Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size. Success!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2004
DFW. TX. U.S.A. Earth
Just a minute, or two of AVI video gets huge quite quickly, making it a hassle to upload and and others to view it even after it has uploaded. :awman:

I'm looking for software to convert and compress it someway without losing too much of the quality.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :bow:
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Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

You will want to use a codec such as XviD or DivX.

For converting I use Sony Vegas.

You could also try VideoMach which is free for non-comercial use.

Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

ffmpeg and mencoder... Most 3rd party video players can play DivX and XviD. Good stuff. VLC is my preferred media player, as it plays almost anything.
Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

The best all around video converter that I have found is Super. It is freeware and will convert just about any video format to any other video format. http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html

It will even convert streaming video formats such as .nsv to normal mpg.
Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

I usually use FlasKMPEG and VirtualDub, and I've also had good results with Bink's Rad Video Tools converter (all free).

Decent quality .avi video will be about 10MB/minute.
Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

And what do you do to get the audio to sync with the video? I have several avi's I want to burn, but when I try to make a DVD out of them the Audio is off by about 5-15 secs. This is using Nero 7 (Nero vision)

Re: Turning AVI video files into a smaller file size and format?

The best all around video converter that I have found is Super. It is freeware and will convert just about any video format to any other video format. http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html

It will even convert streaming video formats such as .nsv to normal mpg.

I use super for converting my Canon AVI into a readable format that can be edited. Sony vegas can't read the files from my digital camera. They have to be converted to 'DV Video Output' (virtually the same). Now they can be edited properly.

Windows video editor can probably do it, too.
The best all around video converter that I have found is Super. It is freeware and will convert just about any video format to any other video format. http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html

It will even convert streaming video formats such as .nsv to normal mpg.

Got it and tried it.

Check this out.
It appears that Photobucket converts and resizes the file size of uploaded video. :huh2:
Photobucket seems to have it's own web based player of somekind to view the video with too. :shrug:

Here was an original 15 megabyte avi file I shot a couple weeks ago of a crappy road uploaded to www.photobucket.com.
It's 49 seconds long.

Compressed to 4 megabytes with Super before being uploaded.

Compressed further to 1.9 megabytes before being uploaded.

Resizing video does indeed make it faster to upload it. ;)
Especially for anyone on dialup wanting to upload a little bit of video. :p

This has been an enlightening learning experience. :)
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The star in the windshield happened last year at mile marker 244 in the northbound side of I-45. :eek:

I humbly want to thank everyone for thier input and ideas on turning garden variety avi files into something more internet friendly. :bow: :twothumbs
Well I use the Windows Movie Maker, which I think is a free application in every computer with windows. I inport the video, then save it, specifying the size of the video that I want to save it, (eg 64MB) and the conversion stars. The result is slightly less than what you specified.

Hope this helps! :naughty:
I have never used WMM, but I like the option to chose file size. That helps you get close to youtube's limit. I'm going to have to try that.