What other addictions do you have beyond lights?

Beacon of Light

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
I stayed away from this forum for a while as my light collection was growing rapidly in such a short time. Once I left my other habits picked up. Namely:

• Watches
• Guitars
• Amps
• FX Pedals
• Pepper plants
• Tomato Plants
• Roses
• Computers and parts

etc. etc. etc.

Is there a cure? lol
Cameras - Photography. FlashLights help give me a break from thinking about photography. Woe is me when I start to use my lights to make images or light wall prints. :shakehead

IMHO, no cure, just enjoy it.
I also collect Knives.

I started on the Lower End of prices, now I find more mid to high, the insanity must stop.:thinking:
I've always been into watches, radios, cameras, knives, and tools, but not nearly as much as lights. And, since you mentioned it, tomato and pepper time is almost here.

guns and knives.....

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Cool thread, definetely a guy thing. My one saving grace is that I usually just have one addiction at a time and can somewhat control it. When I was young it was comic books, then baseball cards, then coins followed by clothes, gold jewelry, watches, tools, and flashlights. I occasionally switch around and sometimes I can be in complete remission for a while, but eventually I need me fix!

The best is when I can get addicted to selling some of the excess on places like Ebay.
You'll find that guys on CPF share many of the same habits of collecting knives, multitools, watches, guns, and pens.

Guess what else I have a problem with? (clue: my name is toolpig1)
Backpacks, Tents, and X-Girlfriends. The X-Girlfriend collection comes from collecting too many flashlight backpacks and tents.

that's funny dewd....
i've always beenn attracted to:
pocket knives, firearms, watches, and tools....
played a lot of guitar and found the one that suites me (mostly), and now i only have one. you would'nt like it.... fat, flat and ugly but nasty.... kinda like an X girlfriend i once had.:eek:
Backpacks, Tents, and X-Girlfriends. The X-Girlfriend collection comes from collecting too many flashlight backpacks and tents.

X-girlfirend collection is way better than X-wife collection.
A guy with 10 X-girlfriends can be happy, but a guy with 10 X-wives... you got the picture.:crackup:

Actually this question is very good one.
What do I collect? What's my addiction?
I can't think of any... except some stamp collecting I did when I was a kid. Maybe I should start collect something or indulge myself into something.
Golfing, Hunting, Fishing, Quading, Snowmobiling, Hiking, Running and Lifting. Oh, and I sell senior insurance once in a while!!!!! Got into flashlights because of hunting and fishing.
I have some killer ones myself... Hi-Fi headphones and headphone amplifiers (http://Head-Fi.org), Digital Photography (currently using a D300 accompanied by some pro glass), and computers (description not needed).
I briefly got into knives, but I think that disease has gone into remission(for now:D), but I still am, and always will be a bowling addict.
Pistols and revolvers. Most come and go, but the number of keepers is slowly creeping upwards....

Fortunately, my wife doesn't mind the guns, except for the price. But she thinks my fascination with flashlights is quite odd, and is actually a bit disturbed by it.

Go figure.
I'm kinda losing the urge to buy more lights but have now gotten hooked on collecting Swiss Army Knives.

My wife finds my fascination with flashlights rather odd but seems OK with the SAKs and the few knives I have.

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