I out shined security


Jan 7, 2008
Mid Michigan
At my apartment complex, we had a bonfire last night. Maybe not the smartest thing to do, but whatever.

Anyways, security pulls up and walks up to us saying that we can't burn in the city and a bunch of crap. I looked at the younger of the two guys and said hey you got a 4d maglite there. And I told him about my 2d rop that was in the house and all i had was my ultrafire 502b. So i pull it out and shine it on the ground and he pulls out his secret weapon. A Dorcy 3aaa that was dim as hell.

I definitely gave him the business
Why do flashoholics always have to prove something? Are they short on something?
Could also be an "ice braker", especially with ppl that use their lights often.
They surely are interested in equipment
Allburger I give you props on this one. Common.. the're security and should have good tools (flashlights) to do their job.
I outshined security too (Monday) when I went to a Foo Fighters show. My P3D was my EDC at this time. The security mens were carrying some kind of cheap LED flashlight with some kind of aspheric on it and there were carrying Minimag too. When I fired up my P3D on turbo there were like: what the *&%# ???

Great job to both of you in your treatment of a new CPF'er. :thumbsdow

In all seriousness, if you really aren't trolling and don't like what he posted, how about just clicking the BACK button instead of chiming in your negativity and bumping this "pointless" thread to the top?

Back on topic yes, it may be seen as childish one upmanship but we all do or think it in situations like these because this is our hobby that we spend our time and money on. So to the OP, nice job, just don't be a jerk to others less enlightened when you do it and enjoy. *rant mode off*

Oh, and :welcome:
At my apartment complex, we had a bonfire last night. Maybe not the smartest thing to do, but whatever.

Anyways, security pulls up and walks up to us saying that we can't burn in the city and a bunch of crap. I looked at the younger of the two guys and said hey you got a 4d maglite there. And I told him about my 2d rop that was in the house and all i had was my ultrafire 502b. So i pull it out and shine it on the ground and he pulls out his secret weapon. A Dorcy 3aaa that was dim as hell.

I definitely gave him the business

LOL! The way you tell this story is hilarious. I imagine the scene going down like something out of Napoleon Dynamite.

For some reason it reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78U7CEB1FPE&feature=related
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Great job to both of you in your treatment of a new CPF'er. :thumbsdow

In all seriousness, if you really aren't trolling and don't like what he posted, how about just clicking the BACK button instead of chiming in your negativity and bumping this "pointless" thread to the top?

Back on topic yes, it may be seen as childish one upmanship but we all do or think it in situations like these because this is our hobby that we spend our time and money on. So to the OP, nice job, just don't be a jerk to others less enlightened when you do it and enjoy. *rant mode off*

Oh, and :welcome:

Ok I apologize. :welcome:
I outshined security too (Monday) when I went to a Foo Fighters show. My P3D was my EDC at this time. The security mens were carrying some kind of cheap LED flashlight with some kind of aspheric on it and there were carrying Minimag too. When I fired up my P3D on turbo there were like: what the *&%# ???

I like the story. Perhaps that man will be inspired to research a new light of his own. Pay it forward!
LOL! The way you tell this story is hilarious. I imagine the scene going down like something out of Napoleon Dynamite.

Lol, you're right! No offense meant to the original poster, but that is funny. Great story BTW! You have some awesome flashlight skillz.:welcome: