"ULed" a new high lumen monster

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.


New York, NY

"My goal is not just make some money but to create something that will make people say " Wow, this is really cool!"


ULed Team

New York, NY

"Our goal is not just make some money but to create something that will make people say " Wow, this is really cool!"

And what's with that entire New York, NY thing! LOL! Oh my! I though he was Russian!!!!!Anyone report this to Kickstarter yet?



Apr 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
  • about Repulsor. When we were about to start a project , we were looking for similar projects . Here are the results.
    This does not mean that ULed = Repulsor. My comments on Kickstarter "@KUMARAVEL B Thank you so much. Yes, we've seen it. We know the creators of this flashlight and we communicate with them =)". Yes we spoke with this guys. Please tell me What is problem?
This started around March 29, 2016.
The Repulsor project made $112,690.00 US in two weeks and was then suspended by the Kickstarter site (reason not identified).

The Repulsor project immediately moved to Indiegogo, made an additional $2,119.00 (for a total of $114,809.00 US)

26 days ago the account holder closed the account never to return, leaving the backers leaving comments like "Backers are getting the shaft, they took the money and ran." They're still waiting for their money or even to hear a peep from the person who took it.

Considering it's the same people that created both the Repulsor and the ULed, I would have thought you would have known about this. They didn't tell you? Even Yuri didn't mention it when he started ULed on Kickstarter? I guess you're totally innocent then.
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Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
This started around March 29, 2016.
The Repulsor project made $112,690.00 US in two weeks and was then suspended by the Kickstarter site (reason not identified).

The Repulsor project immediately moved to Indiegogo, made an additional $2,119.00 (for a total of $114,809.00 US)

26 days ago the account holder closed the account never to return, leaving the backers leaving comments like "Backers are getting the shaft, they took the money and ran." They're still waiting for their money or even to hear a peep from the person who took it.

Considering it's the same people that created both the Repulsor and the ULed, I would have thought you would have known about this. They didn't tell you? Even Yuri didn't mention it when he started ULed on Kickstarter? I guess you're totally innocent then.

Agreed! I wonder how he can explain this away. LOL!





Guy and Gals. I understand and respect all views but there comes a point when the evidence the Earth is round and not flat is overwhelming.

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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Ah I guess I never noticed you taking on quite this role before. I always thought of you taking the humorous angle, and never getting this serious... but spend enough time on the CPf's, it can really change a man.

Re: this thread's light, I do hope it turns out for the best, especially if anyone here backed it with something more than emotional forum support. Maybe it won't end up another repulsor, but I think all the questions asked, requests made, coincidences pointed out etc. are all more than fair game, not rude or personal attacks or convictions of guilt or anything. The creator has/had a chance to address these points, or even just politely ignore them might have been better, but he chose the more hilarious spectacular meltdown option instead.

I'll be the first to say that skinny drunk guy standing on the corner holding up a "will work for food" sign is probably a home less dude 'cause he's a bum.
But I aint gonna spit on him. And aint gonna sit idley and watch others do that either.

Being one whose ideas were stolen in the past I understand the don't divulge too much thing. (Some of those ideas are in use in road rehabs to this day.)
I also understand being ahead of the curve and see-ing things around a corner at times. Along with that the name calling and other forms of rude behavior.
So I suppose this thread stirred up some old ghosts.

No biggy and life goes on.

If the op is a fraud, bad kharma awaits. And life's circles close at the darndest times. Seen that too. But I have a friend with a kickstarter light made by a guy who (was told it's impossible and cannot be done) and now does LED umbrellas and other novelty items. Flashlight was a poj, but it opened doors folks did not know existed and a few years later are just some old ordinary feature on some famous products.

I forgot to say this morning my boss says there's this flashlight on tv that she thinks I should have. Tanks run over it, they drop it under water etc etc.
I asked "is it 3000 lumens?" to which she answered "that's the one, and it's only $19.99"... "I'm gonna buy you one" she says...

