XM Radio will be merging with Sirius


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2003
Nashville TN
WOW, I just received this email. I thought this could happen but now I am not so sure this is a good thing. I'm sure this means prices will be going up. I also wonder if equipment will need to be changed at some point in the future. I have a XM Box and a portable unit for the car and really enjoy the service.

Anyone else have satellite radio?

February 20, 2007

Dear XM Radio Subscriber:

We want to share with you some exciting news: Yesterday, in Washington DC, we announced XM Radio will be merging with Sirius Satellite Radio to form the premier digital audio service.

The merger will create a satellite radio company that will provide consumers across the country with more and better premium radio programming. The combined company will be able to compete better in what has become a very complex and dynamic entertainment market.

Where today our exclusive contracts mean you had to choose between baseball and football or Oprah and Martha Stewart, the new company will seek to ensure that in the future, you will be able to access both companies' programming. And, once we are fully integrated, those of you who have factory-installed satellite radio will no longer be limited to the programming provided by the exclusive satellite radio service chosen by their car manufacturer.

This merger should be completed in late 2007 or early in 2008. Throughout the year, we will provide updates on how the merger is progressing and information will be available at our website, www.xmradio.com.

Between today and the merger date, as well as during the period immediately after the merger date, all of your services will remain the same. The channel lineup, the customer service number, the great music technology, and the XM Radio web site will all remain unchanged and there will be no disruption to service. But, if you have questions, information will be available and maintained on our website, and you can contact our Listener Care team at 800-XMRADIO, with questions and concerns.

XM Radio continues to be committed to providing you the highest quality audio entertainment and customer service available today. After the merger, our new company will be able to offer you the most exciting listening experience in radio.


Hugh Panero
CEO, XM Satellite Radio
The big keep getting bigger and we keep getting smallerBuy off your competition , its the American way!
The Big die eventually too... Bought any IBM computers or printers lately? The "Big Three" automakers are getting smaller and smaller.

Cobra-AK--about your avatar--Still thinking about whether I want to laugh or cry (don't change it because of me). Probably will do both.

I have Siruis and it's good news if the merger goes through.

I have 2 units.

My home unit, Sanyo CRSR-10


My car unit, Stratus

Oh, I forgot to say: I feel sorry for you suffering with the pathetic sound quality of Satellite radio.
dude. surely you jest, right?

I barely get FM or AM in the foothills here.

I have a Sirius for Howard and an XM for the Dylan show. both were less than 30$ each, sirius was with the radioshack rebate..
$12.95 one radio, per month.

$19.95 two radios per month.
The FCC told Sirius to turn down their signal. That includes the radios and the repeaters. The newer model radios have terrible reception. I had to use an FM Modulator to get a better signal. My older model has better FM Transmitter built in.

The small black box is the FM Modulator. The Modulator is plugged into the antenna. The antenna from my auto is plugged into the Modulator Box.

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erns, I'm confused, you mean the unit had terrible FM transmission? And you had to increase the FM signal strength?
I got the Sirius model 1 ($30 at the time) and it works OK, the FM transmitter works OK in the room (I have it hooked up to a 12 volt source) but I mostly use it hard wired from the audio out port..

another thing i don't get yet ; why does sirius antenna want to be pointed north and the xm south ??? to me xm seems to get the better reception..I have the xm antenna indoors near the window, but the sirius won't work in the house at all, has to be outside, luckily it came with a very long wire..
TedTheLed said:
erns, I'm confused, you mean the unit had terrible FM transmission? And you had to increase the FM signal strength?
I got the Sirius model 1 ($30 at the time) and it works OK, the FM transmitter works OK in the room (I have it hooked up to a 12 volt source) but I mostly use it hard wired from the audio out port..

another thing i don't get yet ; why does sirius antenna want to be pointed north and the xm south ??? to me xm seems to get the better reception..I have the xm antenna indoors near the window, but the sirius won't work in the house at all, has to be outside, luckily it came with a very long wire..

I corrected my statement. The FM transmitter in my newer radio sucked. The transmitter sends a signal to your car radio to a preset frequency to receive the signal.

When did you get your Sirius Model One?

My older model transmits very well to 2 radios. One in my kitchen is about 30 feet away. I have another radio in my bathroom which is about the same distance.
I'm worried about this merger and kind of hope it is nixed by the FTC.

I have XM and am happy about it, but a big part is the commercial-free music.

If they merge, I think they'll almost for sure bring the commercials back, and sooner than later.

If that happens, my subscription ends the very next day.
What if they just replaced their own comercials with a few other companies commercials? I get sick and tired of hearing them re-sell the service to me.

The crazy part to me is how much they pay people like Stern and the others while they are losing money.

I'm just past the end of a XM 2 year prepaid contract that cost something like $7.50-$8.00 a month. Now I'm on the $12.95 a month program and starting to ask myself why.
actually I was watching closely both Sirius and XM as at one time I was invested in XM stock.

What happened is that Sirius was much behind in market share and, having nothing to lose so to speak, they went all out wildly over-paying for "talent."

XM initially was financially prudent, but eventually had to respond - and they did it by also wildly over-paying for both talent and content.

So irresponsible behavior by one of them eventually forced the other into a similar kind of behavior. XM at one point was within less than one year of becoming cash positive, but this date has receded (as has their stock price).

Now they say they need the merger to stop losing money - but you know the contracts they signed are long-term (Stern alone is supposed to make something like $500 million!), so the only thing they'll do will be (a) raise prices even more, and (b) reintroduce commercials of other companies. This would be on top of the endless "commercials" about their own content.