Despite the series of negative alarmist comments and certainty of being in a recession, the U.S. economy continues to prove its resiliency in the face of daunting stresses.
While the Gross Domestic Product has very real practical limitations and glaring omissions, none-the-less the technical definition of a "recession" requiring two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth has been dashed with today's announcement from The Treasury Department that the 2nd Quarter ending in June had 1.9% growth (1st Quarter was only 0.9%).
I am not saying that the U.S. economy is "healthy" with its massive debt, unsustainable govt. growth & entitlement programs, federal reserve monetary policies, and untenable gridlock in reaching sensible long term legislative solutions.
I am saying that when you take into account the unbelievable economic shocks of 9/11, military actions in Afganistan/Iraq, weak U.S. dollar, housing/sub-prime mortgage disaster, oil/energy prices, bank & financial institutional failures, credit/lending crunch, low interest rates, inflation, and a steady diet of trashing anything related to the current U.S. administration--in spite of all that & more, to see almost 2% growth over the last 3 months GDP is astounding.
Clearly this economic "slowdown" is following all past cycles where a period of growth is always followed by a period of slowdown or recession as a normal sequence. These numbers are strongly related to growing exports and investments in the USA where everything is much cheaper due to the lower U.S. Dollar.
As a concerned American citizen, there is much to yet be concerned about, but despite the constant drivel of oppressive negativity, there is also much to be proud of. :candle:
While the Gross Domestic Product has very real practical limitations and glaring omissions, none-the-less the technical definition of a "recession" requiring two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth has been dashed with today's announcement from The Treasury Department that the 2nd Quarter ending in June had 1.9% growth (1st Quarter was only 0.9%).
I am not saying that the U.S. economy is "healthy" with its massive debt, unsustainable govt. growth & entitlement programs, federal reserve monetary policies, and untenable gridlock in reaching sensible long term legislative solutions.
I am saying that when you take into account the unbelievable economic shocks of 9/11, military actions in Afganistan/Iraq, weak U.S. dollar, housing/sub-prime mortgage disaster, oil/energy prices, bank & financial institutional failures, credit/lending crunch, low interest rates, inflation, and a steady diet of trashing anything related to the current U.S. administration--in spite of all that & more, to see almost 2% growth over the last 3 months GDP is astounding.
Clearly this economic "slowdown" is following all past cycles where a period of growth is always followed by a period of slowdown or recession as a normal sequence. These numbers are strongly related to growing exports and investments in the USA where everything is much cheaper due to the lower U.S. Dollar.
As a concerned American citizen, there is much to yet be concerned about, but despite the constant drivel of oppressive negativity, there is also much to be proud of. :candle: