Review: One-of-a-kind Milkyspit U2by2: High-CRI SSC S2 version!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2006

Today I just received my long-awaited Milky U2by2...with a special twist: High-CRI (93) SSC S2 emitters!

I was talking to Milky about my love of warm emitters, and he told me about these high-cri Seouls. I had never heard of them, but I told him to go ahead and try them out in my U2by2. He used McR-16's, and four of the new emitters.


It's pretty neat because even the phosphor on the leds looks 'warm' - you can visually tell that they are the high-cri's:

The U2 functionality remains the same, and luckily for me this is an 18650-fitting body, giving me 1+ hr of runtime on high. Milky estimates the output on high at ~375 or so (I left the tape at work, I never like those things :grin2:), which as usual for him, is a bit conservative. So, not as bright as the Rebel version, but that's the cost you pay for high-CRI :devil:

So, on to the pics! Sorry, all indoor - will try to take some outdoor pics, where this light shines, but not sure when that will happen.

Exposure locked, and white balance set to daylight.

Lowest level:

Highest level:

Another shot of highest level, to show full beam:

Actually on that last shot, the light is only about 7 feet from the wall, and the spillbeam extends beyond either end of the photo! The beam is very wide, and I like it =) You also will notice the narrow hotspot in the middle, it's very interesting as I wouldn't have expected such a narrow hotspot from the small emitters. However, it's nice, as you get some extra punch in the middle of the beam, but the differential in brightness is not that great compared to the spill beam, which is very wide and bright, so you get the 'L4 effect' but with a bit more reach in the middle.

Here is a shot showcasing the color reproduction, again locked exposures (except for the last one) and locked white balance on 'daylight' (all):

U2by2 High-CRI:

P7 CSXOI (in Milkyspit L5):

Tungsten room lighting:

The beam is very good at bringing out accurate color, and though you can tell that it is warm, it is much more pleasing to the eye. It is also easier on the eyes when navigating the house at night, compared to cooler leds. Even on max, it feels, for lack of a better way to put it, 'gentle' =) It doesn't have the harsh, stinging quality of cooler tints when your eyes are dark-adapted.

As usual, Milkyspit's work is impeccable - there's nary a mark of his entry into the light, yet he got the reflector and innards bored out, he assembled the 4 emitters, the reflectors, put foam cushioning around the reflectors, attached them with tiny wires to the stock driver, and got it all together in one piece. And of course he vetted it and ran it through its paces, giving me very good peace of mind about the build-quality.

The color is unique and almost incan-like, but runs cool and for an output to runtime ratio that cannot be beat by any incan (300+ lumens for over an hour) - off just one 18650. Great work, Milky! I like!!! :nana: :crackup: :poof:
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Yep, it sure is, Mono =) Milky builds the best!
After another week of use, wanted to report that this is one fantastic light =D These high-CRI Seouls are definitely a good improvement.
MCMC, just wanted to thank you for posting this (the thanks are belated, sorry). It's not easy to get photos that even begin to show how the colors compare between the normal and high CRI versions of the SSCP4... very nice! Including the ambient lighting photo helps a lot to get a sense of things.

:thumbsup: :bow:
Very nice work Scott...
I was lucky enough to recently get one of these High-CRI emmitters in a Milky LED tower module...It is the closest to a incandensant bulb I have seen..even warmer than my M30W and M60WL.
Look at you (or proline, as the case may be) with the McR-16s. I didn't know that was possible.
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