VEC192 dual beam spotlight


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2009
Anybody out there that might have an extra Vector VEC192 dual beam sport spot spotlight to spare? Or alternatively, maybe even one modded to HID they are willing to part with. I would really like to have one so I can mod it to HID, I spent hours trying to find a new one on the internet with no luck. So, Please someone come save the day! Thanks
I might have seen one locally on Craigslist. I'll check and let you know.
I use to see those(the VEC192) on E-Bay all the time but not lately.It seems like a lot of spotlights like the POB,Stanley HID,and the Vector twin beam are going out of production.

For what it's worth Cabelas carries a twin beam spotlight that is affordable(around $70).But the reflector is very shallow and won't throw like the Vector.
The light is still available @ for $80 US, free shipping conus. Sorry Andreas. It has been discontinued by the factory and new ones will soon disappear from the marketplace.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the responses so far... Autobarn is all out of inventory that is the first place I checked (via phone).
I am looking for one too. Spent 2 hrs surfing the Net. None available.

They were discontinued in June, 2009 per Black and Decker, who bought out Vector.

If they can be found, how much would they cost? I've read older posts and the price is all over the place.:thinking:
I don't remember how I was pointed to it (I think it was one of the gadget blogs), but I got one through an Xmas sale at (?!?!) three years ago for $35. :)

Have you tried searching for all the different brands? I remember the VEC192 being sold as a Vector, a Black & Decker and a few others brands as well. Maybe someone else can help here.
Just last weekend, at least (3) new units showed up on Ebay. I purchased one for $30 plus $18 for shipping. Amazing deal since they used to sell for $80+ each. They all sold on Ebay within a day, so I think you'd have to check pretty frequently. The good news, they are still popping up on Ebay.
The Google pointer takes you to Compact Appliance, which says they are "temporarily backordered" = out of stock forever, since they are not manufactured anymore.

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