Don't hate me but...what is the brightest EDC at the mo?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 16, 2006
Is there anything which takes 1 or 2 CR123As that gives out more than 300 lumens?

What is the brightest EDC (as in holds a max of 2 CRs) as of today?

Sorry for the question, I bet some of you will hate it. I have been out of flashlights for about a year, and I've just kind of taken an interest again with getting my new Nitecore Extreme.

Surefire P91 + 2xIMR-16340 + SF/Solarforce 6P will get you over 350L OTF

Thats about the brightest ~pocketable setup I have ever seen, although not Primaries.
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What do you need 300 lumens for? This is a reasonable question and not sniping - consider the Flashlight Checklist because that's a freakin' lot of light for EDC. I can certainly understand that you'd want the option of "It's dark but we'll keep playing basketball" light output, but to make 300 lm a useful EDC light you'd want settings below that, but then the main cost is in that control circuit. Also, abbreviating moment to 'mo' is whack ;)
Sorry fellas I should have mentioned:

I am not an expert. The only thing I know from this...

"P91 + 2xIMR-16340 + SF/Solarforce 6P"

is a P91.

I really mean lights from stock. As in, I could just buy it and that's that.

I don't need 300 lumens, just like I don't need 200 lumens. But I just want the brightest EDC light for my monies. :D

I am browsing the Flashlight Checklist now. Thanks for that!
Get the MG PLI. 700+ lumens on high (don't know if those are emitter or torch lumens) to dazzle your friends, and low and medium modes for actual use.

There are probably brighter 18650 lights out there, but that's the brightest I'm aware of that doesn't have a monster head too big to comfortably holster for EDC.

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posting that list would have been helpful
you need to define what you won't edc - what is too big, too expensive, etc.

+1 MG PLI, I use it nightly on my bike.
4sevens quark line is great, smaller but with lego options.
deal extream look for akora 106, it's a jetbeam IBS knock-off.
If you've got funds, search JetBeam's websight, they have lots of high output lights.
Your criteria are:
1) 300+ Lumens OTF
2) 2xCR123 Primary
3) Pocket carry
4) Out of box stock

Answer: No such light exists.

If you compromise a little with items 1, 2 you have some options.
Good suggestions here

....and just a friendly note to the original poster. What's considered "EDC-able" is debatable and therefore another relative term. It's always good to indicate your own size preference, i.e. 1 x CR123 or 2 x CR123, etc. :)

Lastly, the XP-G emitter isn't far off and might be with waiting for if you're looking for the absolute brightest, single die emitter for small EDCs.
MG PLI (from Shiningbeam)
mc-e @ 2500ma (spec)
2x123, recommened time on high be limited to 20 minutes
'out of the box'
I think that your requirement of stock is flexible, meaning you just don't want to mod it yourself.

There's a guy in the Custom Mod section here that is selling some nice modded lights that meet your requirements.

This is his current model, and I think it meets all of your requirements. I think his last EDC project was an 18650 light.

The nice thing about his lights is that you can get a light that is very bright and small enough to carry around, but you also have some low modes so you can actually use the light for things.
MG PLI (from Shiningbeam)
mc-e @ 2500ma (spec)
2x123, recommened time on high be limited to 20 minutes
'out of the box'

The what? *checks shiningbeam* *checks Linger's review*
Damn you Linger *shakes fist*! You just cost me money!:broke:
Hmmm, M20, Jet-IIIM, H60w (on order) MG PLI (on order) - I am starting to accumulate a few 18650 lights, I may need to put ANOTHER order through to AW :broke: (I thought he already had enough of my money!)

This is one expensive forum!
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The above are no doubt very capable lights, and so they should be with what some cost.
I used to really like a P1D Q5 as an all round light, still do, but for $12.99 it is blown away, well and truly by me Ultrafire MCU-C7s.
This(rcr123) has 2 brightness levels with low being useable unlike some high is 230 Lumen, and a strobe as well, useful for aggravating people!!.
No way will I spend on lights that offer less anymore.
I'm not saying for a minute Ultrafire is best, but thinking if a cheaper light you're not going to spend your time having to take care it doesn't get knocked etc, and small enough to fit in pocket easy.
Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate the feedback from you.

posting that list would have been helpful
you need to define what you won't edc - what is too big, too expensive...

Sorry, I did wonder when I came to the end of all two pages what I was looking at... :thinking:

Your criteria are:
1) 300+ Lumens OTF
2) 2xCR123 Primary
3) Pocket carry
4) Out of box stock

Answer: No such light exists.

If you compromise a little with items 1, 2 you have some options.

Right on with the specs! Thank-you.

Good suggestions here

....and just a friendly note to the original poster. What's considered "EDC-able" is debatable and therefore another relative term. It's always good to indicate your own size preference, i.e. 1 x CR123 or 2 x CR123

I did! :)

I think that your requirement of stock is flexible, meaning you just don't want to mod it yourself.

There's a guy in the Custom Mod section here that is selling some nice modded lights that meet your requirements.

This is his current model, and I think it meets all of your requirements. I think his last EDC project was an 18650 light.

The nice thing about his lights is that you can get a light that is very bright and small enough to carry around, but you also have some low modes so you can actually use the light for things.

Sweet! That looks too good to be true. Something like that is perfect.

Funds aren't that big a problem, I can always save up and sell stuff. :naughty:
I have compared a lot of lights here, it might give you an idea about what some of the lights can do. There are also other beamshot collections on my website.

Oh and thanks HKJ, I have a lot of reading to do. :huh:

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