These are a few of my favorite things

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Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2006
XD9 service, OD.
Palmblaze K2 luxeon LED (brightest LED light i have ever handled)
Kershaw Spec-bump



Very nice, by the way what kind of tape are you using to wrap? Hockey tape?
cof13 said:
Very nice, by the way what kind of tape are you using to wrap? Hockey tape?

yes, i love the stuff. the flashlight is wrapped in paracord for girth, and then with the hockey tape for grip.

its grippy even when wet.
It stays put.
Easy to replace.
its a no-nonsense solution to slippery items.

ya, i love the stuff.
Hope I'm not stepping on any toes here ;)

A flashlight I can understand, but a handgun and a knife? Why? Am I just an ignorant living in a peaceful country?

I was thinking more a picture of your wife and kids with flashlights :)
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Byggeren.... maybe.....
I don't count on my government to protect me when the poop hits the fan. Too spread out and to many civilians. Theres a lot of things that can happen when all goes wrong. I, for one, will not just stand by with my fate in others hands. Just look at Hurricane Katrina in Lousiana!! The government sure did a whole lot of nothing for a whole lot of people. I'm not offended by your question, but you've gotta try a different perspective to understand what REALLY HAPPENS when the cards are stacked against you. I like the fact I can protect my family, friends, home, and belongings against those that are not willing to abide by the laws in this great country.
I'm so happy I don't live in a place where the government is all I can count on. For the most part legal gun owners are responsible people. It's the ones that own guns illigally that are usually causing trouble. Imagine, if you will, everything going horrably wrong. Do you REALLY feel comfortable telling me you don't want to have the ability to protect yourself & those you love from someone trying to KILL YOU!
Just look at it from a different perspective.
Sorry about the rant.....I just think sometimes people need a different view on things to fully understand.:grin2:

I can see how the title of this thread would throw you off though.:laughing:
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I hope I didn't seem too umm...well...stright forward
We've grown up in different surroundings and situations so I guess sometimes it's hard to see throught someone elses eyes.

Byggeren.....please don't take offense:grin2: , I just wanted to share my point of view.:grin2:
Thanks for the heads up DaFABRICATA :)

I can understand the need for protection, even though it wouldn't be necessary with this kind of protection where I live. It's not allowed to carry a concealed knife in my country and a hand gun is totally out of the question. Even the police require special permission to bring guns, but they do however have guns locked down in their patrol cars to use should the need for this arise.

I hope it stays like this in my country forever, even though the resent years have shown an increased rate of violent crime here as well. It is luckily still not to the point where it is necessary for civilians to carry/own weapons for self defence.

It kind of scares me that items like this that can be seen as favourite things to own, to me this sounds more like a necessary evil.

I'm sorry for the of-topic reply, but I just realised how lucky I am living where I live :)

Edit: BTW I just got Enlightened :grin2:
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Handgun, knife, what a peaceful picture..... and then marked as favorite things ??? hmmm,
let me think, I missing something, Oh yeah, where are the brass knuckles ?
Nice setup aml ! I adhere to JMB 1911 variety myself . The Kershaw Bump is a nice recurve backup . For serious work simple is best - the hockey tape gets a thumbs up :thumbsup:. I've had real good luck with skateboard/deck tape myself .
Nevermind the sheeple ,Freedom has a price.
At first glance I thought it was a new model of Glock with a grip safety below the tang.
oh man pacifists really drive me nuts. You smugly make comments about someones pride in their equipment and their noble intentions of protecting their loved ones . To rely on ones gov't for protection makes you a fool. as stated look at the mighty United States , the hurricanes in New orleans the riots many years ago in LA. . Things like this can and do happen everywhere at any time. Think if there was a shortage of food/water? When the marauding gangs of criminals and panicking,thirsty,hungry population comes knocking on your door what are you going to do? Hide in a closet and wait for the Gov't? good luck. though I am by no means a doomsday survival nut the day it really hit home for me was 9/11. I can remember talking to my sons mother on the phone and the two of us wondering what course of action to take for our infant sons protection if indeed the entire country was under attack . maybe in your countries you have always had some other country or other people to take care of you like children but here in America some of us still beleive in what made my country so great -INDEPENDENCE and SELF RELIANCE .

luminata; Just to make it clear, I would probably also carry a gun if that was necessary for personal protection where I live. There is nothing stopping us from having a shotgun for personal protection in our home. Anyhow, that's not my point, please read my comments again.

NAlamo; I know the meaning of sheeple, but I'm afraid you know very little of my country if you don't think we have freedom in Norway. If by freedom you mean the right to carry hand guns then I stand corrected, then we actually don't have freedom in Norway ;)

By the way, I'm not convinced that the solution to a gun-problem is putting more guns into circulation. Obviously if this thing runs out of hand, it's nearly impossible to remove the guns from the hands of desperate people and criminals, therefore I understand the need for personal protection.

Anyway, this is enough of-topic rant from me; I just got a bit carried away.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

from the United Staes Constitution.........
why does everyone on cpf seem to have a gun and knife :grin2: are you guys prepraing for war ,bunch of crazies

Dont mean to be quite so severe . The U.S. is under a constant barrage of criticism not only from abroad but from within . Every right that our ancestors fought and died for is under attack . If someone wants to be a pacifist and bury their head in the sand then that is their choice but they never seem to miss the opportunity to pull their heads out of the sand to berate someone for choosing to stand up and protect the things they believe in . It's like our left wing liberal media , so bold and brave when it comes to bashing our president (who i dont particularly agree with on many issues) or this country in general but when threatened with violence if they run stupid cartoons of islamic terrorists they show their true spineless selves and fold like the cowards they are.

Cool kit Aml. I would be proud to have you as my neighbor .
:touche:Guess I rank as "Crazy" ...I like *sharp and boom*- just a snippet of the collection . Call it "User Class" aka Favorites

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