I stumbled across their web site while looking for something in that class, but there are now a lot more really good options since the Black Bear was introduced.
It's about $250 for his 1050 lumen top-of-his-line light, but for only another $100 or so, there are way too many better performing (and compact) options to consider.
He was ahead of his time, but I think his time has now passed.
For my money, I'd much rather consider the AE 25W Xenide or the KR3500.
Yes, they cost a little more, but they're made by established companies and sold by reputable dealers* so you'll always be able to get parts and support.
* I'm not suggesting that the maker of the Black Bear isn't reputable, but it's a "one guy" operation, and when he decides to pack it in, your entire support and parts source is gone.