SureFire E1B Pics.


Aug 1, 2001
New York City



Not that we'd expect anything else but awesome, but I'll say it anyways: AWESOME! :thumbsup:

Per Article 1 (b), Section 2a, Paragraph 3, line 2, of the CPF Rules for Posting Photos:

Hi resolution photographs of newly released lights are to be distributed only to those with proper identification, on a need-to-know basis. Violation of this rule will cause most members to become insanely envious, with resulting consequences.


How much time does it take to clean the lights in your pics to such pristine perfection?
Very well done pictures of the light! :)

I like the use of depth of field on the second image.

What kind of camera are you using? I was thinking of purchasing a Cannon 40D.

How much time does it take to clean the lights in your pics to such pristine perfection?

Most of the work is done with an air blower and brush:)

Very well done pictures of the light! :)

I like the use of depth of field on the second image.

What kind of camera are you using? I was thinking of purchasing a Cannon 40D.

Thanks! I'm using Canon 1Ds and 1D bodies.
Thanks Shelby for taking the time to share your work!!!
Amazing shots as always!!!!!:twothumbs
Great photos! How do you get the beam of light in the first photo? Do you do that in photoshop or you use some sort of steam? Is the background photoshop as well? :thumbsup: