EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"

They are scaling back because they can't make profit on EV production like Tesla and the Chinese. However, the Chinese government incentives every foreign sale of EVs.

Reading is Fundamental.......

"Even U.S. EV leader Tesla, which is estimated to have accounted for 55% of EV sales in the country in 2023, is bracing for what "may be a notably lower" rate of growth, CEO Elon Musk said in late January."

But, as usual (for you), do NOT let FACTS get in your way..........


  • 2024-03-13 - EV euphoria is dead - EV-Hybrid shares - CNBC.jpg
    2024-03-13 - EV euphoria is dead - EV-Hybrid shares - CNBC.jpg
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I've got five fleet trucks, and I spent an outlandish amount of time trying to make the numbers work for EV there. It simply did not.
Upkeep costs over their projected lifespan were a wash. The major issue is that where they run, there's no way to charge them and the routes are at the top end of their range.

The last two I bought on our replacement cycle were Ford Maverick hybrids. Still getting used to them. Wish they were just a skosh bigger.

Maybe when a time comes that choices and range and the charging network are all expanded the numbers will be more favorable. Right now, even those of us who want to invest in their upside simply can't because the downside outweighs it too heavily.
I commiserate that the time to jump is hard to predict, but it's coming. Police are already using Tesla. Battery prices are falling. Tick tock. There will be a time where doing the clean thing and saving money will be obvious. However be weary of stranded assets.
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Reading is Fundamental.......

"Even U.S. EV leader Tesla, which is estimated to have accounted for 55% of EV sales in the country in 2023, is bracing for what "may be a notably lower" rate of growth, CEO Elon Musk said in late January."

But, as usual (for you), do NOT let FACTS get in your way..........
There are ups and downs in EVery thing.
The news headlines in the U.S. right now are full of stories stating that electric vehicle (EV) sales are slowing down. They're not. Per Bloomberg NEF, EV sales in North America were likely up 47% y-o-y in 2023 are are projected to be up 32% in 2024. Yes, that's a slower growth rate.Feb 9, 2024

https://www.forbes.com › robday

No, EV Sales Aren't Slowing Down (But They Will) - Forbes

There will be a time where doing the clean thing and saving money will be obvious.
And you really think the gubment is going to let everyone stop paying all of those taxes and fees now borne by petroleum using vehicles?

I really, really, really, really want to see your side and even agree on some things but you're making it very difficult. Eutopia and unicorns are not waiting at the end of the rainbow. I've seen it. It's a bush in front of a Bulle and Branch store. No unicorns, no Eutopia, not pot of gold. It's a rich man's suit store for the fat cat politicians that have everybody all whipped into a frenzy about the planet.
And you really think the gubment is going to let everyone stop paying all of those taxes and fees now borne by petroleum using vehicles?

I really, really, really, really want to see your side and even agree on some things but you're making it very difficult. Eutopia and unicorns are not waiting at the end of the rainbow. I've seen it. It's a bush in front of a Bulle and Branch store. No unicorns, no Eutopia, not pot of gold. It's a rich man's suit store for the fat cat politicians that have everybody all whipped into a frenzy about the planet.
It is dangerous to deny the science. Think of what was lost when we changed from horses to cars. Fertilizer, but we didn't realize the consequences until a tipping point. There will be one for our renewable society run on power EVerywhere, not just at the Shell station. EVerything will be different. But that will be okay, because the world will be clean. Hard to put a price on that. But whatever it is it's necessary and worth it.
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It is dangerous to deny the science.
Yeah because science once dictated that leeches worked and the world was flat. Seriously, everything you espouse has already been said over and over and over. You're not changing minds.
It's one of those boy who cried wolf things. The end of the world is indeed coming, just like when Noah said "it's going to rain". Yet it has way more to do with the debauchery of human behavior than it does with electric cars or not.

According to "science" Florida was supposed to be under water by 1980.
And you really think the gubment is going to let everyone stop paying all of those taxes and fees now borne by petroleum using vehicles?

I really, really, really, really want to see your side and even agree on some things but you're making it very difficult. Eutopia and unicorns are not waiting at the end of the rainbow. I've seen it. It's a bush in front of a Bulle and Branch store. No unicorns, no Eutopia, not pot of gold. It's a rich man's suit store for the fat cat politicians that have everybody all whipped into a frenzy about the planet.
They will just start taxing clean air.
Hit a nerve?
Haha…the very fact you continue with your mantra, against what appears to be an uninterested audience, tells me you are basically a brainwashed shill. Most normal people would have got the message by now, but most normal people don't have a pre-prescribed agenda, as you clearly do. I'll bet you voted democrat, support the absolute chaos that it has brought, welcome unfettered and illegal immigration, and probably agree with gender reassignment for kids…. The real threat to the USA is people exactly like you, not the people who want to retain the rather simple ability to choose which car they would like to drive. You are ignorant, dismissive and clearly narcissistic.