
Dec 16, 2007
Owing to the success of my OH MAN IT'S COLD!! thread which we've been adding to for two winters now, I'd like to start an OH MAN IT'S HOT!! thread. :sweat::sweat:

We've been having a pretty hot summer so far. (For this part of the country, at least.) Lots of mid to high eighties and some weather in the nineties. Today it's about 84, which is plenty hot for me. I prefer mid 70s. I don't care to do much outside when it gets warmer than this.

How hot is it where you live?
in southern cali, its in the 80s. over the weekend it was in the 90s. and was finally starting to feel like summer. im probably 1 of the few that likes hot weather:devil: over 80, but not 100. the temp varies here though. the coast is always about 10-15 degrees cooler, because of the ocean breeze. i live about 25miles inland and its gets scorching.
It's supposedly going to hit 101 here in Oklahoma City today. I'm thinking more like 99 though, not to much of a difference. And, i'm going to be trying to fix the fuel pump on my truck later this evening. Yikes! I prefer the 70's and 80's as well.
I live is socal...about 2 miles from the ocean...not too hot here....about 79 with a breeze...
Welcome to the High Desert


That was the temp on the Las Vegas Strip yesterday.

I traded those degrees for deerflies while camping in Utah this weekend. Everytime I heard a *swat*, it was followed by a comment to the effect that "at least we aren't in Vegas, where it's definitely a-hundred-and-stupid degrees right now".
I know places like the southwest desert are in the 100s every single summer but here in the northeast, this has been the most consistent hot summer I can remember. Near or above 90 every day this month whereas it usually just comes and goes in spurts. I will take this over the snow and cold any day.
I know places like the southwest desert are in the 100s every single summer but here in the northeast, this has been the most consistent hot summer I can remember. Near or above 90 every day this month whereas it usually just comes and goes in spurts. I will take this over the snow and cold any day.
I'll take just the opposite. Going out before the sun sets has been pretty much impossible for the last 3 weeks. The air smells awful with car exhaust and sweat comes off in buckets, even standing still. I can't stand anything much over about 60° - 65° F. It's not even comfortable at night with the kind of humidity we've been having. I hope we have a milder than normal August/September. I don't much care for the single digits or teens plus wind we had last winter either, but given a choice of that or this, I'll take the cold.
It was 84 here today and I collected 15 gallons of rainwater off of 2 short rain squalls, totaling about a tenth of an inch of rain, tops.
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Mid-80s today in San Jose.
I was in Sacramento this weekend for the state fair and it was ~105 in the middle of the day:sick2:. I saw 4-5 people carted away for heat stroke.

Best advice I can give is to stay hydrated, shaded and wear light/breatheable clothing.

I have 2 camelbak bladders in constant rotation in/out of the freezer. A 1.5-2 Liter camelbak thats frozen will remain cold for several hours through a hot afternoon and into the early evening.

Under-Armor and Nike have some very light and breathable athletic clothing that pass air through and evaporate perspiration much more efficiently than cotton. Cotton T-shirts are the worst, they get wet from perspiration and entrap heat and block ambient air from reaching the skin to keep it cool.
I was up last night at about 11:30 PM. I looked at the temp on the computer and it said 108. I was going to take a pic cuz the one I posted yesterday morning said that it was 108 at 11:49 AM... same temp 12 hours later... :shakehead
Hottest I have ever been was 114 in Vegas... So stinkin' hot you couldn't even breathe the air without choking on it:sick2:!! We were at the Venitian, and saw the white doves fly free from the towers at 12:00. Checked our watches and at 11:59:30 we walked outside looked up in the air. 12:00:30... went back inside drenched in sweat and gasping for cool air.:sick2:
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Been really mild here, only a few days above 90, most below 85. I could almost learn to like summers like this and I do appreciate the longer daylight. While my temperature preferences closely mirror JTR's, I can tolerate this and am thankful for it. Last year there were almost three weeks above 100 every day, and it was downright miserable. When it's like that I bail to my house on the coast, it's always 20 degrees more mild there than it is here in the Willamette Valley. I'm sure warmer weather is still to come.
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