Just recieved Surefire E1B backup, mixed thoughts on Quality Control

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DimeRazorback, thank you for posting. Here's the deal, overall I guess I'm happy with the light. The small marks or scratches (3 or 4) on the TIR dosen't affect the performence any, but here's the thing. If other owners come on here and say " oh yes, this is a common issue with these TIR lights, I have a few that also have these small 1/8th inch marks or scratches on the TIR lense" then I'm okay, becasue then I know that my light isn't the random lemon that came off the assembley line and not the only one with these imperfections. If this is a common issue, does anyone have any idea how it's happening? I mean, are they being mishandled by surefire?, maybe the type of plastic they use scratches with the slightest touch?
I understand your concerns completely and I am not trying to question them :thumbsup:

In my opinion (which isn't one of an expert as I don't have anything to do with plastics or the creation of TIR lenses) the material used must either be easily marked, or difficult to get to set in a completely clear way.

Maybe the marks aren't actually scratches but more manufacturing marks. Like how bubbles can form in glues etc.


I am not sure. I am sure that it is common though, so don't worry about your particular TIR being a victim of some form of neglect.

Maybe you could email SF and see if the technicians have any explanation of the phenomenon. I would be interested in that answer myself!
The cloudiness you describe is actually a slight film used to smooth out the beam. Most of my TIR Surefires have the marks you are talking about. It's common. That Backup is a great little light a throws really well.

I did some searching and I'm actually having a difficult time finding something to verify this, I'm not doubting it, from the looks of it that seems like the likely anwser but I just cant find any info to verify it. Do all the TIR equipped surefire lights have this diffused cloudy looking lens or is this exclusive only to the E1B? I want to point out that the lens only appears cloudy when the light is on, when looking at the glass with the light off it just looks normal.

Also, if anyone out there knows where I can find any photos of the scars or blemishes on the TIR optic I've been describing maybe you could please point them out to me, just curious as to how mine compair's to others.

I was wiping the lens off earlier and noticed that the 1/4 inch long scratch I mentioned on the glass lens seems to be under the glass, not on the surface, hmm, I guess it won't affect anything, but this is the first high end light I have bought that had a noticable scratch on the lens right out of the box:thumbsdow Curiously on the back of my flashlight package it says "borofloat lens":thinking: Why wouldn't it use a pyrex lens like all the other lights? Borofloat is only nesecarry when extreme heat is involved, the E1B doesn't throw any real heat.
I think you should just send it back if you're going to obsess over all these details. Obviously you're not happy so why bother getting frustrated over it?

I say send it back, or learn to live with it.
Curiously on the back of my flashlight package it says "borofloat lens":thinking: Why wouldn't it use a pyrex lens like all the other lights? Borofloat is only nesecarry when extreme heat is involved, the E1B doesn't throw any real heat.

Many of the Surefires are switching to borofloat, such as the LX2. I believe it is of similar composition to pyrex (both borosilicate glass or something?) but I've read that it is ever so slightly more transparent than pyrex. I don't think it has anything to do with heat, just the way they are moving.
The change in glass has been explained in detail before. Effectively no more Pyrex window-type glass is being produced so everyone is forced to change.
As has been explained before, the cloudiness on the window is from the diffusion coating. It is present on my E1B, and also an L1 which I have sold. The markings on the TIR optic is normal and is present on all my Surefire lights that uses TIR optic, including the LX2. It looks more like stains left from the adhesive rather than a scratch. Hey they need to adhere the TIR in there don't they?

As for the missing ano, this is what I can say. Bubbles would usually form during pure HA III ano process. These bubbles tend to latch themselves onto corners and edges and it is inevitable that some areas might not receive a full HA III coating which would result in "chipping". It is normal but I do agree it is annoying too. Either you live with it or send it back to SF for an exchange.
Can you post some pics of the anodizing spots ?

I would send it back to Surefire.
A 139 dollars light cannot have one single scratch on it!!
My SF TIR lenses are cloudy, and even have very light "wisps" of smoke in them, but it doesn't effect the beam...a part of the MFG process as far as I'm concerned. As far as the ano missing, how bad is it? If I thought it would lead to more "flaking", I'd definitely swap it out, just so the finish last longer. Other than that, I wouldn't worry about it...carry it for a month, and then reinspect it...
If it doesn't affect the usage of the light in anyway, then keep it. It's meant to be used and sooner or later it's going to get banged up. You keep being obsessed over it, it's going to drive you crazy. If it bugs you no end, then send it back for a replacement.
If it doesn't affect the usage of the light in anyway, then keep it. It's meant to be used and sooner or later it's going to get banged up.


Just get it over with......drop it. It is inevitable. All your concerns will disappear. :)
Big Surefire TIR owner here, let's see…

L1 – purchased pre loved with no scratches on the TIR, lens does look a little cloudy but that is normal.

KX2 HA – same as above, has a slight cloudy appearance on the lens.
KX2 BK – lens appears clear, no scratches on the TIR
KX2 60/3 – TIR appears a bit green and you can see a tiny bit of cloudyness if held under a light at a certain angle. Bigger issue is the slightly mismatch annodizing. Recent production light.
KX1 – purchased new, no scratches or cloudyness, the cloudy will appear if you have a staring contest with it
KL1 – no visible scratches
KL1 – older ribbed version, no scratches visible on the TIR

E1B – lens appears clear, no cloudyness or green
KX2C – you can see a slight green if held up to the light at a certain angle
E2DL – very, I mean very slight green and cloudyness. Can see if you look really hard.

