Can anyone explain this to me


Newly Enlightened
May 1, 2008
Where in the hell does this flashlight addiction come from, I think I am hooked as well. I love these little trinkets:ohgeez:
I think it appeals to man's enjoyment of producing light and also to the gadget side of our makeup.
Go for a walk at night with a bright light. Explains everything :)

Small, dim lights for going around the house and lights you EDC are merely extensions of this.
Really, it's an amazing form of magic. Imagine yourself totally lost 500 years ago in a dark forest with some friends in the middle of the night. It's inky black. You reach into your pocket, and BOOM!! Instant magic! You find your way back home safe and sound with your magical light-emitting wand and enjoy a few brewskis with your friends.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
- English physicist & science fiction author (1917 - 2008)
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My friends think I am crazy, they allways say pretty soon you can open up a lamp shop if you keep it up, and I don't even have that much led flashlights. Its just usefull, sometimes my brother goes on vacation to Africa(madagascar), and nights are pitchblack over there so he is glad he can take one of my lights with him. And yeah just shining that poop in the dark is so cool:LOL: I feel like a kid all over again.
Less than a year ago I started lurking here because I asked some questions on the Lights and Lasers forum on that they couldn't answer for me, and suggested CPF. I thought you guys were speaking some foreign language! Today, I have lights everywhere and can't wait for the next one.

It is awesome to have a light when you need it. The other day, my maintenance guy was trying to show me a leak in the generator shed - without a light. I pulled my little Raw NS out of my dress pants pocket and lit up the whole situation. This was followed by a "Let me see that thing".

My minimum EDC now includes a keychain light, and a flashlight, in addition to the knife that my Grandfather told me no man should ever be without.
It is a selective disease that untill recently only afflicted a small amount of people with approx 80% of people being immune to the disease.

In recent years we have seen several events which have changed the disease slightly so that now a larger amount of people are able to be infected.

There is a similar disease that causes EDC but the results from that affliction can range from simply carrying a wallet or purse right up to full EDC Carry.

This disease affects approx 95% of the population but as above the results vary wildly from person to person.
I always liked small gadgets since I was a little boy. When I was around 12 I adored my Mag Solitaire, it was the coolest thing in the world. When I first saw my friend's SF 6P I was blown away, so I bought a SF A2- and I haven't stopped since. I've moved up to four (yes you read that right) Pila GL3's, and am thinking about a fifth one... just won't stop. I can't stop the addiction, I'll have withdrawal symptoms! Must fight addiction! Will have relapse... soon... AAGGH I GIVE UP!:tinfoil::crazy:

Where in the hell does this flashlight addiction come from, I think I am hooked as well. I love these little trinkets:ohgeez:

This addiction simply comes from the joy of having a powerful light to light up the night. A person either understands it and becomes a flashaholic or lights mean nothing to them.:confused:

It sure is great to be a flashaholic, I am one and encourage you to be one too!:p
I wonder how addicting it would be if when it was daylight, you could have a hand held device that would make it dark where ever you pointed it! :thinking: :crackup:

Now that's just :sick:. Why did I even think of that! :ohgeez:

Must be related to my flashaholism. I can't seem to get rid of it either. :shakehead
AHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG ! ! ! It's gone and happened...

I got on here with the intent of deciding on a metal cased light to replace my two G-2s. They are great lights but I have never really liked the body of the G-2. I was thinking of just going with a pair of 6Ps. Nice, classic, reliable somewhat upgradeable right?

Then I started looking around... and the idea of an EDC seemed pretty good. So I wound up with a Used Novatac120. Good Light right? LOVE that thing and now I think I need another... Don't know why, but I am PRETTY SURE I DO ! ! !

Then I found the leef bodies and the next thing I know I have a stack of Surefire parts, I find a used Longbow Micra, then, THEN add a Tiablo A9 and And AND Last Night I find myself KG gun koating a LEFF build up from Black to Flat Grey...

I am a addicted almost overnight. WTF OVER??? How did this happen? HUH !?!?!?!?

Ok (pant pant pant) I am off to read about LED Diodes.


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Re: AHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG ! ! ! It's gone and happened...

hide your money, wallet, checkbook, credits cards, wife n kids....
Re: AHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG ! ! ! It's gone and happened...

I think people (usually males) often want to have a sense of control of their environment. In a primitive setting, having access to a ready light source provided a significant increase of control when it was dark, and an atavastic echo of that remains even for some of us who now live with ready light 24/7. Others are more than happy to cast off that burden (and the carrying of tools, weapons, sustenance, etc.) as the perks of living in modern times.

We are just the throwbacks. Also there's that guy geek toy attraction for small, shiny, feel hard edged (as opposed to fuzzy) nice thingies..
Yep, it's addicting alright.

Last night my mother in law was in a lot of pain so we went over to check on her to see if we needed to get her to the hospital.

We called an ambulance for her and while the paramedics were examining her, what was I doing?

Checking the paramedics utility belts to see if they were carrying flashlights, and if so, what kind :whistle:

One guy had a red minimag, the female paramedic was not carrying one that I could see, and the driver had a really short metal bodied light....I really wanted to ask him what it was but didn't.

I got home from the hospital about 1:30 AM...did I go to bed? No, I checked the beams of my LED flashlights in the dark house :candle:
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As they say, the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. Once you face up to the fact that it is an addiction to "toys" ... then it can be beaten by willpower. :candle:
Its really funny you mention that comparison between men and their toys, if you think about it, have you noticed that men allways collect toys that involve technical stuff(cars, lights, gadgets, computer hardware)and women, well you know what they do eh:LOL:
my addiction started about 5 years ago with high wattage automotive headlights, about 2 years ago i retro fitted HID projectors into my trucks headlights, then i found this place and had some impulse flashlight buying incidents, now Ive moved on to large watt HID (150-400w) and fluorescents, CFL's and tube T8's