Trying to decide on a reliable keychain _thrower_


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
Hi all. My first thread, after quite a bit of searching on CPF. I've been working on selecting a keychain flashlight for some time, and have spent much time looking over various keychain light threads & even posted in the "You call yourself a flashaholic with a plastic light on your keychain" thread, with no resolution. I am looking for a reliable, twisty-operation, throwy, narrow keychain light (yeah, sorry, trying to have it all LOL...) to fit in a Levi's change pocket as a backup EDC for my SureFire L1. I am not interested in using rechargeable batteries, and at least 2-3 hours of runtime on low would be nice.

Priorities in decreasing order:
Highest: Reliability, twisty-operation, throw, width, simplicity, low mode, high mode, cost: Lowest

Products I've considered (in no particular order)
Fenix L0D
Advantage: Good low, good high, narrow width
Issue: too many modes / complexity, unknown build quality/reliability
Fenix E01
Advantage: Narrow width. Low cost. Simplicity.
Issue: unknown build quality/reliability.
Fenix P1CE
Advantage: Good high. Simplicity.
Issue: no low output, width is at my maximum
Fenix P1D CE
Advantage: High & low mode.
Issue: Complexity. Unknown build quality / reliability. Width is at my maximum.
Advantage: Good low mode. Simplicity. Build quality / reliability. Narrow width.
Issue: Too floody. Opposite rotation for turning on?? No high mode.
SF Titan T1A
Advantage: Build quality / assumed reliability (hopefully?). Excellent operating modes.
Issue: Length and width at maximum. Titan's unreliable past history. Cost.
Zebralight H50
Advantage: Good operating modes for lighting level.
Issue: Too floody. Width at maximum.
Draco, Lummi, etc: The Draco sounds particularly interesting but:
Issue: Non-standard batteries.

I've went over the specs for these exhaustively, but cannot determine build quality/reliability of the various Fenix models and do not know which of the above lights are good throwers – if I knew which (if any) of these throw well while still being reliable, it would greatly help. If it's helpful, I love the feature set, reliability, operation, and throw of my SureFire L1 EDC. Sorry if I'm being too choosy, I do know that whatever I decide on will have to be a compromise. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated from folks who have used a number of different keychain lights, thank you in advance.

Desired purchase location: Internet
Price range: $200 max
Format: keychain flashlight (specifically, change-pocket on Levi's jeans)
Width: 0.6" preferred. 0.8" absolute maximum
Length: 3" absolute maximum
Battery-type: non-rechargeable, leaning toward AAA over 123 but can do either. The AA form factor seems to get just a little too large.
Brightness: 10 lumen low for general use
Optional ~50+ lumen high for outdoor use. If it's a good thrower, a 10 lumen low would be sufficient, though.
Throw vs flood: primarily throw
Runtime: ~3 hours on low
Durability/Reliability: Critical.
Switch-type: Rotary, no clickies
Operational modes: Desire simplicity, 1-2 modes would be preferable
Construction: Metal.
Special needs: I think I've covered it...:crazy:
I am surprised that your do not have the LF2X in your list, it have replaced my L0D as EDC light (Normally your have two modes on this light, all other modes requires some special twists).

The Fenix is generally a very good quality, but the HA is not always as solid as I would like.

I would not agree with you about the modes on Fenix L0D, usual your will never see all the modes.

Your might also want to check some CR2 lights, the AOEN is a very nice light, Lummi Raw is also supposed to be CR2.
You may want to look at the NiteCore PD10-GD and EX10-GD. They are quite a bit smaller than most 1xAA and 1xCR123 lights and can operate as a single mode twisty with that mode being user-adjustable. They are not clicky lights as you know them (no mechanical click switch to break). The Gold Dragon (GD) versions seem to have a bit less spill than their Cree Q5 counterparts.

The Arc and E01 will probably be too dim for what you seem to want. Don't be afraid of the 5-mode twist lights (ie. LOD-Q4, P1DCE-Q5), they are MUCH easier to use than you might think, and you never have to use the "extra" modes if you don't want to. They come on in the default mode every time.
Don't be afraid of the 5-mode twist lights (ie. LOD-Q4, P1DCE-Q5), they are MUCH easier to use than you might think, and you never have to use the "extra" modes if you don't want to. They come on in the default mode every time.

The only thing I have against these multi-mode lights is that it's one more thing that can fail, that's all. If people's experience is that there is no reliability penalty for this, that's cool. I really do like the simple low-high of my SF L1.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm a spec sheet nerd but it is very hard to determine throw vs spill that way. Will the higher-end keychain Fenix's be ok for throw?
The only thing I have against these multi-mode lights is that it's one more thing that can fail, that's all. If people's experience is that there is no reliability penalty for this, that's cool. I really do like the simple low-high of my SF L1.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm a spec sheet nerd but it is very hard to determine throw vs spill that way. Will the higher-end keychain Fenix's be ok for reliability and throw?

Most lights today include a microprocessor to handle it. This processor handles all levels and special modes. I.e. the reliability of any modes depends on the microprocessor, it does not matter if the light has two or 100 modes.

I do not believe that the L1 uses a microprocessor.

All Fenix lights has a good reliability, but throw is not very good with a small reflector.

For throw check the lux values for lights, a high lux value it good throw.
The Fenix models will be as good as any reliability wise and the E01 is a good example of this but it isn't very bright.

