Oj bit the big one

Apparently, the Pope has never read John 14:6 and neither have you. You might also want to read up on 1 John 2:22-23.
I'll just say it.... I don't like some of the things the current Pope is doing.
He's literally making the very same mistake that many Christians make.
Compromising on his religious up-bringing to appeal to non-Christians.
This never works. Not only do they not respect your religious beliefs,
and thus will make fun of you each chance they get. But they won't respect you for compromising on your religious beliefs, just to fit in with them.
I'm a falwed Christian I try to be a perfect one but I'm human and a flawed human at that. I can be friends with musslims atheist Baptist what ever if there a good person illtry to be there friends. And I am able to understand we all have are own views . Ima a American from the United States and I love that we have all types here and we can express are views no matter what they are love you all
Apparently, the Pope has never read John 14:6 and neither have you. You might also want to read up on 1 John 2:22-23.

I'll pass, thank you.

I'll just say it.... I don't like some of the things the current Pope is doing.
He's literally making the very same mistake that many Christians make.
Compromising on his religious up-bringing to appeal to non-Christians.
This never works. Not only do they not respect your religious beliefs,
and thus will make fun of you each chance they get. But they won't respect you for compromising on your religious beliefs, just to fit in with them.

Kind of funny, as it works both ways with Christians lacking respect for other people's religions and insisting on "saving" everyone that doesn't follow their beliefs. Heck, even Christians are often judgemental with different denominations than their own.
Spent 15 months reading the entire Bible, having read sections before and after that time span. You can read the same thing at a different time and get a different insight.

Fortunately a pastor suggested I read the New Testament first; heartily recommend that.

Little book store in Morganton, North Carolina, had a small paperback Koran. Bought it for maybe $4. Knowing that the original version was said to sound poetic, did not finish the English version. Best for me not to be disrespectful detailing my perspective.
O I'm catholic I have to be I'm Irish on moms side lol. Also I am catholic because my dad said in Vietnam the catholic s gave him the most joy and kindness. Plus in boot camp are priest bought Ina puppy for us all to chill with . If you been to boot camp you'll understand I think
Ps let's keep this civil . If we all agreed on everything that would be boring. I feel healthy debate is a great thing. But if we use debate or disgrmenet to be unkind to another then we fail. So be nice debate no name calling etc etc well u can call me names I've been ca.led them all lol
Spent 15 months reading the entire Bible, having read sections before and after that time span. You can read the same thing at a different time and get a different insight.

Fortunately a pastor suggested I read the New Testament first; heartily recommend that.

Little book store in Morganton, North Carolina, had a small paperback Koran. Bought it for maybe $4. Knowing that the original version was said to sound poetic, did not finish the English version. Best for me not to be disrespectful detailing my perspective.
If you want a unique perspective on Islam and Christianity, watch YouTube videos of Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim PLO terrorist with an American mother and Jordanian father who converted to Christianity. By the way, the Hadith is basically like the Muslim New Testament version of the Bible. Read that if you think Islam is a religion of peace. Talks all about killing infidels. Muslims will usually tell you there is nothing in the Koran about killing unbelievers, just idolaters. That's because those verses are in the Hadith. The pastor was right. Start with the "New Testament".
O I'm catholic I have to be I'm Irish on moms side lol. Also I am catholic because my dad said in Vietnam the catholic s gave him the most joy and kindness. Plus in boot camp are priest bought Ina puppy for us all to chill with . If you been to boot camp you'll understand I think
Honestly, I don't care what denomination someone is in, Protestant or Catholic, as long as it's not a cult. You just need the three F's to confirm you're a true believer.

1. Forgiveness. Have you prayed for forgiveness of your sins? "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." -1 John 1:9 If you don't ask for forgiveness, you're going down when you die. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."- Romans 3:23

2. Faith- "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

3. Fruit- "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such a faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs; what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead" -James 2:14-17.

If you haven't taken care of the three F's, you'll be F'd when you die.
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It wasn't a dumb thread. It's just that whenever you start a thread on anyone dying, it brings up the thought of what happens after. The atheists on the board start attacking religion because this topic brings up that if they are wrong, they will have to answer to God's judgment when they die. They must deny God's existence with all of their heart or else their bogeyman God will come and get them. Their need to come on the board and tell everyone that has ever lost a loved one that there is no heaven or afterlife, just a dirt nap and start attacking God, starts stirring anger and division. This comes off as absolutely offensive to the religious members of the board who then try to chime in on their blasphemy. In the end, there is name calling and the thread gets shut down.
Who brought religion into this? Who was it that started bringing in religion into this thread and mentioning leaving the judgement to an infinitely better judge who never gets the verdict right?