Well I don't watch tv these days. But know which one she speaks of due to numerous threads here going into great detail about how lousy they are. I responded "thanks, but you really don't need to, I'm ok without it." (and showed her my PK PR-1)
So yeah I fully understand how the masses are easily taken in. Something for nothing is pretty popular these days.

I hope this one pans out. But if not oh, well. It won't be the last time the public got fooled, nor the last time an Einstien was called a fraud.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2010
El Paso
As you claim to have added a team member in Yuri from Repulsor to your team(ULed), can you or Yuri address what will be done for the backers on kickstarter/indiegogo that have been left out of money to make them whole again, and both how and when this will be accomplished?

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
As you claim to have added a team member in Yuri from Repulsor to your team(ULed), can you or Yuri address what will be done for the backers on kickstarter/indiegogo that have been left out of money to make them whole again, and both how and when this will be accomplished?

kumaravel b17 hours ago
Hi creator I need refund.. Waiting for ur mail.. Thank u


That was profoundly amazing. Never in all my years have I read something more........ desperate for lack of better words. I reported this project on Kickstarter using the evidence we found out here. If innocent they will clear him. I will leave it to them to make their own determination for the best interest of the backers. Seeing how the OP claims innocents he should welcome this opportunity for scrutiny as it would only help an honorable business. With that I am done with this thread unless something else comes up like another cash grab on INDIEGOGO is attempted or like last time Kickstarter pulls the plug. I don't feel the need to argue with those I respect on this forum over this trash any more. Good luck to the backers. IMHO they will need it. OP is now on ignore.
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Apr 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
^^^ Both posts above pretty much sum things up. I'm done with this guy.

When you said "Yes we spoke with this guys. Please tell me What is problem?". You had partnered with Repulsor people, not simply "spoke with" them. A Repulsor person put ULed on Kickstarter, not you. You joined them knowing there are innocent people who had their money stolen after investing in the Repulsor flashlight project?

I wonder if Kickstarter will find ULed acted unethically. That's why Repulsor was suspended I found out. You made your goal in one day too. Coincidence?

We'll see what Kickstarter does since WoodsWalker reported you.

I really like the people here and I'd hate to see them get sucked back into your lies.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2016
I think you did the right thing . We are not afraid of this because , I repeat , we are not scammers .

I say again. We communicate with the creators of repulsor but we have nothing to do with this project . Uled is one product . Repulsor is another .

I can not prove it to you if you will not hear me!

You can write to them and ask about this . They will answer your questions .

Thank you. Andrii.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2015
California (Bay Area)
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

I'm not on anybody's side here at this point. But surely everyone must admit that from the start there has been something of a mob mentality against this guy. One could argue that it was warranted considering what has played out, but one must also bear in mind that most people here were out to get this guy from the start. Something else to bear in mind is that Andreii's knowledge of the English language appears rudimentary at best (no offense), which also -in my opinion - has contributed to multiple misunderstandings. Just the mere fact that he would make another post defending his light says a lot - I'm sure that many others would simply have just dropped and ran once their scam was up. With that being said, however, hopefully Kickstarter makes the right decision of as to whether or not to suspend the project.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 28, 2001
London, UK (Parallel Universe)
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

I'm not on anybody's side here at this point. But surely everyone must admit that from the start there has been something of a mob mentality against this guy. ..............

Can't deny that.

This Topic is not one of CPF's greatest moments.

(I just hope everything turns out OK).


Jun 10, 2015
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of these given statements.
1. Andreii claims to have made a new light, and came to the forums looking for feedback.
2. We all shared skepticism about him and the light, and barraged Andreii with questions- especially more technical details to try to evaluate the feasibility of the light.
3. The light appears feasible based on all responses.
4. Andreii needed someone from the USA to help bring the light to market using crowdfunding.
5. The person he found who is now the primary worker on the Kickstarter happens to be involved with a prior campaign called Repulsor.
6. The Repulsor made similar claims but ultimately ended up being a scam, with the creator taking the money and running.

