Power went out ~ I had to laugh!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
Just a few hours ago the power went out here in the land of beer, brats and cheese and it could not have been more ironic.
All the sudden the lights flickered a couple of times and :poof: total darkness in my area, when I say black, it was really black (havin' a snowstorm).
Like any other Flashaholic, I was within arms reach of a few flashlights, so it maybe took me a total of 3 seconds to grab a flashlight.
*The only way it could have been faster is if I had one in my hand at that exact second.

So I grabber some of my beater 18650 lights (for long runtime) that have P60 Deree drop-ins and set those on low. Then I fired up a good old Mag w/ an SSC drop-in.
I found a few glass vase 'things' and made some excellent CREE/SSC candles. {super bounce test}
Must admit I was laughing to my self for having a bunch of flashlights, quite ironic.

I thought it was going to last all night, and I was ready!!

Unfortunately, it only lasted about 2 1/2 hours, Had an absolute blast with my lights!!...:grin2:
Sounds like beamshots were in order for the bounce test :nana:
We rarely have black outs here, but if we did, there would be plenty of flashlights to go around. :) My two P3D's, P1D-CE, and P2D-CE would all be probably set to low and tail standing where needed.
That's pretty funny Orb, good for you! we've been having power outages here lately too and I just reach over, where ever I'm at and think; "this one or that one?!" :D

Thought about it, but was havin too much fun.

DBS in a snowstorm is quite a blast!!
I used to love blackouts as a kid. It's proabaly where my flashaholism started. Don't have many blackouts here so I just turn off all the lights once in a while and take it from there. I have to laugh too because I find sometimes I prefer lighting up my house with just my flashlights.
It is funny how we launch into action when the power goes out. I'm another that can find two or three lights within reach just about anywhere.

I know the feeling! Those are the most valuable minutes a flashlight nut can have. I always have a pelican case nearby with everything I "need" for this situation. Too bad I live in a big and these moments are rare. I always need to head for the woods for a quality time with my lights.
oh man, i love a good power outage!
i do believe all my friends and family would flock to my house!
and i would be loving every minute of it!
my time to shine, he he.
After a hour I would likely be thinking, gee,:green: I wish I had more batteries:crazy:. I have about 100 lights on hand with maybe 60 eneloops fully charged, and hundreds of primary batteries. You know what, you got me thinking, it's time to order more lights and more eneloops. I do hope I'm prepared if I ever need.

I am still waiting for a blackout here in Los Angeles. Then I can put my flashlights to good use... I'll show them for laughing at me for buying 4 flashlights within 3 days!!!!
when we lose power it has a nasty habit of happening around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. so we just get the alarm, refrig, tv issues and none of the fun.

when i want to use my light i go on an overnighter in the backwoods. last weeks was fun all beit a bit cold.
Awww man, everyone else gets all the luck. :(
Too bad it was only a 2.5hr. Its always good fun (provided the blackout or the cause of said blackout doesn't injure anyone) to have one that goes all night.
only we would wish for blackouts! nobody understands our passion, our joy, our pride and our goofy humor in this! we may be nuts but we are nuts who are ready!

we even put a tiny little, plastic keychain light on the dog collar, so if the lights go out, we go; "here girl" and the light comes to us!

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