If a statement is made that has that amount of weight behind it it has to be backed up in some way, and when it gets called out and the hypocrisy is brought up that isn't "atheists attacking religion". Atheists aren't afraid of a god, and misrepresenting atheists due to not understanding atheism isn't helping matters. I don't care how many someone's lost, i don't care about the comfort it brings anyone, i still see heaven and hell as the equivalent of telling a child that their dog has moved to a farm in the country when it's in fact dead, it comforts but without any substance.

I lost my dad 2 months ago almost to the day. I got a call from my mother telling me that he had passed away and she asked me if i wanted to go see him one last time or not, i agreed to go there and get his stuff at the same time. The whole way there was misery, not knowing how to feel about this, losing a figure that's been there all my life, losing my father who was by no means always good, he was an outright asshole to a lot of people in a way that can best be described evil. I got to the hospital and was let into the room, i asked the nurse for some time alone and before i could sit down by him i was already weeping like a child. I sat by him until i couldn't cry any more and said my final farewell to him, took his stuff and left. Nowhere in any of this was a god involved, nowhere did i lack the mental strength and had to bring some other entity into this in order to deal with it. If someone were to tell me then that he's in god's hands i'd have been pissed at them since neither me nor my dad believed in that.

Having a god shoved into a conversation is like having someone bring up what Optimus Prime might think, or what Mister Rodgers would do, and when it gets brought up that it's not really a valid point to anyone who doesn't believe it it's not uncommon for the people who've shoved said being in there to not feel respected despite having been the ones to bring it up.
Kind of funny, as it works both ways with Christians lacking respect for other people's religions and insisting on "saving" everyone that doesn't follow their beliefs. Heck, even Christians are often judgemental with different denominations than their own.
And this wild generalization is based on what experience?

Personally speaking, my closest friends are not my fellow Christian Brothers and Sisters. One is half Irish/half German, and pretty much an Atheist. Though will never openly admit it. He wants to conquer Poland but gets drunk and passes out. Honestly, he works way too many hours, can't sleep and takes edibles to pass out.

Another one is a Neo-hippie chick who is very sweet, adorable, and treats me like a Big Brother. Lil' Sis is genuinely warm and kind-hearted but gets really bad seasonal depression every Winter. She has her own YouTube channel but her dad is actually more internet famous than she is. Had an O.F. page for a hot minute but decided it wasn't worth it. Does have a tat of a slice of cake on her backside. It's more silly-adorable than arousing.

Another one is a fellow story-teller, a kindred spirit. Her creativity and stories are the Light to my Dark creations. Also very sweet, warm, and kind-hearted. Unfortunately, she ran out of story ideas awhile back but is too scared to admit it. I don't call her out on it because there's no reason to, obviously. I lost my dad in 2017. She lost hers last year. My creativity didn't suffer. Hers clearly has. All you can do is let someone know you're there for them. Sometimes they take you up on the offer, sometimes they don't.

Another one identifies as "Vampire." It's okay, because she loves fake blood but despises the real thing. Also incredibly creative. We converse constantly. Works as a physical therapist, and as an online Nutritionist. (Yes, she's certified.) Ask her what she is, she'll tell you she's a vampire. And, she'll be completely serious about that. Looks wise, she's a 10 out of 10. Personality, also a 10. Just a tiny bit immature. Loves cosplaying, and she's incredibly good at it! She's also warm, loving, compassionate, and kind-hearted. (Seeing a pattern?)

All of the folks I'm closest to are not religious at all. None are Christians. And no, I don't try to convert them. Nor do those individuals make fun of me for my religious beliefs. I also don't compromise my beliefs when around them. They know that, and there is mutual respect. All of them are at least a little Left of Center.

But what do I know. Maybe I'm just a sh!tty Christian. Pass me the hater-aid!.... So I can pour the bottle down the gutter.

I think I've made my point.
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My condolences as well. I know what you're going through.
My dad wasn't an easy man to get along with either, and that's putting it mildly.
And this wild generalization is based on what experience?