While the Repulsor may have been a different product, Andreii, the link between your team and that scam is worrying. It is even more worrying that the person helping you with your Kickstarter, and thus has direct access to the funding, appears to be the same person who ran off with the money from the previous campaign. Whether you were involved or not, it is now your campaign on the line, and this indirect association should worry you as much as it does us. If the money disappears due to this associate, you will be held responsible. Please be careful.

At the end of the day, I just want to see this light come to fruition and no one loses out. If that can't happen, I would at least like to see no one lose money and for this light to be able to have a chance at a new, scammer-free campaign later down the line.

SG Hall

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 17, 2015
Sampson Flat, Sth. Aust.
At the end of it all it comes down to the old CPF mantra: Photos or it didn't happen. The photos and video provided have scam written all over it. If this is not enough to convince everyone I guess that's why people lose money to things like this. I'm happy to be wrong but unless I see something new I'm going with the evidence here.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2008
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

idk what relationship means tee hee hee

Best case scenario, he's aware of the repulsor scammers & is in communication/consultation with them. Worst case he's in full on cahoots with them, if not the same party entirely. Doesn't necessarily mean this one won't come to fruition, and I hope it does as I hate to see people get scammed, but there is a connection by his own admission. Just a red flag we need to acknowledge.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of these given statements.
1. Andreii claims to have made a new light, and came to the forums looking for feedback.
2. We all shared skepticism about him and the light, and barraged Andreii with questions- especially more technical details to try to evaluate the feasibility of the light.
3. The light appears feasible based on all responses.
4. Andreii needed someone from the USA to help bring the light to market using crowdfunding.
5. The person he found who is now the primary worker on the Kickstarter happens to be involved with a prior campaign called Repulsor.
6. The Repulsor made similar claims but ultimately ended up being a scam, with the creator taking the money and running

While the Repulsor may have been a different product, Andreii, the link between your team and that scam is worrying. It is even more worrying that the person helping you with your Kickstarter, and thus has direct access to the funding, appears to be the same person who ran off with the money from the previous campaign. Whether you were involved or not, it is now your campaign on the line, and this indirect association should worry you as much as it does us. If the money disappears due to this associate, you will be held responsible. Please be careful.

At the end of the day, I just want to see this light come to fruition and no one loses out. If that can't happen, I would at least like to see no one lose money and for this light to be able to have a chance at a new, scammer-free campaign later down the line.

That pretty much = hating, persecution etc. It's considered rude to ask questions and point out observed and admitted facts that makes others uncomfortable. Not a very safe space. But end of the day, I'm just glad someone else picked up the baton and is still white knighting for this guy. Sub Scribed.


Apr 3, 2013
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

edit: Nevermind, other pople have already pointed out the Yury Mosha / Russian American Inc connection.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2016
Re: "ULed" a new high lumen monster

Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of these given statements.
1. Andreii claims to have made a new light, and came to the forums looking for feedback.
2. We all shared skepticism about him and the light, and barraged Andreii with questions- especially more technical details to try to evaluate the feasibility of the light.
3. The light appears feasible based on all responses.
4. Andreii needed someone from the USA to help bring the light to market using crowdfunding.
5. The person he found who is now the primary worker on the Kickstarter happens to be involved with a prior campaign called Repulsor.
6. The Repulsor made similar claims but ultimately ended up being a scam, with the creator taking the money and running.

While the Repulsor may have been a different product, Andreii, the link between your team and that scam is worrying. It is even more worrying that the person helping you with your Kickstarter, and thus has direct access to the funding, appears to be the same person who ran off with the money from the previous campaign. Whether you were involved or not, it is now your campaign on the line, and this indirect association should worry you as much as it does us. If the money disappears due to this associate, you will be held responsible. Please be careful.

At the end of the day, I just want to see this light come to fruition and no one loses out. If that can't happen, I would at least like to see no one lose money and for this light to be able to have a chance at a new, scammer-free campaign later down the line.

Yes, all right except one. Creators of repulsor not got the money. The project was not completed. (see Kick rules). Show me the people who have lost money. Where are they?

Thank you

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