Is taskLED still in business??


Newly Enlightened
Jan 23, 2009
I got onto taskLED's website today to order the hipCC, and their website is down? Anyone know if they are just having website issues, or are they no longer in business?

Hopefully the hipCC will still be around...I want to use that for my MC-E mod!
you can order from their australian retailer; cutter electronics.
Yes, they have problems to a site, I too saw it. On the Australian site a bit more expensively also there are old versions of an insertion. It is necessary to wait, the site can will start operation
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I originally was going to buy from Cutter, but their hipCC is much more expensive and it was going to cost an additional $25 (ish) to ship to my location in the US....
Such a bad time for the site to go down, I needed to read a manual for the maxflex. I never downloaded the old version. its v1.00 with the capacitor jumping the chip
True it's posted on TaskLED's order page George is on vacation from May 10 to June 12. But with his site being down for over a week, how would anybody know that?
It is posted he will be back on the 12th