Your (flashlight) prediction for 2004?

Re: Your prediction for 2004?

I'll go ahead and predict that there will be a range of new LED lights from Mag. I'd bet that they will be larger and heavier than it needs to be, but that it'll be tough, and decent value for the dollar. Love Mag or hate Mag, they do have the power to bring quality LED lights to the masses, when they decide to.

I hope so, at least. I know many of us made this same prediction for 2003.

I also predict that when Peter's LS4 finally hits the market, it will be a smash hit amongst us flashaholics. I, for one, can't wait.

Re: Your prediction for 2004?

I predict I will spend too much money on knives and lights in 2004, but I will have fun doing it.
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

I agree with you on the LS4, avusblue. I will likely have to wait till after the dreaded new release feeding frenzy to get the ones I want.
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

Uhh... better Luxeon bins for lower cost? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Super baby pin from MR Bulk? Or is that 2005? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poke2.gif
A Luxeon-based light by Dorcy - excellent quality, low price, and low availability.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif A luxeon-based EDC for $ 25? Kindly point me to a good range of Luxeon-based EDC for $ 70. $ 50 even. Not a chance.
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

I predict Mag will sue Budwiser and Michelob for their use of the word "Lite." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

Harrkev said:
I predict Mag will sue Budwiser and Michelob for their use of the word "Lite." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, I almost fell out of my chair that was so funny /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

Hmmmm, and don't Budwiser and Michelob both put their names around the circumfrence of their cans and bottles? People might confuse Budwiser and Michelob products for Mag lights. Yeah, Mag might just go after them if they aren't too careful.


Re: Your prediction for 2004?

...Lumileds will release a 15w LS that is based on a 4 x 3W die. Vf will be ~6V.

The McGizmo will ooh and ahh us MANY times, but will really impress us with the McLux TK II with integral GPS and ATM capabilities.

Chop and CM will be in a race to see who can overdrive the 15W LS to 50W @ 8A in an ARC AAAA.

DSpeck will release the UBH III. It will include adapters for 123A, AAAA, AAA, AA, C, D, N, 9V, 12V, and AC connections between ALL series of Surefire, ARC, Pelican etc, and cost will be < $100 (canadian $ of course)

Someone from CPF will be featured on AMW.

AlphaTea will hit the lottery and move out of this Hell Hole of NY state to someplace where they dont sell snow shovels at Wal-Mart
Re: Your prediction for 2004?

in 2004, I'll buy at leat one new light.
MY prophecy WILL come true, so can call myself a seer now ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
My prediction for 2004?

The Surefire KL7 is introduced. Only a few here buy it. They are disappointed with the throw. CPF members avoid it like the plague and is destined to languish in near obscurity like the 8X and 8XX Series, but remains nonetheless a competent product for pedantic types like me.

I keep my current inventory at its present level/content because I don't buy any more lights nor can I curtail it any more than the bare-bones battery that it already is.
Re: My prediction for 2004?

I predict the luxeon flavors will be used more for bicycle lights, cars' turn signal and stop lights, also for the interior lights.
Re: My prediction for 2004?

Lumileds will achieve 100% bin consistancy and and KT will buy ten more lights. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

AlphaTea - hilarious post!

Re: My prediction for 2004?

Re: My prediction for 2004?

I won't be able to decide whether to get the Blaster8 or the Arc LS-6 first. Also, I won't be able to afford either of them.

Well, that was easy. Next question? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: My prediction for 2004?

Lumileds will release "CPF Edition" Luxeons with platinum bond wires and slug (yeah, right /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif)
Re: My prediction for 2004?

My predictions for 04,

1. Arc LS4 delays further due to crappy tailswitch. I get this idea since the new design tailswitch has not been mentioned.

2. Pelican and Streamlight into current regulated Luxeon III lights that run on lithium and AA.

3. Mag introduces 5mm based LED lights in the Solitaire and minimag 2AAA lights. They sell well enough for Mag to wake up and ponder Luxeons.

4. Dorcy continues to come out with cool and inexpensive LED lights that are impossible to buy.

5. Lumileds intoduces the "S" and "T" ranked 1.25 watt Luxeons as well as "U" and "V" Luxeon III LEDs. The color bins continue to improve.

6. Lumileds produces Y3T 5 watters in volume, the life expectancy increases to 10,000 hours.

7. Nichia and others bring out their 1-3 watt LEDs in more volume, they will not be that good but it will be a start.

8. Arc will produce the AA with a Luxeon in the head. Premium versions will have two position 20mA/150mA brightness controls. It will not ship in volume until 2005.

9. A new light will show up on the scene...rechargable current regulated, triple Luxeon III/Fraen triple optic. The LEOs of the world will rejoice and the CPF members will get frustrated on the backorder list.

Overall, I see the demand for LEDs increasing, numbers of companies supplying the lights increasing and the average selling price falling across the board. Pelican and Streamlight will attack Surefire and Arc at the top end, Dorcy will dominate at the bottom and Mag might do something in the middle. The battle is in the middle for 2004.