Dollar for dollar, whats the best (brightest-distance/quality-build) hid available?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2008
I am seeing several different HIDs mentioned such as the AE, Microfire, Boxer amongst others. I am wanting to purchase a crazy thrower. I have a (non HID) Dereelight DBS and love it but want to shine further, much further!

One that has peaked my curiosity is available on the bay... Item number: 140212648704 Not too sure how good they are of if anyone has any experience with this brand.

I am looking for a hand held, no larger than a 2 or 3D mag sized HID. I would like a very tight beam that goes a very long distance. Price wise, $200 - $400. Which and why? Beam shots, photos would be greatly appreciated.
Good luck getting repair work or spare parts for that light. However since there are from Canada as you are, it might not be so bad for service. Microfire is down to only one dealer in the US, that dealer has had some problems with there supply of lights.
Too bad that the Polarion PH40 is out of your price range....this IS a super thrower....(2000$).It has a 40 Watt HID Bulb, but you would need 4 (four) Microfire 3500R´s, each with a 35 Watt HID Bulb, to reach the same level of brightness! It sounds unbelieveable, but someone from Finland (?) already did a comparism between those lights with beamshots...

I don't have any photos or beamshots to show you, but it sounds like what you're looking for is the AE Xenide 25W. It has a nice tight 6 degree spot, is approximately 3D-mag sized, runs for about 120 minutes (or so say the specs, I think it's pretty close to that), 1500 lumens. I haven't heard any negative feedback about the AE lights either, so they seem to be pretty reliable. They're available here.
None of the compact Mag sized HIDs have much throw. Well they do compared to most "normal" lights, but as far as HIDs go they don't. They all produce a rather wide beam compared to a stock Maglite.

The only exception is the Eznite, which coincidently is also the most compact HID available. Due to its precision reflector and focus mechanism along with the lack of an outer lamp envelope it is possible to focus on the extremely small hotspot at the tip of the cathode, greatly increasing throw and producing a needle thin beam.

However it still doesn't throw as far as your average 35W automotive based HID like the Sam's Club or N30 or X990 due to their much larger reflectors. It also doesn't produce anywhere near the lumens. At 10W it only produces 500 lumens, less than 1/6 the lumens of a 35W automotive HID.
Be honest with you guys, I don't think Polarion's light is *that* superior to others. Just my 2 cents...
Have you seen/handled a Xenide? It's pretty darn throwy to me!

No, but I don't see why it would be different to any of the others. The problem with the smaller HIDs is that they just don't have the reflecter diameter to compete with the big boys. For crazy throw something with a big reflector like the Sam's Club HID is best.
Xevision 50, not too expensive, great performance and U.S. service only a phone call away. Ask for Dan.
User mtsao is selling the Sams Club Vector 35w for $50 shipped with insurance and DC at the Market Place. That is the best offer for it so far, other than if you got it for $20.
No, but I don't see why it would be different to any of the others. The problem with the smaller HIDs is that they just don't have the reflecter diameter to compete with the big boys. For crazy throw something with a big reflector like the Sam's Club HID is best.

You're right about the big reflector. However, the OP requested HIDs which were in the 2D-3D mag size range. The Sam's Club HID and other large-reflector lights simply aren't available in this size range.
I don't have any photos or beamshots to show you, but it sounds like what you're looking for is the AE Xenide 25W. It has a nice tight 6 degree spot, is approximately 3D-mag sized, runs for about 120 minutes (or so say the specs, I think it's pretty close to that), 1500 lumens. I haven't heard any negative feedback about the AE lights either, so they seem to be pretty reliable. They're available here.

AE Xenide25 is going to be the best thrower in that size range, due to the superior reflector. It's also a bonus that the quality of the light itself is higher too.

I own two AEs, a 24W and a 25W and they're really great lights. They throw much better than the Boxer and Microfire. The charging equipment is also much better from AE.
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No, but I don't see why it would be different to any of the others. The problem with the smaller HIDs is that they just don't have the reflecter diameter to compete with the big boys. For crazy throw something with a big reflector like the Sam's Club HID is best.

Yes, it's hard to beat the throw of the Costco/Harbor/Mega HID, but the OP is requesting info about smaller, flashlight shaped lights. Reflector quality is also a huge part of throw and I think AE reflector quality is second only to Polarion. It's the reason that they throw as well as many of the 4" and 5" reflectored spots.
I've already said that the Eznite is the best thrower out of the compact HIDs, including the Xenide. However it is important to understand that no compact HID is capable of "crazy throw".

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