So for fathers' day awhile ago I bought everyone on my list a nice new G2L, this later led to my discovery and subsequent addiction to CPF; but I digress, I gave one to my step-grandfather-in-law (wife's grandma's second husband) he works out at a plant near here. While rolling through the gate at his work, the guard complimented him on his flashlight and he thought not much of it.
Once inside he showed all of his work cohorts his new toy. They promptly loved it and just ordered 12 of them for his crew. Unfortunately, b/c its a government facility, they had to order the G2L through an un-named contractor...needless to say the un-named contractor charged them $90 per G2L...I really hate it when people try to screw over the government and then complain about taxes...I digress again. Either way, they now have over $1000 worth of flashlights because of me. Surefire reps if you are reading this I want commission. Next I will send him an R2 dropin for that tired old P60L:devil: (Oh yeah an he carries his G2L daily, and soon I will have him trolling these forums, the hook is set:devil
Once inside he showed all of his work cohorts his new toy. They promptly loved it and just ordered 12 of them for his crew. Unfortunately, b/c its a government facility, they had to order the G2L through an un-named contractor...needless to say the un-named contractor charged them $90 per G2L...I really hate it when people try to screw over the government and then complain about taxes...I digress again. Either way, they now have over $1000 worth of flashlights because of me. Surefire reps if you are reading this I want commission. Next I will send him an R2 dropin for that tired old P60L:devil: (Oh yeah an he carries his G2L daily, and soon I will have him trolling these forums, the hook is set:devil