What is your luckiest moment or the big break that you needed?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
I started a thread "what was your worst luck". Some might not want to join because many of us like to keep it to ourself. Thanks for letting me know Norm. I didn't think of that when I started that thread...

So I am starting this one for those who want to tell us their luckiest moment.

Mine is confusing on this one...

In that case, let me tell you all one of my luckiest moment.

I finally got a county job that I always wanted. Been working there for 8 months and passed probation. But now... because of the economy... they might start laying off. And since we are in a union...the bottom gets the boot first :mecry:...

I don't know if that consider my luckiest moment or the most ironic moment...
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I got pulled over by the same cop twice in one month doing STUPID Sh!t!!
First time I pulled my e-brake and power slided 180 degrees into a parking spot on the side of the main street in my town.
As soon as the car spun around, there he was comin straight at me!
There were no other cars on the road, but I knew that was no excuse for the moronic behavior I had just displayed.
He pulled into the center lane by my car with lights flashing. He signaled for me to get out and come to him. It was an officer that I have had many run-ins with when I was young for skateboarding. I told him that I knew it was completely dumb of me to had done that and knew I deserved anything coming my way. I said if there is ANYTHING you can do to lessen the blow, I would appreciate it. After several minutes I was called back to the car and handed the ticket. ILLIGAL U-TURN!!!!
I said "Thank You Sir!"
He responded with "Lets not see that again"


About a month later I was at a stoplight. I was about to lose my lisence anyway in about a week for previous B.S. so I had been "Livin it up" and driving a bit more aggressively than normal.
As the light turned green, I did the Gnarliest, Smokey Burn out!!!
I was laughing my *** off!! I looked to the left as traffic on the other side started to disperse, and there he was!!! The same officer was givin me the eye and didn't look too happy. I turned into the nearest parking lot, grabbed my papers and stood outside the car waiting for the obvious. About a minute later he pulls in (no flashers and sirens) and stops next to me.
"WHAT in the hell you doin?!"
Bein a dumb-*** AGAIN!!..this time I deserve whatever you give me.
He runs my plate and info and realizes I am about to have my lisence suspended in a few days. He tells me to sit in the car while he writes the ticket. After a few minutes he calls me over to the cruiser.
"I see you are about to loose your lisence?.. If I were to give you this ticket, do you realize that you would not get your lisence back for a VERY long time?
He handed me the ticket and told me to have a good day.
When I read it I was so freakin releaved to see he had given me "Unsafe Start"
Talk about luck!!!...That could have ended MUCH worse.

Over the summer I was hit by a car while riding mt mountain bike. It scared the hell outta me, but I'm still here walking around and not a mark to show from it!

I don't know if it counts as luck, but I've been given at least 4 vehicals for free from all different people.:party:

I've been thrown into a tree at 60-70-mph in a Subaru WRX and walked away, with no injuries other than being a little sore from being knocked out from taking out the back passenger window with my head. My friend that was driving was VERY lucky too, considering where the tree impacted the car and his head hit. It could have been a LOT worse.....LUCKY!

Some of my most lucky moments have come in the finding of additional Surefires for my collection. Happening to come across them in perfect timing or getting a crazy deal from someone, I truely feel I have been extremely lucky with regards to my flashlight hobby.:twothumbs
I got pulled over by the same cop twice in one month doing STUPID Sh!t!!
First time I pulled my e-brake and power slided 180 degrees into a parking spot on the side of the main street in my town.
As soon as the car spun around, there he was comin straight at me!
There were no other cars on the road, but I knew that was no excuse for the moronic behavior I had just displayed.
He pulled into the center lane by my car with lights flashing. He signaled for me to get out and come to him. It was an officer that I have had many run-ins with when I was young for skateboarding. I told him that I knew it was completely dumb of me to had done that and knew I deserved anything coming my way. I said if there is ANYTHING you can do to lessen the blow, I would appreciate it. After several minutes I was called back to the car and handed the ticket. ILLIGAL U-TURN!!!!
I said "Thank You Sir!"
He responded with "Lets not see that again"


About a month later I was at a stoplight. I was about to lose my lisence anyway in about a week for previous B.S. so I had been "Livin it up" and driving a bit more aggressively than normal.
As the light turned green, I did the Gnarliest, Smokey Burn out!!!
I was laughing my *** off!! I looked to the left as traffic on the other side started to disperse, and there he was!!! The same officer was givin me the eye and didn't look too happy. I turned into the nearest parking lot, grabbed my papers and stood outside the car waiting for the obvious. About a minute later he pulls in (no flashers and sirens) and stops next to me.
"WHAT in the hell you doin?!"
Bein a dumb-*** AGAIN!!..this time I deserve whatever you give me.
He runs my plate and info and realizes I am about to have my lisence suspended in a few days. He tells me to sit in the car while he writes the ticket. After a few minutes he calls me over to the cruiser.
"I see you are about to loose your lisence?.. If I were to give you this ticket, do you realize that you would not get your lisence back for a VERY long time?
He handed me the ticket and told me to have a good day.
When I read it I was so freakin releaved to see he had given me "Unsafe Start"
Talk about luck!!!...That could have ended MUCH worse.

Over the summer I was hit by a car while riding mt mountain bike. It scared the hell outta me, but I'm still here walking around and not a mark to show from it!

