TnC N-cell Flupic modules


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2003

Made some TnC N-cell Flupic modules and wanted to show you how nice they are.
Heatsinks are machined from brass rod. Leds are 1W SW0H's.
The BA McLux PR-T is just for size reference. Notice how small the N-cell modules are!

Thanks. :)
Nice Job Freddy.

Yeah those darn N-cell module are pretty small. You should include your finger in there for reference.

BTW: Which flupic UI did you use? The full blown or condensed version?
jar3ds said:
i'm really out of it... what light is that?

TNC-N-Cell made by TNC. There was also an optional AAA battery tube for them for more battery capacity.

*EDIT* I found a link to a review that had more pictures but it didn`t work.:shrug: I believe the light came out about a year and a half ago.
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Nice Freddy!
I have a TnC N cell with just the AAA tube that's running a Li-ion DD pill. It could sure use one of these.
ICarus.. I know a man who'll enjoy to have one in his TNC N-cell prototype ;)
Very nice work...IF only I could make those small things (small only by the size ;) )

Just a picture of it with some other small flashlights :

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I really would like (2)!!


TnC "proto", TnC SF CR2, TnC, "N", TnC "N", TnC Keylux AA

modamag said:
Nice Job Freddy.

Yeah those darn N-cell module are pretty small. You should include your finger in there for reference.

BTW: Which flupic UI did you use? The full blown or condensed version?
Flupic's have the Rev 2.2 firmware. :)
definantly interested in a couple. with the v2.2 is it similar to the Draco version? where it sticks at the last light level? to me thats the best of the best option to have.

The version 2.2 is full blown and not as simple as the draco one. If modamag doesn't object, I have no problems putting that firmware version on...
Excellent idea, Freddy! And so beautifully made (no surprise there). :)

A lot of folks (myself included) have a few KL-N's rolling around their drawers...

They are great little lights, and now computer controlled!

Kevin, please make either version of the Draco FluPIC available to the public. I want everyone to have the best of what we (CPF) can offer.
modamag said:
Kevin, please make either version of the Draco FluPIC available to the public. I want everyone to have the best of what we (CPF) can offer.

Modamag, you are a true gentleman!:)

Kevin, I want some!

And I NEED to buy a Modamag little AWESOME light!:grin2:

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you need one of the Draco's it's simply the very best out, I have the chrome (I'm not rich enough to buy the Ti..heck I"m not rich enough to buy the one I have :ohgeez:.) but wow it's incredible smaller than the TnC Keylux N cells and almost as bright as my Li14430 on high!

sorry Icarus I forgot to mail you the LED I'll try and mail it out tomorrow.

**edit** I'll take mine with the Draco UI it's very user friendly and in a light this small I don't need the bells and whistles
