Yep indeed pretty freakin bad but there are worse cases.
OK, I don't mean to sound like a paranoid health freak but you NEED to get that sorted if you are concerned with you're health.
LDL is too high - work to get it below 100 and sub 80 is even better. Without knowing you're diet and lifestyle I can say that you must start eating clean if you are not doing so already.
You should stop taking butter, most spreads, avoid cooking oils except extra virgin olive oil (which is great), anything solid at room temp and anything containing trans fats. Cut down on cheese and egg yolk as well and stay away from all fast food, do not over eat and dig into the fruit and veg! You may be able to get things back into order quite well with a good diet. Try to get regular exercise and avoid stess as much as possible.
Take niacin if you are not already doing so to raise HDL and make sure you're doc knows his stuff well and is looking out for you. The doc may put you on statins too. Everyday you're cholesterol is like that you are depositing plaque on the walls of you're arteries and be aware that this is NOT reversable damage so it should be sorted asap to prevent it getting worse.
Also, don't worry needlessly it won't help anything I hope I haven't frightened you too badly!
Good luck!