Blaster, I have to admit I do like both of his batman films and the prestige. While I didn't think they were as amazing as everyone else, I still thought they were pretty great. I was getting a little tired of Christian Bale's growl in the latest batman film though.
However, inception imho is definitely smarter, better, faster than the other films. I'd give it a shot in theatres. It has a lot going for it. I'm kind of thinking I should of dropped the extra 3 dollars to catch the imax now.
Fizz, I've only caught scattered pieces of ghost so I can't really comment there. I've heard it's pretty cool, I think I should check it out.
m16, I agree walking in I was all hyped up thinking man I hope this isn't a let down. I've been waiting on this movie for several months, I would have been really disappointed if it didn't live up to the hype.