Personally speaking, my closest friends are not my fellow Christian Brothers and Sisters. One is half Irish/half German, and pretty much an Atheist. Though will never openly admit it. He wants to conquer Poland but gets drunk and passes out. Honestly, he works way too many hours, can't sleep and takes edibles to pass out.

Another one is a Neo-hippie chick who is very sweet, adorable, and treats me like a Big Brother. Lil' Sis is genuinely warm and kind-hearted but gets really bad seasonal depression every Winter. She has her own YouTube channel but her dad is actually more internet famous than she is. Had an O.F. page for a hot minute but decided it wasn't worth it. Does have a tat of a slice of cake on her backside. It's more silly-adorable than arousing.

Another one is a fellow story-teller, a kindred spirit. Her creativity and stories are the Light to my Dark creations. Also very sweet, warm, and kind-hearted. Unfortunately, she ran out of story ideas awhile back but is too scared to admit it. I don't call her out on it because there's no reason to, obviously. I lost my dad in 2017. She lost hers last year. My creativity didn't suffer. Hers clearly has. All you can do is let someone know you're there for them. Sometimes they take you up on the offer, sometimes they don't.

Another one identifies as "Vampire." It's okay, because she loves fake blood but despises the real thing. Also incredibly creative. We converse constantly. Works as a physical therapist, and as an online Nutritionist. (Yes, she's certified.) Ask her what she is, she'll tell you she's a vampire. And, she'll be completely serious about that. Looks wise, she's a 10 out of 10. Personality, also a 10. Just a tiny bit immature. Loves cosplaying, and she's incredibly good at it! She's also warm, loving, compassionate, and kind-hearted. (Seeing a pattern?)

All of the folks I'm closest to are not religious at all. None are Christians. And no, I don't try to convert them. Nor do those individuals make fun of me for my religious beliefs. I also don't compromise my beliefs when around them. They know that, and there is mutual respect. All of them are at least a little Left of Center.

But what do I know. Maybe I'm just a sh!tty Christian. Pass me the hater-aid!.... So I can pour the bottle down the gutter.

I think I've made my point.

That's your experience as a Christian, from the inside looking out. You'll get a different experience from the outside. Whether is judgement, passive aggressive comments about "praying for you", assumptions that God is the only thing that can, people who would never know one is an Atheist unless it came up in a conversation and they'll turn on you in an instant.

My best friend growing up was Albanian and since he has dark skin and is a foreigner, he got both hate and pity, because people assumed he was a Muslim, when in fact he was a Christian. Other non Christians I have spoken to speak of similar experiences. Then there's the pettiness amongst people of different denominations I'd hear in different conversations like "she's a good person, but she married a Methodist".

Well, good on you if you're not that kind of person, but sadly, the world isn't like that. That's why a lot of Atheists act they way they do, they're pushing back on a society that pushes them.
When pulled over by LE there were two other men in the car with Rodney. They had the same skin color. They didn't get a scratch. All they did was get out of the car when told to. They also didn't fight with the officers.
The marxist news media, even FOX left that part out.
I'm no genius, but even in the testosterone addled years of my misspent youth I always assumed that running from, fighting with, or even violating the personal space of an officer of the law would result in injury or death.
When I was 13 Dad noticed that I was sneaking out at night sometimes. I liked just walking the neighborhood in the wee hours when most were asleep. He told me that if a police officer ever tells you to Halt! never ever run since you can be shot. I understood that.
Oh, and a lady cop was so frightened by the way he just growled and pulled the wires off after getting tazed, she was about to shoot St. Rodney of King. One of the officers later persecuted in the trial was the one who reached over and pushed her gun down thereby saving his life. The marxist news media didn't give that coverage either.
Now that you mention it, I DO remember that. Why can't these people just listen to the police, keep their mouths shut and file a complaint later if necessary?

Edit; I think I previously answered my own question; It's because they were raised by emotional, loud, hysterical single women with no father figure in the house for discipline.
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Since the café now seems to be the new CPF underground, I'll contribute…

After reading the …written words (yeah, that's what I go with)… in this thread, I'm so happy to have been brought up in a "christian" home that showed me the exact way on how to abandon that trap, and become an agnostic atheist.

Incidentally, I KNOW the "difficulties" in trying to live the "christian life" and all the farcical things that go along with it. Been through ALL that, and now, thankfully, have come out on the other side, not being tied down to that death cult belief.

Isn't it crazy to think that if generations of parents didn't force their children to go to church when they were young, there would be none of this belief in god BS that's going around in and on places like this thread?