Multimode lights tend to be as reliable as single mode lights and I have never had any problems but ANY light can fail without warning.

The newer Nitecore models may be worth a look.
Sounds like there are really only two lights that most closely match your needs, the Fenix L0D, and the LiteFlux LF2x. I've been thrashing around this decision, too. Many folks would say, buy both.

Thanks, folks.

The NiteCore EX10 looks nice, a bit on the large side, but now I know they are there & will keep an eye on them.

The LiteFlux LF2 looks interesting. There are some _long_ threads on it here on CPF that I'll have to read.

The Aeon looks good too. Running CR2's will be a bit odd though, a bit off the mainstream but not totally out there. $200 and only a one year warranty, hmm...:thinking: at least I'd get a lifetime warranty on the SF T1A. I seem to recall that the AEON rotates on the 'wrong way', any opinions for usability? Is/was the 'Ion' a lower-performance predecessor?

Throw for the LF2 and Aeon looks promising... This looks to be a hard choice, can anyone give me an idea of reliability / user experience between the two?

Can anyone give me an idea on the throw from the SF Titan? If any of the above suggestions are floody, someone please let me know.

Sorry for the series of questions. Web research is ongoing, thanks. Most of your suggestions weren't on my radar until now...
Sounds like there are really only two lights that most closely match your needs, the Fenix L0D, and the LiteFlux LF2x. I've been thrashing around this decision, too. Many folks would say, buy both.


I agree with Flying Turtle. I have two LOD's(one CE, and one Q4) and have never had a problem with either one. I carry both for on the key chain, and one clipped bezel down in my right rear pocket. I think they are amazingly bright, and for the small size of the reflector, they are a nice compromise between flood and throw. I also carry a Surefire(Milky E1B Transformer) for my main EDC, along with an NDI, and the LOD's make great backup lights. I have no experience with the LiteFlux, but a lot of people here are happy with theirs. With a $200.00 budget limit, you can buy both of them, and still have plenty left over. If you don't like one or the other, you can get most of you $$ back over at MarketPlace :thumbsup:

The LiteFlux LF2 looks interesting. There are some _long_ threads on it here on CPF that I'll have to read.

The LF2 and LF2X are not the same light. I have the LF2X.

The Aeon looks good too. Running CR2's will be a bit odd though, a bit off the mainstream but not totally out there. $200 and only a one year warranty, hmm...:thinking:

Your have to tighten the head on the AOEN to turn it on, first low then high.
And I agree with your about the one year warranty, it is a bit short for this kind of light.

Your can compare it here to some other small lights:
I'd check out the Streamlight Microstream. It throws quite well, has good overall output, good battery life, a forward click switch and a great clip. All for around $15. it throws as well as an LOD Q4 on high (but with less overall output) and gets about 4:45 runtime on a lithium primary.​
Selective reading?

LOL, you just don't like me do you?

I forgot to mention that you can just leave the switch turned on and use the head as a twisty. It takes a bit of force the first time but there's not much loctite on it. Search for LOD/microstream for more info.

Thanks for reminding me buddy
LOL, you just don't like me do you?

I forgot to mention that you can just leave the switch turned on and use the head as a twisty. It takes a bit of force the first time but there's not much loctite on it. Search for LOD/microstream for more info.

Thanks for reminding me buddy

marduke was just pointing out something you missed. Sure it was abit curt, but thats him, no-nonsense, straight to the fact.Just look for his "will it crush" series on youtube. :)

anyway, at the OP, it depends on HOW keychain you mean. The absoulte brightest, smallest, but with a normal battery type will be the MJP Extreme III, or its mass production Version, the Lightflux 2X. I would highly reccomend the LF2X, i have had mine on my keys since the day i got it, and it hasnt been off them since.


PS: Nice sigline marduke...:eek:
Am I missing something? None of the lights listed or suggested are what I would consider "throwers". It's hard to achieve such a thing with small lights.

You'll need a light with a high-power LED behing a reflector or a modified optic to make it throw.
Am I missing something? None of the lights listed or suggested are what I would consider "throwers". It's hard to achieve such a thing with small lights.

You'll need a light with a high-power LED behing a reflector or a modified optic to make it throw.
my understanding of the OP post is that he wants a Small, keychain light, with the best throw as realistically possibly from it. That just means the brightest it can possibly be, since most of them have similar reflector space, etc.

Alternatively, he could do the Aspheric mod i started awhile back, but never bothered finishing.

there isnt that much of an improvement on throw however.

If you had a lot of time and the resources, it would be very interesting to make a very small TIR optic to replace the lens and reflector in the LOD, especially if you swaped out the XR-E for a XP-E
Thank you all for the suggestions, I've narrowed my choices to the L0D and the LF2x, they both sound like nice lights in very slim form-factors. I may wait until reviews for the SF T1A come out, though.

I am happy to hear that most users are impressed with the quality of both the L0D & the LF2x.

If you had a lot of time and the resources, it would be very interesting to make a very small TIR optic to replace the lens and reflector in the LOD, especially if you swaped out the XR-E for a XP-E
You know, I got one of those TIR's for a P7, and at the right distance from the LED, it projects the image of the die. (This makes me think the light is coming straight out the front of the light.)

Maybe an adjustment on a TIR based light would turn it into a much better thrower.

There was that one guy who put an aspheric lens in his P2D 100, too. Maybe someone can fit one in a P1D. :shrug: