M@glite Mod Advice

Flashlight Aficionado

Jul 12, 2006
I checked out the Threads of Interest and a lot of links are broken. (Not the threads, but links in the threads)

I saw R.O.P. costs about $100 to make. Not sure if that is what I want to make though for head #2.

My plan - Buy two m@glites and throw one body away, so I will have two heads.

Head #1 has like 1 minute runtime. Everybody is blinded and the heat gives everyone third degree burns.

Head #2 has the brightest light possible for one hour of runtime. I want incan, not LED. Besides this is the Incandescent Section. :wave:

Which mods should I look up for each? Where can I get the parts? (part links are what were broken) How much should I expect to spend.

Side note - It makes me sad that incan M@g mods are falling by the wayside.
The first problem is that the light engine / bulb/ whatever is not in the head, it is more accurately in the switch. I would just make two lights if I were you. Interesting mental picture you draw of a two headed maglite. I'm sure that it's possible but I'm also sure that it would require a special switch and serious body mods. A fully functional prototype of what you suggest would be in the hundreds but probably not thousands to complete. I say $200-$1999

Wait, the heads are interchangeable? That's different. That's like swapping a bulb from ROP low to ROP high right?
1min vs 1h will be a problem:

I dont know any cells, that are able to deliver 60C :oops:

Maximum is about 20C, maybe 30C without damaging the rechargables.
A LiPoly may have 40-45C, but they are a bit big...

So you have to calculate at least 2-better 3min on high.

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Heads ? Yeah, incan maglites dont' really work that way.

In this case the head simply defined your reflector assembly.
You're going to want one good head that can do both, like a Fivemega FM3* turbo head, or a Throwmaster on a budget.
If you really want to cut corners the Sandwich Shoppe offers custom bored aluminum reflectors in Smooth and Medium Orange Peel. Match that with a Borofloat lens from Flashlightlens.com .

The next thing that will limit you is the switch assembly.
You either need to upgrade it with a Kiu High Temp socket kit.
Or even better replace it with an AW Incan Driver.

I'm not sure how much amperage the stock mag switch can handle once its been modded with the Kiu Kit. If you get the Incan Driver, you are covered up to 150watts, and, because it dims, its almost possible to go from "Blind your Buddies" to one hour or runtime with one well chosen bulb.

Once you get those two things covered you have pretty much prepped your mag body to take most hotwires. The real trick next is to figure out what bulb and battery system you need to get the desired effect.

Sounds like you need to go from say, MagCharger, or Mag60 up to a Mag623.

The Mag623 uses an Osram 64623 bulb. 12v 100watts.
I think 100watts coming from a Maglite would be sufficient enough to blind everybody and can even start fires.

I think four 26500 IMR's in a modded 3D with an Softstarting Incan driver can power a 623. I will be able to confirm this when the rest of my parts come in. The 623 should incur just enough voltage sag so that the IMR's don't :poof: it, IF you use the AW Incan Driver.

Afterwards the 3D can be loaded with a five 1/2D Nimh stick to get an hour or light out of a WA1160 or WA1111. Or up to 2 hours with an 11watt magcharger bulb which can give you plenty of usable output.

The other option is to get a 2D Tri-Bore Mag623 Host, Like this, and if you are lucky enough to get the matching pack for it, then you have your Mag623. This host is SUPPOSED to be the size of a 2D, if it is you can then mod it to run perhaps a 2x18650 or 2x26650 battery system to run a Mag11, Rop, or MagCharger(with LiFe cells).
My plan - Buy two m@glites and throw one body away, so I will have two heads.

Head #1 has like 1 minute runtime. Everybody is blinded and the heat gives everyone third degree burns.

Head #2 has the brightest light possible for one hour of runtime. I want incan, not LED. Besides this is the Incandescent Section. :wave:
I'm with carbine15; just don't get how you plan to change "heads" -- the bulb is mounted in the switch, so changing heads only changes the reflector, and isn't even necessary. Unless you're talking about going with bi-pins in the same Kiu (or whatever) socket, and changing the bulbs and heads...

As for which bulbs to use, it seems that would depend greatly on the size of host you select -- for 6D, you're obviously gonna get a lot more brightness for an hour than a 2C, right?

Realistically, demanding the same battery for both an insanely-short runtime light and a 1-hour light isn't necessarily a good move, either -- the ultimate in power density is either NiCd or LiFePO4, which may actually get a 2-minute or so runtime, but neither of which can touch LiMn or LiCo for energy density. So if you go with the same pack, which one do you plan to optimize for?

