A two-for-one thread

Lost Hawaiian

Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2009
Arkansas USA
So I received this email the other day that I thought was rather amusing, which made me think of another situation which was actually funny (at least to my wife and I).

I wanted to share them with you good folks here, but I didn't think they were thread-worthy on their own, so I combined them. Thus, for the low, low price of a single mouse-click you get two tales and three queries.
It's rather late here, and I will probably ramble on, so if you don't feel like reading, I won't be offended if you hit the back button.

Sub-thread #1)
I got an email on Monday (10/4) titled "Order #XXXXXX from YYYYYY has shipped". :wtf: Now, YYYYYY is a well respected CPF dealer with whom I have done and will continue to do a fair amount of ordering from, but for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything I had purchased from them recently. :shrug:


Sub-thread #2)
If you have ever watched any of the big home shopping channels, you know that they have hourly segments where they feature a specific type or brand of product.

Well, my wife and I both enjoy cooking, and a few years ago we were slowly building a nice collection of Roy Yamaguchi cookware (which we still use daily). They were going to have an hour long show, but it was scheduled in the wee hours of the morning. We had watched a portion of it on an earlier showing, but missed most of the products (darn job, always taking up so much time).

I fell asleep with the TV watching me, and the next morning told my wife I had dreamed about watching the show (I know, I need to get a life! :sigh:).

We finally caught the whole program later that week and ended up ordering a pressure cooker.

The following Tuesday, it's on my doorstep when I arrive home (don't you love having presents, I mean packages waiting on you? :twothumbs). We use it that night and it's great.

Well, 3 days later, another package on my doorstep?!? Same contents. I have no idea how they messed up my order, but if they sent me 2, who knows how many they carged me for? I call them up to straighten things out and discover the culprit...ME.

Evidently I had not been dreaming, but had actually called in and placed an order at 3:30am. :sleepy: I had no recollection of it other than a quickly vanished thought in the morning.


#1 cont.)
Had I done it again? Had my subconcious been tapping my paycheck?

I opened and read my email. It turns out that they were shipping an item I had ordered previously, but was out of stock. I remember that I had called them then to find out how long the wait would be, They told me they didn't have a specific date, but most likely 3-4 weeks...

The date of the original order...


17 months to fulfill the order. I called the company to ask them about it. Not to complain, but just out of sheer curiosity. The friendly fellow I spoke with and I both got a good chuckle out of the situation. He told me that he had no clue how the order had gotten "stuck" in limbo for so long, then suddenly spit out to be shipped.

BTW, the item was a $10 strap for a bag which I still use for EDC.

Disclaimer: This is not to be taken as a rant in any way. I just thought it was funny how things finally come around sometimes.

Which leads me to my queries:

1) Do you ever order things and forget about them until they show up?

2) Do you ever feel addicted to online shopping? Sometimes I wonder how folks' spending habits have changed with the streamlining of internet commerce.

3) Got any strange/funny stories you'd like to share?

Note: This is NOT the complaint department. I like this to be an amusing thread strictly for light reading.

Wow !

Very interesting thread -- thank you for sharing it with us !

May i suggest . . . .

Unplug yer' TELEPHONE every night, before you retire.


Oh, and here's another thought . . . .

You mean, you actually have yer' Credit Card Number MEMORIZED ? ? ?

That's indeed kinda' SCARY !

(and now, my first-ever attempt at Long-Distance Hypnosis)

Richard . . . .

Richard . . . .

You will send a CPF private-message.

You will send this private message to your good friend, Burgess.

You will send this message before the sun rises tomorrow morning.

You will send Burgess your Credit Card information.

You will include that special little number on back of the card, also.

You will then totally FORGET everything you've seen in this posting.

You will not notice anything strange or unusual, when receiving your monthly statement.

Now . . . .

You are getting Sleepy.

Sleepy . . . .


Well, i'm glad that SOMEbody thinks so ! ! !


I put a lotta' work into that Post.

Expected to get SOME response !

packages arriving that i dont know whats in them. *yes*

opening them and seeing that things inside seem to be stuff i might like or ordered. *yes*

having the item in my hand and still cant recall did i buy it..and when. *yes*

looking at the invoice or my email account or bank account i will likely find that i have ordered them after all *yes*

and all those orders beeing done after 1 am. *yes*

im at my weakest at late hours.. impulse buys happen(ned) frequently then. if the order is made before 22pm its more thought out process.

i know i have some 10-20 flashlights and some 4-10 knives that i have ordered too late int he evening. (and many of those packages are total suprises when they arrived. happy to have most of them but still could be without a few "mistake" purchases.

last mistake that i rememebr: ordering a backup sanrenmu 710 knife for the one i already had.. (great knife btw for the price) i thought i ordered one or two..

but i ended getting eight of them! 2 +4 +2 (2 different stores, two nights, 3 purchases, order times between 3.00am and 4 am) i have since sold 4 of them. and only have 2 unopened ones left.. rest have found a place to be.

flashlights i know i have, that i was suprised to see when they came: 3rd solarforce L2 with 18650 extension. eagletac 2aa. quark mini AAw (second one) akoray k106 (second one) romisen n3 (second one) ultrafire c3 one of the itp a3, several batteries and cases and knicknacks from dx. there might be others but i cant recall them at the moment.
Hahahahah I loved the first part. You must have been really out of it to place complete order. :tired:
The most fun is after coming home drunk from a bar surfing on your favorite dealers' websites and placing orders... It is guaranteed to be a hazy memory, and a nice surprise gift for yourself...
Funny thread! :)

I would like to respond but I can't remember if these things have happened to me or not. :eek:
The most fun is after coming home drunk from a bar surfing on your favorite dealers' websites and placing orders... It is guaranteed to be a hazy memory, and a nice surprise gift for yourself...


It sounds like your computer should have a breathalyser/interlock.


Please blow into tube to log on . . .

"Hic.....HONEY, can you come here for a sec?......(buuuuurp)."