped it all weekend, then aired it first thing Monday morning; at this point we're really only midway through the coverage/facts of the story. And right in step with NBC, the internet news site RadarOnline.com published a wealth of new info and pictures overnight, guaranteed to give the story legs for the rest of the week..

- Some quotes from grandmother (of the infants) Angela Suleman:

"The truth is Nadya's not capable of raising 14 children."

"I was very upset. She already has six beautiful children, why would she do this? To have them all is unconscionable to me. She really really has no idea what she's doing to her children and to me."

"How she's going to cope, I don't know, I'm really tired of taking care of the six children and need her to think about how she'll provide for all these children."

"The truth is that Nadya hasn't worked since she started having her children, while [partner/grandfather of the infants] Ed and I battled to pay her bills. Nadya promised to help me with the bills, but she never has. I lost a house because of it and now I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."

"She doesn't have any more (frozen embryos), so it's over now. It has to be."

- A previous boyfriend of the mother, David Solomon, is the father/donor of all 14 children. Nadya states in the NBC interview that he's not ready to come into the childrens' lives, and hopes he will one day, however grandmother (of the infants) Angela states "He was in love with her and wanted to marry her, but Nadya wanted to have children on her own."

- Nadya states in the NBC interview that a single doctor/clinic conducted all the in vitro procedures, however grandmother (of the infants) Angela states that she refused the doctor to allow any more procedures after the first six, so Nadya went to a new doctor/clinic.

- Grandmother (of the infants) Angela voiced her anger over Nadya's claim she was raised in a dysfunctional family and was lonely as a child; "We raised her in a loving family and her father always spoiled her."

- Neighbor Yolanda Garcia said she helped care for Nadya's autistic son three years ago; "From what I could tell back then, she was pretty happy with herself, saying she liked having kids and she wanted 12 kids in all. She told me that all of her kids were through in vitro, and I said 'Gosh, how can you afford that and go to school at the same time?' And she said it's because she got paid for it."

Some photos from RadarOnline.com; The interior of the Suleman house:



An older picture of Nadya and children, prior to most recent pregnancy, showing clearly an "old" nose and set of lips, so where did the money (or even the time) come from to pay for the new ones?



Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
She's about used up her 15 minutes of fame with me. I think the media needs to back away from her and let the appropriate agencies take it from there.