***CRITICAL!!!*** Who gave the POB HID spotlight on 04-05-07?

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Yes, this is very importa...no, better make that ***CRITICAL!!!*** - I need to know who it was that gave me the Sam's Club Power On Board rechargeable HID spotlight on 04-05-07.

I need to know so that it may be returned to the man who gave it to me - my parents (whom I live with primarily for financial reasons) are absolutely adamant that I dispose of it by 11-26-08, or else I will be forced to place it on Craigslist, and if it does not sell, place it in the wheelie bin (wheeled garbage can) for disposal. :shakehead
Just out of curiosity, why are they so adamant that you be rid of it? Were you naughty? :thinking:
Just out of curiosity, why are they so adamant that you be rid of it? Were you naughty? :thinking:
It was somebody that lives in/very near Sacramento (or *did* in April 2007) - very probably Beamhead.

They're making me get rid of it plus almost all of my other flashlights, things that glow, R/C aircraft...well, almost everything you see on my website because we have to move to Washington in February 2009 and they do not want to pay "$10,000.00 to send a flashlight" (their words, not mine).

I will be keeping my unfinished Arc LS prototype, my royal blue Arc LS, at least some SureFire products, and at least some of my lasers (all Blu-ray lasers, at least one blue DPSS laser, several green DPSS lasers, both yellow PSS lasers, and several red lasers).
But yes, I do have to dispose of the Power On Board HID spotlight and most every other light I have. :shakehead
They're making me get rid of it plus almost all of my other flashlights, things that glow, R/C aircraft...well, almost everything you see on my website

The Nonsense indicator lamp is now lit :caution:

I can foresee quite a few options here - a storage unit, for one. $20-ish a month and you'll actually have *too much room* for flashlights and toys..

Next up would be a getting a POD, basically a big storage box that you can have stored, and then when you do move, you can have it delivered to your new address. See it here: http://www.pods.com/

If nothing else, get some large storage tubs at your local hardware store, and put everything into them, then put the tubs somewhere completely out of the way, so that it appears you got rid of everything.

And so on. I think this could be resolved so that the LED Museum can live on, it'll just take some planning :cool:
They're making me get rid of it plus almost all of my other flashlights, things that glow, R/C aircraft...well, almost everything you see on my website because we have to move to Washington in February 2009

Does this mean you will once again be pre-lighting the Seattle Christmas tree with lasers? :D
Definitely not this Christmas, and probably not (but not "DEFINITELY" not) next Christmas either.
Not this year because we'll still be in Sacramento.
And probably not Christmas 2009 because we'll be moving to the Federal Way / Tukwila area, which I believe is 35 to 45 miles SE of Seattle, and I do not drive.
The only possibility for Christmas 2009 is if we're on the bus line, and if that's the case, I can easily take a Metro bus to downtown Seattle.
Yes, this is very importa...no, better make that ***CRITICAL!!!*** - I need to know who it was that gave me the Sam's Club Power On Board rechargeable HID spotlight on 04-05-07.

I need to know so that it may be returned to the man who gave it to me - my parents (whom I live with primarily for financial reasons) are absolutely adamant that I dispose of it by 11-26-08, or else I will be forced to place it on Craigslist, and if it does not sell, place it in the wheelie bin (wheeled garbage can) for disposal. :shakehead

Do yourself, and Everyone else a favor by asking around for who would be
willing to hold onto these lights for safekeeping. I am sure there are ALOT
of members in the Sacramento area that can help you out. It would be a
crying shame if you Threw Out a Flashlight!!!! :mecry::mecry:
I myself, WOULD NOT Even Consider it!!

That being said, Someone close to him, Please Help Out!

Okay, I'am done :grin2:
The Nonsense indicator lamp is now lit :caution:

I can foresee quite a few options here - a storage unit, for one. $20-ish a month and you'll actually have *too much room* for flashlights and toys..

Next up would be a getting a POD, basically a big storage box that you can have stored, and then when you do move, you can have it delivered to your new address. See it here: http://www.pods.com/

If nothing else, get some large storage tubs at your local hardware store, and put everything into them, then put the tubs somewhere completely out of the way, so that it appears you got rid of everything.

And so on. I think this could be resolved so that the LED Museum can live on, it'll just take some planning :cool:

From Craig's website:

The LED Museum is provided as a public service, and is funded out of my own pocket. Living on a $400 a month disability stipend makes it difficult to maintain the website and the internet service hosting it...

What is easy solution to most people here may be very hard to do if you are in above mentioned situation.
Some advice from my 11th grade science teacher..

StarHalo's 11th Grade Science Teacher said:
Find a way.

The sale of one or two flashlights would be enough to store them all. Should that UV laser get sold, that'd be enough to just ship the whole collection and then some..
Now I feel obligated to help. Im willing to pay for a storage unit and shipping if he would like....but I get to choose the location of said shelf....er storage unit yea thats what I meant to say, storage unit =] but in all seriousness I would deffinatly pay shipping round trip if he wanted to store his lights at my place.
Allrighty Folks,

We need to setup a paypal fund to get him a proper place
to store this wonderful collection! Do i have to put forth
the effort? Or can we still have someone near him to store
the lights locally.. In Sacramento, or his new Washington
location? Please help him out, or i will setup a paypal fund
for him to do so himself.

Please Help him out folks!


P.S. I will donate 30.00 for the cause !
While I do really appreciate everybody's offers of assistance, I'm afraid that the fate of most of my lights has already been sealed.

Some things you just can't undo.

You can't un-strike a match. You can't un-peel a tomato. You can't un-flush a toliet. You can't un-blow a blown LED. And you can't un-seal the fate of something who's fate has been sealed. :(

Also, just so this thread does not get deleted, soliciting funds on CPF is a rather severe no-no; this thread will very likely get deleted soon if the above post by Sabrewolf is not edited. :-/
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