I bought a couple of time ago two x-bin emitters, but never started with a host. Now its done.
The driver is a SOB1000. The body 2 x 18650 C C is from fivemega. 2 x 2600MAh Li-Ions.
Its a couper electrode, with the aluminium-sleve it can bi mounted on a 3-jaws chuck.
The heatsink doesn't get hot. Slightly hand-warm but not more. The emitter is driven very efficent with this heatsink.
The driver is a SOB1000. The body 2 x 18650 C C is from fivemega. 2 x 2600MAh Li-Ions.
Its a couper electrode, with the aluminium-sleve it can bi mounted on a 3-jaws chuck.
The heatsink doesn't get hot. Slightly hand-warm but not more. The emitter is driven very efficent with this heatsink.
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