Just purchased the SureFire 6P LED....


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2009
.... what a disapointment!

How can I get a better throw with a tighter, more focused spot?
Do you want multi mode (hi med lo) , or just single mode on and off?

I assume you got a stock 6P so its not bored so the ones that use a single 18650 Cell wont work for you. You need to look at the ones that use CR123 or RCR123 if you have a stock 6P. That should limit you down to one or two from that page Niconical showed you...

Also maybe look at Malkoff... I put a Malkoff M60 in my Surefire 6P and it rocks!

Hope that helps you decide...
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I would recommend a Malkoff M60. It is the best thing that has ever happened to a Surefire. I am in the progress of upgrading ALL of my Surefires to Malkoff's modules, I have gotten 6 so far.

I don't know any websites that have it in stock (they sell like hotcakes) but a user here may have some to sell you. PM me if you want to know who.
+1 Malkoff all the way! At the moment, they are difficult to find, due to an emitter upgrade, and Gene Malkoff recently has had his appendix removed.
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Its not disappointing if you need to use it for hours at a time with one set of batteries.Having a light thats always 300+ lumens is not always best.

That 6P LED was designed to clear rooms for tactical applications.You don't want lots of light bouncing off walls blinding you when clearing rooms.Also if your working on machinery guns engines etc that light output is more then sufficient for long steady usage.80 Lumens is also enough to blind attackers momentarily.

I prefer this LED in my weponlight for some of the reasons listed above.However it is cool to have super bright Led's but each will have there own applications.So in essence you shouldn't be disappointed with you 6P LED just understand its purpose.
I would recommend a Malkoff M60. It is the best thing that has ever happened to a Surefire. I am in the progress of upgrading ALL of my Surefires to Malkoff's modules, I have gotten 6 so far.

I don't know any websites that have it in stock (they sell like hotcakes) but a user here may have some to sell you. PM me if you want to know who.


However, after buying the new M61, I decided I would like to update most of my lights to this Malkoff drop-in. As a matter of fact, I just sold an M60 and an M60W within hours of posting them on the CPFMarketplace. :naughty: I hope to pick up a few M61's when they come back in stock. (Hint-hint, Gene!)

Until then, even a M60LL or M60LF would be a better drop-in than the P60L that cape with your new SureFire. They are both on sale now.

-- Frank
.... what a disapointment!

How can I get a better throw with a tighter, more focused spot?
FrankW438, you are right in that the M61 is strongly preferable to many people, however, OP seems to be looking for the M60, based on his requirement for a tighter, throwier beam.
I got a great R2 drop-in with a tight hotspot and perfect beam that's yours for $15.

[/shameless plug]
