recommendation one: forget about LEDs. ALL of them. No matter if neutral or warm white, an incan just rules in the bush-bush
recommendation two: I would buy TWO, or even THREE:
1. a Wolf Eyes M90 Rattlesnake, with the standard Wolf Eyes 9V dropin, this one draws 1.4A and will run for more than 1.5 hours with two excellent AW 18650-2600s. Buy a few extra, and you'll have hours and hours of light. Make sure you have the version with the LED-tailcap, this really adds versatility to the light.
2. for use in your tent: nothing beats an ordinary Mag AA incan! Really! This one exactly has the right brightness. AND it runs for hours on two AAs. Doubles as a back-up for the M90 when in the woods.
3. You still have budget for a headlamp! I would buy a Petzl Duo. Excellent for pitching up your tent: you'll have two hands to work with
I think you'll have these three lights for under $200,- and you won't regret the buying of one of these, I'm sure!
These three lights are tried, tested and approved by me
I took no less than EIGHT flashlights into the woods as a test, the clear winner was the WE M90 Rattlesnake.
ALL LEDs proved utterly worthless in this test. Spooky black & white world :shakehead
All colors like dark green and dark brown seem BLACK. And I can tell you: the majority of things in the woods have these colors
Really, you'll have more use for a 100 Lumen incan than for a 200 Lumen LED-light....
Just my two cents... you won't regret the purchase of these lights!