Finally, I wouldn't write off the second body -- either get the same size and have spares for everything, or (my tendency) get, say, a 3-cell and a 4-cell, then you have all you need for 3 or 4 lights, allowing for some underdrive (or maybe just lighter overdrive) with a different battery. If you must discard it, at least toss it on the marketplace for the shipping cost + a buck or two -- you come out ahead, and so does some dude who likes having a crate of spare parts to root around (like me)!
Side note - It makes me sad that incan M@g mods are falling by the wayside.
Not sure why a non-fact would make you sad. :nana: I really haven't been about long enough to get a real sense of history, but I've seen nothing that indicates to me they're falling by the wayside. The quad-dies may have taken over some of the practical role fulfilled by ROP-lows and such, but all the interesting stuff is still going strong and advancing.
i guess he is planning somthing like this:

A double-head-mag :twothumbs
Why not build one thats both bright and has good run time. 3xIMR26650+FM1909=:wow:with over 40mins. run time.
I would try a Mdocod 2D > 6AA adapter, take six AA NiMH cells and stuff all this into a 2D Mag, and of course another lamp (the new Mag Num Star lamps seem to be very good - not my own conclusion, only from what I read).
For longer life, take a 6-cell lamp, for maximum output a 5-cell lamp...

First, thanks for the laughs.
Conte - Great links! I really like AW's Incan Driver. I might not have to buy two heads or make two lights. It has three brightness levels with a soft start.
hotwire bulbs up to 150W ( 200W intermittent use )
So now I'll need a 200 watt bulb.

Reading while posting isn't easy. One head/one battery type. Got it! Is there a 200 watt bulb that I can use, or should I go down to 150 or 100? What minimum length do I need? (2D 4D 6D) Obviously I prefer smaller. Which batteries? IMR, LSD, Li-Ion, or something else?
I have been doing some serious thinking. I really do appreciate all your help and have decided to make a 64633 Osram 150 watt magmod. With AW's Driver I can avoid :poof: No separate heads or bodies. I will use the OP reflector from Sandwich Shoppe. Not price, but I want it to look almost stock. I should PM Fivemega to see if he has any reflectors. The recommended heads were too unlike a mag head. Though I plan on finning the head.

I was using THIS THREAD and it seems very possible to do myself. TKO used 5 x A123 LiFeO4 (26650) cells to power the 64633 bulb.

Can I fit, with boring, 5 A123s in a 2D or 3D mag?

Or do they make LiFeO4 in a size that can fit 5 cells in a 2D or 3D mag?
I didn't look at the picture close enough.

That sucker barely fits.

So does anyone make LiFeO4 in a size that I can fit 5 cells in a 2D? or 3D? Obviously I am not looking for runtime . . . .

EDIT: I found 18650 LiFeO4. While searching, it seems that 3 18650 will not fit even with boring. So I need AA sized LiFeO4 or I must use another chemistry.

EDIT 2: I found AA LiFeO4
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So does anyone make LiFeO4 in a size that I can fit 5 cells in a 2D? or 3D? Obviously I am not looking for runtime . . . .
5 18650s will fit in a two or four-bore 3D. I think 6 fit, but you might have tailcap trouble; you could certainly get 5 if you angled the last one in.
5 18650s will fit in a two or four-bore 3D. I think 6 fit, but you might have tailcap trouble; you could certainly get 5 if you angled the last one in.

Where can I buy a holder for 6 x 18650? I found 6 x AA at the Sandwich Shoppe

See my edit in the post above. I would like to get the better runtime with the 18650.
Lol, AA Lifepo4 ? You light is going to run for about 30 seconds and then fry the batteries before you have a chance to hit the off switch.

Is size an issue ? You could get extension tubes and add the length you need to your 3D ?

Which size Mag do you have you are trying to Mod ?

If you haven't got one already, just get the right size you need.
I don't know of any holders for 6x18650, but you don't really need one in a multi-bore design -- with an appropriate tailpiece, and modifications to the switch, everything drops in, and the grooves keep it in alignment. The added length of the holder also increases the chances it won't quite fit, and making the last cell angled (or, now that I think more, offset) wouldn't be easy with a holder made for 6 cells.

If you want the pack removable as one piece, you could always solder it together and heatshrink it. But then you have to mess with balance leads and use a hobby charger instead of being able to toss the cells into several single-cell chargers. (Note that the hobby charger is really the best solution for a dedicated flashaholic, but I haven't got around to buying one yet...)
Conte - You've been the most help so far. Thank you. I guess I would want :crackup: at least 2 minutes, preferably 10 to show off. Size really isn't an issue. I might end up with a 5D in the end. But I would like to make it as small as possible to increase the shock value, if possible.

Benson - I thought you might have been messing with me with the "if you angled the last one in" comment. So it is good that I won't need a holder IF 5 x 18650 LiFeO4 can supply enough juice to run for just enough time do its job. Obviously I will have to get 3 dummy cells to fill the extra space.

Looking up the math, 'cause I suck at this stuff. 18650 1100mAh x 5=5500 at 16.5V for a runtime of ~3 minutes. But I get 1-2 minutes on AAs. Conte if you're right, my math is off.
(Battery in mAh x Number of batteries) / load in mA = runtime in minutes

I did find a 1500mAh 18650 LiFeO4. By my sucky math I get 4.5 minutes.