The circuits are buck, or voltage step-down. So the 18650 will probably work initially, but fall out of regulation and end up with gradual dimming throughout the runtime. IMHO if a "C" battery fits, then another option may be to use a LiIon "C" battery. That has even greater capacity than a 18650, and would probalby perform better (not as much sag from the load of the three LEDs). The C would have more than double the capacity of 2 RCR123s.I'm really tempted to do this mod myself, I love the way multi cree lights look! Is this the host you used for this mod? I'm checking because it's a 68 led light, not over a 100 leds like your startpost said, but it sure looks alot like it.
Another question, you mentioned getting 2x123 batteries in there... could you check if 1 18650 wil also fit and power up the 3 leds with the used circuits? That would be great. Also, is that huge heatsink you posted above custom made? Or is it a part that's found inside the flashlight?
Thanx! :candle:
I'm really tempted to do this mod myself, I love the way multi cree lights look! Is this the host you used for this mod? I'm checking because it's a 68 led light, not over a 100 leds like your startpost said, but it sure looks alot like it.
Another question, you mentioned getting 2x123 batteries in there... could you check if 1 18650 wil also fit and power up the 3 leds with the used circuits? That would be great. Also, is that huge heatsink you posted above custom made? Or is it a part that's found inside the flashlight?
Thanx! :candle: