I got pulled over by the same cop twice in one month doing STUPID Sh!t!!
First time I pulled my e-brake and power slided 180 degrees into a parking spot on the side of the main street in my town.
As soon as the car spun around, there he was comin straight at me!
There were no other cars on the road, but I knew that was no excuse for the moronic behavior I had just displayed.
He pulled into the center lane by my car with lights flashing. He signaled for me to get out and come to him. It was an officer that I have had many run-ins with when I was young for skateboarding. I told him that I knew it was completely dumb of me to had done that and knew I deserved anything coming my way. I said if there is ANYTHING you can do to lessen the blow, I would appreciate it. After several minutes I was called back to the car and handed the ticket. ILLIGAL U-TURN!!!!
I said "Thank You Sir!"
He responded with "Lets not see that again"
About a month later I was at a stoplight. I was about to lose my lisence anyway in about a week for previous B.S. so I had been "Livin it up" and driving a bit more aggressively than normal.
As the light turned green, I did the Gnarliest, Smokey Burn out!!!
I was laughing my *** off!! I looked to the left as traffic on the other side started to disperse, and there he was!!! The same officer was givin me the eye and didn't look too happy. I turned into the nearest parking lot, grabbed my papers and stood outside the car waiting for the obvious. About a minute later he pulls in (no flashers and sirens) and stops next to me.
"WHAT in the hell you doin?!"
Bein a dumb-*** AGAIN!!..this time I deserve whatever you give me.
He runs my plate and info and realizes I am about to have my lisence suspended in a few days. He tells me to sit in the car while he writes the ticket. After a few minutes he calls me over to the cruiser.
"I see you are about to loose your lisence?.. If I were to give you this ticket, do you realize that you would not get your lisence back for a VERY long time?
He handed me the ticket and told me to have a good day.
When I read it I was so freakin releaved to see he had given me "Unsafe Start"
Talk about luck!!!...That could have ended MUCH worse.
Over the summer I was hit by a car while riding mt mountain bike. It scared the hell outta me, but I'm still here walking around and not a mark to show from it!
I don't know if it counts as luck, but I've been given at least 4 vehicals for free from all different people.
I've been thrown into a tree at 60-70-mph in a Subaru WRX and walked away, with no injuries other than being a little sore from being knocked out from taking out the back passenger window with my head. My friend that was driving was VERY lucky too, considering where the tree impacted the car and his head hit. It could have been a LOT worse.....LUCKY!
Some of my most lucky moments have come in the finding of additional Surefires for my collection. Happening to come across them in perfect timing or getting a crazy deal from someone, I truely feel I have been
extremely lucky with regards to my flashlight hobby.:twothumbs