I don't know if it counts as luck, but I've been given at least 4 vehicals for free from all different people.:party:

I've been thrown into a tree at 60-70-mph in a Subaru WRX and walked away, with no injuries other than being a little sore from being knocked out from taking out the back passenger window with my head. My friend that was driving was VERY lucky too, considering where the tree impacted the car and his head hit. It could have been a LOT worse.....LUCKY!

Some of my most lucky moments have come in the finding of additional Surefires for my collection. Happening to come across them in perfect timing or getting a crazy deal from someone, I truely feel I have been extremely lucky with regards to my flashlight hobby.:twothumbs

:bow::bow::bow: are you kidding me? Lady luck must really like you!
I've been told that upon birth, the Doc swatted my butt and I started breathing. That seems like a fortunate turn of events.
Getting promoted to full time management with a much bigger paycheck and benefits right before my department was downsized and put on a shorter work week. They are all getting laid off until April in the coming weeks.
My luckiest moment was the moment I first laid eyes on my wife.

Same here!

My 2nd most luckiest moment was my college graduation. I think I'm the only Asian UC Berkeley graduate with a 2.0 GPA! Well 2.184 to be exact but whose counting?! In my senior year I got a couple of Ds and I thought for sure I was not going to make it. But my parents insisted on going to my graduation for obvious reasons. I did not check to see if I had in fact actually graduated and attended the commencement ceromonies anyway. My parents and girl friend at the time were in attendance. Talk about pressure! That was the longest morning of my life! I did graduate!

I've been told that upon birth, the Doc swatted my butt and I started breathing. That seems like a fortunate turn of events.

Actually Empath your luck started 9 months before that event. 300 million sperm and it was you!!! LOL
My luckiest moment was the moment I first laid eyes on my wife.

Most certainly ditto for me, though I had no clue she'd wind up my wife at the time. I owe everything to Jess, literally everything. I was traveling down a destructive path (no drugs or alcohol, but street racing and sexual promiscuity) that would have done me in shortly had I not actually committed suicide outright. She rescued me and I owe her the universe.

Luckiest in a "life changing" way: My girlfriend and I went to Hawaii and came back with a little "extra baggage". Best accidental thing that has ever happened to either of us.

Luckiest in a "I survived" way: I was once almost crushed to death by a falling boulder in Mexico. Some people were clambering around on some rocks above where my friends and I were eating lunch. I heard some cracking noises and saw this huge boulder (about 5 feet in diameter) headed straight my way. It actually bounced OVER the legs of one of my friends and I was able to narrowly dodge it. Another one of my friend's ankles was hit and we had to carry her back to the trailhead.

Luckiest in a "I didn't burn down my house" way: I used to make homemade explosives (Hello NSA!) when I was in high school. But that was back in the late '80s so people just viewed us as enthusiastic chemistry students (which we were) instead of terrorists (which we were not). Taking our newly acquired knowledge of chemistry, my friend and I made all kinds of stuff like a 50lb deisel fertilizer bomb, nitroglycerin, TNT as well as some more "experimental" stuff. I once made a special concoction out of trioxane and sodium hypochlorite that I THOUGHT was stable. It was not. I was alone at home watching TV one night when I heard a small explosion in my room. I ran up there and my desk drawer was blown out, the insides on fire. It was only a small amount of explosive so a quick douse put it out, but I cannot imagine what would have happened had I not been home at the time. My parents still have that desk in my old room, and every time I open that blackened drawer I feel lucky that I survived childhood with all of my fingers intact.
Luckiest moment? Hmmm, GREAT agreeable answers above & more come to my mind - can't nail "just one" though. I feel blessed & thankful for many things in my life!

Big break? Still waiting for it!
I sort of fell into a job at a Plastics plant early in my life and spent the next 26 years in plastics management. I've been all across this country over the years. It was a blessing because up till then I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do and wasn't interested in a thing, but plastics became my calling.

My luckiest moment? A couple years ago I married (an RN) shortly after we got married, I had my stroke. She was there, very lucky for me, it could have been much worse without her there. She's my hero & my love.
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I started a thread "what was your worst luck". Some might not want to join because many of us like to keep it to ourself. Thanks for letting me know Norm. I didn't think of that when I started that thread...

So I am starting this one for those who want to tell us their luckiest moment.

Ironically, it's the same monent I posted about in your other thread.... Surviving a horrific car accident with only a sprained left wrist.

When my best friend got into a head-on car accident a couple of years earlier, he was horribly sore for weeks and had nightmares in which he kept re-living the accident. When he was awake, he constantly thought about it.... I guess I'm lucky in that my mind simply doesn't work that way. I was fine by the time I got home that night. I was more annoyed at having to fill out an accident report. I was angry as Hell when my boss asked me to work a double shift, after I called that night to take the next day off. (The jack-@$$ didn't even bother to ask if I was alright). I could count on one hand the number of times I've thought about the accident, and still have a few fingers left over. No nightmares, either.

It's odd. I sometimes get angry about little things. But big things that would bother most folks, just don't seem to bother me all that much.
I migrated here to the US 18 years ago with $50 in my pocket. Today, thanks to the US Navy (and some dogged determination on my part), I am making a decent living and can afford a house, a couple of cars, some comforts and several expensive hobbies. The American dream came true for me and I love my new country for the opportunity she gave me.
I migrated here to the US 18 years ago with $50 in my pocket. Today, thanks to the US Navy (and some dogged determination on my part), I am making a decent living and can afford a house, a couple of cars, some comforts and several expensive hobbies. The American dream came true for me and I love my new country for the opportunity she gave me.

I think your post needs highlighted, in these times of negativity it is inspiring.:thumbsup:

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