Oj bit the big one


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
In what sense do you mean, what scale of how? Cosmic scale, planetary, or just why humans are here at all? I can't really tell, i don't know the entire history of how we came here, but i can be honest enough to admit that i don't know, and i don't fill in the void of my knowledge with a feelgood solution.
Fair enough


Aug 27, 2006
In reading the Quran I also figured that perhaps Mohammad(PBUH) may have been there to correct a bunch of mistakes he made. My studies haven't had it as far as Smith yet though.
Again, can't separate the man from his deeds.
Mohammad was a Short Eyes. If he were alive today, he wouldn't have lasted one full day in General Population.


Dec 7, 2022
Again, can't separate the man from his deeds.
Mohammad was a Short Eyes. If he were alive today, he wouldn't have lasted one full day in General Population.
Not true. He would be in the Muslim 'car' it doesn't matter what you do there as they forgive anything.

It wasn't possible to determine if I was an Islamic terrorist whilst I was in and full protection was extended to me in transit and beyond and I was given a care package once I ended up in Federal prison. I was Pacered a few times and whatever they found only made my stay easier. People of the Book status definately applied.

Of course the guards gave me a real difficult time and I couldn't obtain a good job or get in the programming I wanted but it didn't really matter. In addition if a Muslim was engaging in some haram activities they wanted me as a proxy in exchange for Ramadan items that were in limited supply that I could purchase such as Kek cakes or date cookies from Saudi Arabia. I strongly suspected some joined Islam because they were informants and couldn't get in a gang as they didn't follow half the rules, did stuff with men/trans, were less knowledgable than me, snuck food during fasts, and other stuff. It was sad really.

The interfaith things were cool though since I could do studies with them and discuss religious stuff. In some ways I miss it all as there aren't so many learned people here where I live that I can discuss religion with.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2018
Moderators: Why is this kind of discussion allowed on a forum about flashlights?


Aug 27, 2006
Moderators: Why is this kind of discussion allowed on a forum about flashlights?
Also, this is how everyone is on their best behavior. You want to see something really bad, head on over to the CPF Underground. That's where nothing is off-limits as far as topics and behavior.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
I didn't realize the underground was still active, I thought it went out at the same time as CPFMP.


Aug 18, 2019
Well. It is interesting in here.
I'm at great risk of getting involved in internet debate…. but oh well, this is the Café, right? :cool:

On OJ, I will say that directing hatred toward anyone, alive or not, is quite simply unhelpful at the very least. As wiser men than I have said above, let the Perfect Judge take care of that.
However, don't conflate harbouring hatred with careful, decisive judgement. Men who can be reasonably determined to be guilty of murder, for example, should be promptly executed. That's not hatred, that's justice. The rest of us should see and take care to not do likewise, but rather go and nurture true love and goodwill, in ourselves and our families and communities.

On the Bible, I will say that is the only document known to mankind that has the power to change the reader so dramatically that they call it 'being born again'. It's a dramatic and permanent change the reader, over time, on an increasing scale, to the likeness of the perfect, spotless, faultless, holy God whom the Bible espouses. That's fascinating and moving.

This change is also unique in that it's the only one in existence that produces true, ongoing, undying, love; in the sense of giving to others without expectation of reciprocation or reward.

That, by itself, is sufficient to convince me that the the Bible is worthy of far more than cursory inspection, mild dismissal, and childish argument.


May 4, 2014
Yeah, nah. Anything can change your life if you buy into it, the same has been said about all holy scriptures by people who wholeheartedly praise their book to be the One, the holiest, the one bringing them closer to god. The same thing has been said about LSD and shrooms.

Here's even more people talking about changing their worldview, but i guess that to a certain audience this is just being silly or a mild dismissal of someone's holy book.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Well this was my dumbest thread yet and that's saying a lot. Sorry I made this 1 to.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2017
Uh, No. One of the jurors just came out saying she, and 90% of her fellow jurors, treated the verdict as direct revenge against what happened to Rodney King. It amounted to jury nullification. IOW, they were all racists looking to settle a score.

The predictable violent responses we see nowadays is a direct result of an inability to properly resolve disputes among your peers. It's inevitably what happens when there are no male role models in the home and young boys are raised by hysterical, emotional single mothers.

When pulled over by LE there were two other men in the car with Rodney. They had the same skin color. They didn't get a scratch. All they did was get out of the car when told to. They also didn't fight with the officers.
The marxist news media, even FOX left that part out.
I'm no genius, but even in the testosterone addled years of my misspent youth I always assumed that running from, fighting with, or even violating the personal space of an officer of the law would result in injury or death.
When I was 13 Dad noticed that I was sneaking out at night sometimes. I liked just walking the neighborhood in the wee hours when most were asleep. He told me that if a police officer ever tells you to Halt! never ever run since you can be shot. I understood that.
Oh, and a lady cop was so frightened by the way he just growled and pulled the wires off after getting tazed, she was about to shoot St. Rodney of King. One of the officers later persecuted in the trial was the one who reached over and pushed her gun down thereby saving his life. The marxist news media didn't give that coverage either.


Aug 27, 2006
The King tapes we all saw never showed the first several seconds of the recording.... The one in which King, unprovoked, attacked the officers; causing their response. You know who saw the full tape? The jury that acquitted those officers. And now we know that the Jury in OJ's case knew he murdered two innocent people, but acquitted him as revenge for King? A man with an extensive criminal record. I would love for those racist idiots who were manipulated by the mainstream media, to be put into a room together; and shown the entire King tapes from beginning to end. Then ask them if they still think what they did was right in the OJ case.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Well this was my dumbest thread yet and that's saying a lot. Sorry I made this 1 to.
It wasn't a dumb thread. It's just that whenever you start a thread on anyone dying, it brings up the thought of what happens after. The atheists on the board start attacking religion because this topic brings up that if they are wrong, they will have to answer to God's judgment when they die. They must deny God's existence with all of their heart or else their bogeyman God will come and get them. Their need to come on the board and tell everyone that has ever lost a loved one that there is no heaven or afterlife, just a dirt nap and start attacking God, starts stirring anger and division. This comes off as absolutely offensive to the religious members of the board who then try to chime in on their blasphemy. In the end, there is name calling and the thread gets shut down.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
It wasn't a dumb thread. It's just that whenever you start a thread on anyone dying, it brings up the thought of what happens after. The atheists on the board start attacking religion because this topic brings up that if they are wrong, they will have to answer to God's judgment when they die. They must deny God's existence with all of their heart or else their bogeyman God will come and get them. Their need to come on the board and tell everyone that has ever lost a loved one that there is no heaven or afterlife, just a dirt nap and start attacking God, starts stirring anger and division. This comes off as absolutely offensive to the religious members of the board who then try to chime in on their blasphemy. In the end, there is name calling and the thread gets shut down.

Hasn't happened yet. By the way, the Pope said good Atheists can go to Heaven.

Nonetheless, the thread is about OJ, not religion or lack thereof.


Aug 27, 2006
Honestly, current Pope is trying too hard at political correctness and trying to be all-inclusive. It's likely not going to work.