Icon Modus I – no scratches on the TIR, wait yes it does – from being dropped by my relatives who keep playing around with my lights.

It's a light, it's a tool, it's meant to be used or you can keep it as a shelf queen. If it is not to your liking, send it back and buy something else.

Thank you to everyone who helped out on this thread, I appreciate it. Well, I thought about it very hard and I have made a decision, I'm contacting surefire tomorrow and requesting an RMA. Missing anodozing, scratched TIR, scratched and dirty lens, just unacceptabe for a $139 light ($154 after shipping and tax). I'm starting to lose my faith in surefire's workmanship.

Now I have another decision to make, either request another light and risk getting the same thing or worse, OR just get my refund, take the hit on the shipping fee's, and spend the funds elsewhere. I know what some of you guys are thinking, that these blemishes don't affect the light just keep it, but I think it's the adding up of all of these blemishes (if you can call them that) that is driving me nuts. I have tried so hard throughout this thread to just accept these things as they are and enjoy the light, but in the end, there has just been too much money spend to just "try and be happy", hopefully surefire won't give me any trouble tomorrow.
Good move! I know it's difficult but try not to let this problem you have experienced put you off Surefire forever! Now that you have had a chance to play with the light and experience the performance, if you are otherwise happy with the way it operates, then definately get a replacement.

If not, then get a Malkoff!! :naughty:


Thank you to everyone who helped out on this thread, I appreciate it. Well, I thought about it very hard and I have made a decision, I'm contacting surefire tomorrow and requesting an RMA. Missing anodozing, scratched TIR, scratched and dirty lens, just unacceptabe for a $139 light ($154 after shipping and tax). I'm starting to lose my faith in surefire's workmanship.

Now I have another decision to make, either request another light and risk getting the same thing or worse, OR just get my refund, take the hit on the shipping fee's, and spend the funds elsewhere. I know what some of you guys are thinking, that these blemishes don't affect the light just keep it, but I think it's the adding up of all of these blemishes (if you can call them that) that is driving me nuts. I have tried so hard throughout this thread to just accept these things as they are and enjoy the light, but in the end, there has just been too much money spend to just "try and be happy", hopefully surefire won't give me any trouble tomorrow.
Bubbles in the annodizing process causing chips and bare spots is normal?

Then why do so many lights have perfect annodizing? I understand it can occur , I have had vehicles where the paint has bubbled/flaked/rusted in the exact shape of a thumb print and you know someone touched that spot before painting and oils contaminated the surface.
But a solid coverage of Anno can be accomplished. I see it all the time.

I think the truth is the lights with "flaws" in the finish are indeed just pushed through and even if the "flaws" are noticed they are within SFs acceptable limits. And thats fine I guess, if they pulled them all it would only increase the cost of the lights even more .

I have had 3 Tiros SF lights and one did have a small scratch but it did not affect the beam. I have only had one SF with bad anno and it was a black finish. all the green finish ones have always been perfect , maybe it has something to do with black?

Dont get me wrong here, not bashing SF, I love their lights and have a cpl in the "stable" and will buy more when I can but it's not normal to me its just SF and they way they do things . I had to go thru the process myself of deciding to accept it or not . Their lights are soo good I have come to accept a certain level of it but my limits are around where the OPs are .
Thank you to everyone who helped out on this thread, I appreciate it. Well, I thought about it very hard and I have made a decision, I'm contacting surefire tomorrow and requesting an RMA. Missing anodozing, scratched TIR, scratched and dirty lens, just unacceptabe for a $139 light ($154 after shipping and tax). I'm starting to lose my faith in surefire's workmanship.

Now I have another decision to make, either request another light and risk getting the same thing or worse, OR just get my refund, take the hit on the shipping fee's, and spend the funds elsewhere. I know what some of you guys are thinking, that these blemishes don't affect the light just keep it, but I think it's the adding up of all of these blemishes (if you can call them that) that is driving me nuts. I have tried so hard throughout this thread to just accept these things as they are and enjoy the light, but in the end, there has just been too much money spend to just "try and be happy", hopefully surefire won't give me any trouble tomorrow.

hey i totally agree with u. For me, I can never stand things being not perfect when a fortune is spend on it though. If most of the consumer gets a perfect light, i would want a perfect light too.. Why should I sulk up in getting a bad apple..so to speak xD...
Thank you to everyone who helped out on this thread, I appreciate it. Well, I thought about it very hard and I have made a decision, I'm contacting surefire tomorrow and requesting an RMA. Missing anodozing, scratched TIR, scratched and dirty lens, just unacceptabe for a $139 light ($154 after shipping and tax). I'm starting to lose my faith in surefire's workmanship.

Now I have another decision to make, either request another light and risk getting the same thing or worse, OR just get my refund, take the hit on the shipping fee's, and spend the funds elsewhere. I know what some of you guys are thinking, that these blemishes don't affect the light just keep it, but I think it's the adding up of all of these blemishes (if you can call them that) that is driving me nuts. I have tried so hard throughout this thread to just accept these things as they are and enjoy the light, but in the end, there has just been too much money spend to just "try and be happy", hopefully surefire won't give me any trouble tomorrow.
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