is windows vista a big huge bug?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
man thats all i seem to read lately that its garbage ..i know its very bloated some people say gamers need like 4 gigs. i realy doubt that 4 gigs is true but if it is thats insane
I found Vista slower than XP even when on a faster computer, needs more memory, and broke up all the control panels and hid their functions behind superfluous screens designed to appeal to folks who like shiny things.

Lots of driver and appliction compatability issues too, but that's common with new OSes regardless.
It sure looks nice ... but my software didn't even install, my favourite game won't run without crashing ... so I removed it and bougth XP ... and installed it myself ... first time ever I installed an OS.
I was mighty pissed. It cost me money and three evenings to have a running system ... with some functions removed as some hardwre only runs with Vista.
My 2 cents..

Never buy an operating system of any type (PC, Mainframe, etc) without waiting for at least the first service pack to be released.. and then wait another month while checking what other people say.

In my experience, the cutting edge of technology is great, but many more times than not, you end up stabbing yourself.
i think ill wait to sp2 if they can get the memory hogging down a bit
It is a big memory hog. I've seen it installed on laptops with only 512mb of RAM and that should be a crime. You need horsepower to run it acceptably. I still use XP Pro myself as I have some business critical apps I use. I don't want to deal with compatibility issues.

I can't see much compelling to upgrade unless I happen to get a new machine at the same time.
I run XP MCE 2005 and am happy with the performance. As ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Microsoft releases beta software and it will take at least a year to get it straight.

Got shafted on Win95, screwed on Win98, boned so bad with ME I removed it, fought XP. The definition of a fool is a person repeating the same act over and over expecting a different result.

I am with Raggie, SP2 and I'll think about it. Next computer is a laptop running OSX and Vista SP2 with boot camp. Yes, it will be a Macbook.
All i can say is that it needs 1.1 Gb of ram to run windows and browse the web ridiculous, i've gone up to 1.7 Gb of ram usage by having my regular tasks. I tried using vista but not a go after i removed all the bells and whistles and still didn't cut it for me, now back to xp, will stick with it until MS stops supporting the OS or wait for something better.
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i use vista everyday and its great, i like it alot more than XP.

Ditto - I use it at home and love it - so do most of my co-workers - we keep telling the company that we are willing to be their testers - heck, we're the internal software developers, and we should be building to run on both, so...
I running a 2.1Ghz Dual Core AMD Athlon X2 with 2G Ram with Vista.

I HATE IT. There's too many little problems here and there. Already having problems starting up and shutting down. Things would freeze and lag. This is strange since the hardware is twice as powerful as my previous computer.
Setup a friends new laptop which came with vista; we actually waited till vista was included with them.
I was utterly shocked with some of the new "features"!
For example in the file explorer, there is no indication of the total size of the files in the folder (information I need basically 1000 times a day, ie when opening any folder), as you get in XP and every other bloody file explorer thing in the world! So everytime you want to see how much space a folder is taking you have to do a select all, utterly unbelievable! At first I thought, its a bug, or a selectable feature, but NO, its there (as I found out by going to many forums), and according to MS for "ease of use"! Instead of this vital info, you get the disc free space information in every window!
It had nothing which made me miss XP, and had all of the usual MS clunkines, and "lowest common denominator factor", ie get the job done barely, with least amount of elegance, ease, and pleasure.
I am constantly shocked at the corporate worlds decision making process, and wonder how they arrive at the decisions they make.
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I running a 2.1Ghz Dual Core AMD Athlon X2 with 2G Ram with Vista.

I HATE IT. There's too many little problems here and there. Already having problems starting up and shutting down. Things would freeze and lag. This is strange since the hardware is twice as powerful as my previous computer.

It seems to me that the job of an OS is to boot the machine and then get the hell out of the way. I'm getting really weary of having to deal with the childish petulance of Windows.
It seems to me that the job of an OS is to boot the machine and then get the hell out of the way. I'm getting really weary of having to deal with the childish petulance of Windows.
thats why i like linux.there a lot better if ya ask me
As noted in the Daily Tech link above, most major computer/laptop retailers are now forced to provide the downgrade to XP on their new products because all the known problems, lack of drivers, bloat, RAM requirements, DRM, ridiculous pricing, and other issues with Vista has resulted in reduced hardware sales without the XP option. I MIGHT consider using Vista after SP2, but this is beginning to look like another Windows ME fiasco.
it scares me how much memory it wants i have 2 gigs and i heard that 2 gigs may not be enough in sometimes running vista. got 2 gigs a ddr2 for 59 bucks

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