$200 conus
The goal here was to make a light that is truly useful. While I certainly admire the super barnburners, this light is more of an all-rounder. It has remarkable punch on high and remains quite bright on medium with long battery life.

The MC-E is housed behind UCL glass in an OP reflector that gives plenty of spill with a very defined edge and also an even and intense spot well down range.

The head is focusable but the beam is very clean and focusing it doesn't have much effect. Two 18650s are side-by-side, which required that shallow grooves be milled on opposite sides of the interior. A small polycarbonate and brass plate is necessary to bridge the negative terminals of the batteries.

Even with the exterior body grooves, the minimum wall thickness is a very adequate.040" and this actually happens only in very small spots. The batteries are wired in parallel and feed a Shiningbeam #1217 driver. The draw at the tail cap on fresh AW 2200 mAH cells is 2.77A on high, .975A on medium and .172A on low.

The emitter is fed in parallel and is glued to the heat sink with Arctic Alumina. The sink is a solid piece of aluminum that weighs about 3.5 oz and was tightly dry fit to the body tube before final installation with a very thin layer of thermal grease.

Thermal management is well covered - after twenty minutes sitting on the table on high, the head and body are barely warm, with the heat evenly distributed throughout.
The momentary mode of the McClicky switch is too sensitive to hang exposed off the back end, so a stiffer NetKidz unit was used.

Modding this light was very enjoyable and I hope that someone gets good use from it!
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