Icarus Mag 2C mod SSC BB 917ma, OMFG!!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
Hi all!

A few weeks back Icarus offered a Mag C module using a Cree led here


I got interested and PM'ed him about doing a similar project using a SSC P4 U bin and for driver a BadBoy set at 917ma since the SSC can be focused better in the mag reflector and the BB can use regular alkalines or Nimh for longer runtime.

Well, I just got the module, and OMFG!!! It is the brightest single led I have ever seen period! Here is a comparison against the well known Lumapower M1, using 2 x 123's, I would say more than double the brightness of the M1! Even with the camera set at -2.00 exposure, the SSC Mag stomps the M1 with smooth reflector.

SSC on the left, Lumapower M1 on the right

I edited the pic to turn the brightness all the way down, still you can see the SSC Mag on the left stomping the M1 on the right

I compared it against a FM 2.25C Mag with 2 inch deep reflector and ceramic socket using a Magcharger bulb being overdriven by 2 li-ions 18650 to 7.5V and doing about 309 torch lumens according to the hotrater program


The SSC holds its own against this 300+ lumen light, I would say the SSC Mag is putting around the same lumens as the overdriven magcharger bulb.

SSC Mag on the left and FM magcharger Mag on the right.


Edited with brightness all the way down


I am absolutely amazed! and to think it will give me 4+ hours of regulated brightness using 2 5000 mah Nimh C is just incredible! :rock:

The workmanship of the Icarus mod is awesome, skillful modder and an asset to the CPF community

Thanks Icarus! :goodjob:
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Forgot to add a pic of the host

Purple/Blue Mag 2C bought at Home Depot! I like the way it changes from blue to purple in the light!



One very little piece of advice tho..:

Editing beamshot-pics afterwards does not give better results: Overexposed areas stay overexposed, so the difference between the beamspots stayes the same or even decreases.

If possible, use manual exposure-settings to make shorter exposures, so the center of the CCS-beam-spot doesn't overexpose! Looking at your pictures, the difference will only be bigger and more eminent if you do this.


Alex I'm glad that you are happy:thumbsup:

The reason for the good result is.....the best parts assembled by the best modder:twothumbs

My lights from Freddy are also....:bow:...:clap:...:grin2:

Best regards

Price was $60 shipped

The focus works by screwing in or out the head like the regular mag and you will get plenty of donuthole, the tower had to be cut off for fitting the module and thermal transfer to the body. I used Artic ceramique to attach the module to the body and maximize heat transfer.

Looks exactly like this but with a SSC instead of the Cree, Pic by Icarus


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This post has me very excited for my new Mag on the way from Mac, should be here tommorrow.

Mine will be powered by 3x17670's in a tri-bored custom cut-down Mag, with Mac's tailcap in the back. An SSC P4 is driven by the FLuPIC v2.2 software, a modified stock reflector and UCL lens finish the light off. He said this light measured over 20,000 lux!

Nice photos and nice light :) Icarus is the man :goodjob:
Strauss said:
Icarus is the man :goodjob:

Hello Strauss:)

I second that:grin2:

You'll love your new light. I have build these days also one with the SSC and Flupic version2.2.........incredible:rock:

Very best regards

I've thought about doing this - getting custom work from Icarus or any of the known modders in the forums ... however, isn't Icarus from the Netherlands or something?

Just wondering whether shipping, logistics or anything like that would make some custom work more trouble that it's worth. I'm in Canada if that's any help.

Nice light though. :) Strauss' Red Dragon is what got me interested in the first place.
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He's in Belgium, but I got the package to my door (USA) in 8 days YMMV, It was worth it IMHO.

bill_n_opus said:
I've thought about doing this - getting custom work from Icarus or any of the known modders in the forums ... however, isn't Icarus from the Netherlands or something?

Just wondering whether shipping, logistics or anything like that would make some custom work more trouble that it's worth. I'm in Canada if that's any help.

Nice light though. :) Strauss' Red Dragon is what got me interested in the first place.

The last light Icarus sent to me, got to me in NY from Belgium in 3-4 working days. Shipping is a little bit more of course, but EVERY extra cent is worth it.

Now that I have the Quad-LuxIII, keep your eyes open for another beamshot post comparing my 2 Icarus beauties...along with a few other of my LED lights. If you are at all interested in a multi-emitter, high powered LED set-up, please contact him. You WILL NOT be dissapointed :)

And just a little info on my 2 beauties: The Red Dragon puts out 500 lumens and ~4000 lux at one meter, for about 25minutes. The Quad-LuxIII puts out 350 lumens and ~9000 lux at one meter, for just short of 2.5hrs :rock: It has been named my "runtime king".
:oops: … I only saw this thread because someone pointed me to it.
Thanks everyone for the nice complements… :eek: … :wave:
Icarus is for the more the best modder i have ever seen.....
He mode some light for me ...... Incredible work
Thank you Icarus :)

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